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Life in the Empire

You're not a citizen. You're a terrorist.

2012: The year the US became a totalitarian state. 

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And that's why you are the undisputed 'voice of reason' 'round here. 

wuz gonna stick these WPA posters up on the art thread... this one will do. 

This guy says

Our data shows a distinct transition point from March 2 through 9 inclusive. Thereafter we shift into release language.

I'm not sure what he means by "release language."  He seems to be a source for the Urban Survival guy, and near as I can tell it's based on some kind of bot software that looks for code-words to predict "market trends."  It is a kind of code... I used to write reams of them smeggers.  The code in the final korporat days was so dark it drove me nearly homicidal.  The trick was to say, "keep dumping munny into this scam" while legally complying with "due diligence" and "fair disclosure." 

"manageable possibility of controlled risk exposure" and shit like that.  Right now, the best guess is: there will be "official acknowledgment" of things many of us have guessed... or KNOWN... for quite some time.  "They" will not do it unless it is flat-fork OBVIOUS to anybody but a toast-point... but there are millions of crusty-the-klowns out there.  The celeb-gossip puppet show is a major indicator that most have slipped their reality-tether. 

And those are the ones buyin up gunz an ammu. 

Lets hope LOM comes back with some good jokes.

How about this selection of speakers: Dissent is the Highest Form of Patriotism.

I love this photo.  The figure seems like an elephant in a circus.


“Limited Government” has been rhetorical dummy-fodder for years.  Yet state control has continued to grow more invasive and intrusive on all levels no matter who plays the part of executive figurehead.  Always gullible, people in Indiana’s 3rd district seem to like labeling themselves as “Reagan conservatives.” 


Someday, this will sound like an elderly German calling himself a “Hitler socialist.”  Hitler was no socialist and Reagan was no conservative.  They were both actors and opportunists who used popular rhetoric to advance their own career.  Both pandered to a gullible public by repeating fables that desperate people wanted to hear. 


In the next puppet show we call “elections,” our hydrocarbon overlords will again offer us a “choice” between the blatant lies of an Obama or the blathering nonsense of a Romney or any of the other plastic Stepford “candidates.”  We marginalize voices like Kucinich or Paul because we think they can not “win” against the other “team.” 


There are no “teams,” only professional entertainers sold for profit.  We, the sports-fans, are stuck with the American Idiocracy we deserve.  We wave our #1 foam hands* and think we still have a country.  War and famine is what the owners intend for “useless eaters.”  Be sure to vote, but remember:  it’s for “entertainment purposes only.” 


Hopes are for dopes and change is for the parking meters. 

* now that you know who this guy is, do you want to smack him? 


Ms. Medusa insisted that we watch part of the last GOP "debate".  Seemed like at least half an hour was spent on whether states could outlaw birth control and who was strongest against same-sex marriage.  Gingrich, who changes religion with every wife, was blathering about protecting Catholic heritage (something I, as a non-practicing Catholic [it is a culture that you can never quite rid yourself of] found rather offensive)  and then others piled on about the "war against Christians".  I swear these folks aren't happy unless they can claim that everyone and everything they don't like is at war with us.

Though I liked  couple things Paul had to say, there were more than a few that scared the bejeezus out of me - but that is the way it is with Libertarian ideologues.  Jon Huntsman seemed sane - therefore he never stood a chance.

Like what you say about Reagan "conservatives" but, there are more than a few of the tea potters that think Hitler was a Socialist (National Socialist Party!)  I point out to them that East Germany referred to itself as the German Democratic Republic but it doesn't quite sink in.

Fucking Jonah Goldberg.  I DETEST that asshole (even if i do not know him personally).  Early in my "teaching career" i contorted to avoid "liberal bias" that Goldbugger accuses "college professors" of using to poison the youth and destroy Amerikkka.  A few years back, I was asked to give a talk at the uni about Nazi Germany... i protested, "i am no expert on Nazi Germany" and the response was, "you're the closest thing we have." 

I admit, I do know a thing or two about the Nasties, largely because i regard it as a perfect memetic storm.  So without getting trapped in Goodwin's Law, I would say that Goldbugger is the Amerikkkan counterpart of Julius Streicher. It's only a matter of time before he declares "liberals" a race-- if he hasn't already.  He inspired snitches and finks within "conservative" student organizations to bring down "biased" teachers any way they could.  It works for "administrators" whose sole function is to avoid "administrating" anything.  That's what scared me-- at first. After a few more brushes with ol grim Death, eye no longer gives much of a fook. 

The above text is from a LTE that got the usual email confirmation request... which was blank.  So I returned a reply... also blank. 

Liberal fascism. OK. Isn't that an oxymoron? Pretty sure calling someone a liberal fascist is simply a judeo-christo fascist ad hominem attack to twist the truth. Kinda like calling Obama a socialist. And no, I don't think one can become a fascist without having some sort of delusional ideal to hook your tribe to. There be closet religo-fascists everywhere now.

Everything is back asswards when it comes from the ministry of truth. Isn't that why we citizens have been labeled the real terrorists can terrorize the innocents?

Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

#11. Disdain and suppression of intellectuals and the arts

Intellectuals and the inherent freedom of ideas and expression associated with them were anathema to these regimes. Intellectual and academic freedom were considered subversive to national security and the patriotic ideal. Universities were tightly controlled; politically unreliable faculty harassed. Unorthodox ideas or expressions of dissent were strongly attacked, silenced, or crushed.


Fascism, invented by the Italians, is the corporate state.  They made no bones about it.  "National Socialism" was a con-trick... loosely, socialism for US... and the state will take care of you- IF you are Aryan/ German... and a loyal Partei... blah blah etc.  The Nazis were neither fascist nor socialist.  They were opportunists who raised social Darwinism to the status of a religion.  Goering was probably the only "honest" Nazi leader... a flat-ass opportunist/ social dominator...  and never pretended to be otherwise- which I speculate is why Hitler kept him on as #2.  They understood each other.  Goering said, "...I joined the party because it was revolutionary... not because of any ideological nonsense."  He was the one who wanted to reach for his pistol when anyone said "culture."  So why did he steal more fine art than anybody? 

I met an old Nazi who roared, "...Bush is right!  Petrol is blood!"  I let him know that I was deeply offended.  Diplomatically of course.  He had to be at least 90 years old-- but huge and intimidating- and could probably have kicked my ass if he was capable of catching me.  HE did not need any bullshit pretext for seizing the oilfields by force... and had utter disdain for anybody who did- which is why he ended up buying me a beer... because I said Bush was a coward and a liar for pretending otherwise.  So I got along with a Nazi.  A REAL one.  brrrrrrrr....  

This old Nazi had the same contempt for the Nuremberg trials... barbaric as they were... that I did not share at the time.  Now I do.  Goering mocks us because we have made them into the exact farce he described as "...lick my ass."  We were no better.  As it turned out. we are not even all that different.  In a way, I'm glad he cheated Sgt. Woods

and THIS is NOT fucking SATIRE.  I waited all the way to the end for the punch line.  There was none.  Even the people who do satire for a living have given up... why not just let it run uncut? 

Y'all have probably seen this already. If not...

Chris Hedges: Why I’m Suing Barack Obama

Attorneys Carl J. Mayer and Bruce I. Afran filed a complaint Friday in the Southern U.S. District Court in New York City on my behalf as a plaintiff against Barack Obama and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta to challenge the legality of the Authorization for Use of Military Force as embedded in the latest version of the National Defense Authorization Act, signed by the president Dec. 31.

Pan- took the liberty of quoting you HERE,  Conservatives will be terrorists if WE start doing it. 


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