Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

Thought we might need a thread for news of civil disobedience, resistance and beyond. 

My 12 yo son told me the other day that the baby boomers were responsible for the world going to shit. I told him he was right. There were a few of us who held to our youthful ideals, but truth is..the vast majority of the boomer generation turned out to be scumbags. 

But what caught my attention was the fact that my twelve year old was echoing a new sentiment. Nope, he doesn't blame me--not yet anyway. But, it is interesting that he's already looking for someone to blame. His eyes are beginning to see through the bullshit. He gets it. 

Here's to those that fight back...

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I wasted WAY too much time today trying to find a political ad equally as stoopid as the ones running now in krakkkerland... basically: "...conservative values and...llllibrul- lllibbbbrul- pelosi- librul- obamacare and libbrul libbbbbbrul..." but I must say- THIS one comes very close:

I think the yak on the left looks like a "terrorist" (the kind who sell "insurance") and the guy on the right looks like somebody who fixes your computer.

Since everybody (except the local fatties, nach) is broke- you hear more shit about taxes and "socialism" (same as "taxes") and the not-so-subtle message that the lllllibbbruls wanna take "yer hard-earned" yadda yadda and give it to the naggers. we got messikans and Burmese too... but the naggers have freaked the wheet folks out ever since they burned a hole in one hood x the street from one of my temp gigs.

the baggers are probably gonna frag many "elections," and i don think da pubes is gonna git the big sweep they is tootin about. none of this matters one ch because the sock-puppets aint runnin the show and none of the levers are connected to anything. but of all the folk who buy into the fantasy- the ass-flakes who think they're "republicans" really jack my jaws the most. Dear Republicans: fuck you. They would be 10x as irritating if any of it made a dorkdribble worth of difference. Goodwin's Law be damned... these people are fucking Nazis.

the dumbos can be just as annoying. Ms.waldo made me listen to some young pup she seriously wanted me to "support," and the dweeb must have said "create jobs" about a billion times-- with not even the fartest whiff-of-a-suggestion as to how to DO that. o'course I got PLENTY of suggestions... but they would all be called "socialism," and no- "cutting taxes" for your real estate- developer- construction cronies aint gonna do nothin but fatten the porks and get you some jack-wagon tax-drag "sports arena" downtown that's a Superdome-in-waiting with soon-to-be-overflowing toilets.

Nothing that hasn't been done before (like the railroads... and rural electrification)... but instead of selling it off to a bunch of porks in the "private sector" as soon as it becomes "profitable," keep it as a common treasury.

But hey- wothefuck do I know?
I think they actually wrapped a towel around the swarthy "ripped" actor to turn him into a towel-headed terrorist.
goddammit. i don't think i'm going to make it to the deal in Yplilanti because i have "classes" on that day that i would have to cancel... and if i had a hair on my ass (which i don't) i would be a "faculty adviser" for organizing a local chapter of ISSEP ... which would be "professional suicide," so I won't. Not that my "profession" has that much more life in it-- it doesn't... I've been seeing plenty of fresh-faced "comp-rhet" majors plenty eager to take the "job" and "teach" whatever dogma is specified... so they can pay off their "student loans."

What's really striking is the increasing number of black students who are "Criminal Justice" majors... (aside from the male "Sports Management" majors) who (and maybe I'm being cynical) are not the least bit interested in "changing the system from within as much as just getting a J.O.B.. Isn't this what started the Afrikan slave trade? Oh... never mind.

Happy Birthday, BO!
"Happy Birthday, BO!"

Next month, man. But thanks for thinking of me.

Socialism? Pishaw. All of congress is soon to be replaced with tea-partiers. Pretty sure that's going in the opposite direction. Oh well, it'll just speed things up -- collapse wise.

Are you still going to DC?

Been up all night coding. Man, am I wired...
Aren't you a full-time part-timer? At my Uni us part-time laborers (restricted to 7 credits so benefits don't kick in) aren't supposed to be faculty advisors. So, of course, I and another part-timer (who had her position go away the year she was going up for tenure) are the two faculty advisors for the Dance clubs.

Yep.....unless you had tenure I would stay away from ISSEP.....especially since you and I appear to share the same gift for being rather unskilled at the hoop-jumping, knee pads and vaseline show that is college politics.
Someone who cannot hold a conversation yet is holding much of my attention these days, for which I am grateful despite missing waking up in the morning with a sense of foreboding, fear and failure, hurtling back to the brink. Yesterday the first thing I obsessed about upon waking was the absence of bedding in a hamster's cage in someone else's house. How thrilling. Truly.

Here is a touching article by Les Visible.
"The ‘might have gone that way’ highways disappear once another choice is made. We can look back with regret on what never happened but that’s about as useful as succeeding in the world of the moment, which is not going to be with us for that much longer.
I’m writing this because I suspect I am not alone in this regard. For most of us it is just a matter of degree. The pressure is all about our being forced into compliance with the thing opposing us. This pressure is universal in its intent to compel us into the seeming safe but suffocating blanket of the familiar; the treadmill, whetstone, grinding wheels of what wears away everything valuable that we possess."

What I like best about Smallest are the looks she gives me, sharp and bright. She hasn't lost her nerve. She passes a crayon, top notch artist quality, unsuitable for small children but golly the colour falls off it like a dream. New painting, another eye gazes skywards.
Often stay up late making soup and casserole to warm up for the girls.
Must cut my dog's toenails.
Happy little hamster skipping amongst the newspaper clippings, dog's toenails done, woke up this morning with a mind full of images of babies born with cruel deformities due to depleted uranium, started to laugh. Ah, so here we are, back in the running amongst the unspeakable horror of the day. Tra la.
My attention is also being mostly held by creatures that don't converse.

Too nervous to attempt to cut Jule's toenails and the one dew claw badly needs it. He hurt one of his toenails quite badly last week and it was off to the vet and a full anaesthetic to get it cut back without anyone being maimed or dead

My old matriarch labrador, Amber, has passed on and her sweet presence very much missed.

Rodents ... well I finally went the rat poison route after the ultra sonic device failed to deter them. I feel awful about it. Full of eccentric thoughts I don't really dare voice much. That I am not at all comfortable with the role we have assigned ourselves in the scheme of things ... we can take over the planet to the total exclusion of all other creatures ... and any of them who have the temerity to arrive uninvited in our designated space get the label of vermin and death sentence. I suppose this is the kind of existential angst one should not waste time on ... back to my data processing work ...
Sometimes I think of the rat who lives in my compost bin. If he wore a blue jacket I might realise that there are more of him, particularly if they all wear different coloured jackets and do a little dance together on the terrace.
Well, he was tripping daintily about on his hind quarters the other day, sniffing the flowers.

He has eaten all the compost worms and collects my vegetable peelings rapidly via a tunnel cunningly fashioned and lined with turquoise lozenges descending steeply towards the redcurrant bush below.

Dear dogs. Dear dear dogs.
Bless the dear dogs. As humus beans go, I swear I live among some of the dumbest on the planet here in dominionist krakkkerland.

Yeah, he's a real "9.12 patriot," protecting the brave baggers from the hypothetical terrist threat of Guantanamo Detainees. We'll have none at the Terra Haute death camp.

No need to preach to the choir here about the "defect hawks" who "cut taxes" (only for the FATs, of course)- then start multi-trillion dollar "wars" and have "deregulated" us right into the Greater Depression. And the roobs are lappin' it up... typical Teepid Tools. I wish they all had a giant Egyptian Obelisk up their ass.

All the cops in the donut shop say
Ay oh whey oh, ay oh whey oh
Walk like an Egyptian...
How in the fuck does totalitarianism get confused with socialism? Unless you're already a rich fuck.

Yer right, Waldo. What can be said here that we don't already know? The only thing I'm perplexed about did Americans become as stupid as they are? Is something in our water rotting our brains? Seems our stupidity is only exceeded by our hubris. Other than the fact that we're stuck here, what's there to care about anymore?

Hey- THESE guys got it figured out! MOCK THE DUMMY!


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