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Life in the Empire

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Correction to the 'keep them in the dark' bit ... apparently if they are sprouted in the light the vitamin C content is higher and you get vitamin K as well.
yeh- the vitamin K will interfere with my mandatory rat poison level (warfarin) so me valve won't stick.

the SA were mostly street thugs and unemployed guys... served their purpose once the Nazis bullied themselves into power. these Iraq twerps are up against folks like the VC in the very early days. when they come up against people who can actually defend themselves, they'll be waay to busy to listen to hubba-bubba on the headset. yeah... it's Idiocracy... and the thin-ass bullshit that passes for "ideology" is little more than go-team-we-number-WUN. Like the Nazis, they'll embrace any weak-ass claptrap that pays them. You saw this in the korporat world, right?

Unless the rest of the world has enough of US shit and tries to FORCE the issue (there's no need)... the US never WILL have a Wehrmacht (probably a good thing)... and there's already a Waffen SS... but it aint these young tweedles... it's the Blackwater mercenaries. No- the parallels aint exact... they seldom are.

What IS closer is the ignorance and cowardice of the Germans (enschuldegung, meine deutscher Familie)... but in kindness... they had no historical reference- as WE DO. They just went along to get along... until it was "too late." As one lady said, "Wir war die damit Leute," we were the go-along people. How could they possibly know how fucking loony it could get? Well... we (SOME of us, anyway) DO know how fucking loony it can get. OUR ignorance and cowardice dwarfs theirs by several orders of magnitude. So I fear our crimes will dwarf theirs the same way. Possibly already have.

Many (way too many) USAns really believe "it's not fascism when WE do it." (bear with me a second... I have actually HAD this conversation)... oh? and why not? because we're not fascists. ok... lesse... you break into somebody's house... you take all their shit... but you're not a robber? no. why not? because it's legal. who said it was legal? we did. The only people who admit to being fascists THESE days are not fascists at all... just garden-variety criminal psychopaths. REAL fascists (like the people "running" the US... and their followers) think they are "free." Or "leaders." Maybe they ARE... compared to us.

Ignorance and cowardice... THAT'S where the Nazi parallels work.
Dear Waldo, I think where we depart in our philosophies is that I see these times not in a political sphere--which nazism is--but more relative to nature and a species who has long surpassed its habitat's carrying capacity. The rats are destined to eat themselves. Tthat is nature's response to overpopulation.

There is no ideology, no leadership that can stop the human race from an instinctual desire to reproduce until its habitat has been extinguished. What's different now, is that we are past peak carrying capacity--humans have never been here before. The nazis faced something completely different. We are fighting over dwindling resources. It doesn't matter what ideology you wrap around it. It's meaningless.

Sociopathy is the result of a culture that is imploding. Our consumption-based ideology is over because we can't grow anymore--economically/consumptively or in population. We're a virus just before the antibodies kick in and the fever breaks. We are at the end and it's payback time for gaia.

I love my fellow humans. But truth is, we allowed our emotions to rule our intellect and doomed ourselves. Atilla the Hun, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Bush. Jew, gentile. It doesn't matter compared to the universal motives of human beings. We make our leaders. They don't make us.
Yeh Bo - I have to agree with you fully on this one that the problems are

"more relative to nature and a species who has long surpassed its habitat's carrying capacity" and the post you made before that.

Our problems over seem on the face of it to be different from yours over there ... but actually once they are stripped of ideology they come down to the same thing. Too many people for too few resources .... and until we tackle that it just going to get worse. Trouble is it's such an emotional issue to those that breed. Those that advocate less breeding or more responsbile breeding are accused of facism/eugenics ...'just lke nazi germany' ... it's ironic.
I listened to a radio talk show about the problem of AIDS orphans and a lady phoned in and suggested that perhaps people with AIDS should not be having children. The whole radio show nearly came to a halt with outrage at her suggestion.
I do not like to stand back and shrug ... but I am really thinking there is nothing to be done but bring out the popcorm and let the whole thing take it's course.

Thanks for yer comments, Cal. Interesting anecdote about the reaction the lady caller got. Considering the taboo nature of comments about human breeding habits amongst the religious, I guess not unexpected. Seems even liberals won't touch the subject these days. Although, I remember it being a popular topic in the sixties. I think maybe the globalists were so successful in creating such wide acceptance of diverse peoples that now we can't see the forrest for the trees. It's part of the ever expanding economic model where we are all potential consumers.

Hey, and now even men can get pregnant. And the media calls it a miracle. But there will be no commentary on whether it was a good idea or not. And get this...the reason the woman became a man is because her boyfriend said she wasn't feminine enough. So, she went out and bought herself a weener. Problem solved.

Narcissism to the max. But it's OK because we have the right to love ourselves first, even if it means our kids are pre-destined for a lifetime of psychotherapy. It all comes back to the 'victim' POV. And when the kid becomes a serial killer, the parents will feign shock and Dr. Phil will do a show about it.

Sorry, a bit off track.

Big difference between being a detached observer of the decline (which I am), and being an advocate of the elimination of select groups within our species (which I am not). So, the Nazi association would be a huge red herring. On the other hand, I refuse to shy away from expressing disgust with the way some people chose to live their lives--and yeah, that might include generalizations about various cultures. So sue me. Political correctness does not compute with the a-political.

Of course, the only people whose opinions I respect are right here. Otherwise, I really don't give a flying F what the public thinks.
There are disturbing parallels in Klaus Theweleit's Male Fantasies which examines the psyche of post-WWI German soldiers who became the Freikorps and the post-Vietnam American psyche. Incomplete ego development in homosocial, and hypermasculine, authoritarian culture creates a rigid body armor that must be maintained lest the entire ego collapse.

The Freudian analysis is thick but it is worth the read.
"...the Republic had to be destroyed because it empowered the lascivious Red woman, while it failed to protect the White woman's sexual purity." "Göring's instant revisionism both covered up this embarrassing reality and created a whole new class of villains who were—in his barely coded language—homosexuals, sexually threatening women, and other “deviants.”
(The Spitting Image myth)
pan... you is a superb academic!
"pan... you is a superb academic!"

But, is he a good academic, or a bad academic?

--kidding, Pan.

Although I'm not sure if that was a compliment. Guess I view academia as just another corrupt institution that can generate as much evil as us heathens do.

OK, fire away.
Sorry Bo... with your tendency to eschew obtuse shit, you'll just have to be satisfied with being an artist and an intellectual. I do agree with you tho, about the core issue or cause being the planet's carrying capacity. Although there ARE many ways to mitigate this... the best ones probably won't happen in time because if ignorance and cowardice.

The majority of the US (and the world, perhaps) population... although they may use machines and electricity-- their brains have never left the middle ages. They can imagine no society other than a hierarchical one, and they still practice a kartoon komic book hoo-doo brand of "religion" suitable for serfs and sycophants who know nothing of rationality nor science... and therefore fears and despises both.

The hierarchy uses the hoo-doo to its advantage (as it always has)... and will deny the sinking ship rather than give up their posh cabins. "There is controversy over the correct application of Neofeudalism as a term..." and this is the kind of wanker shit that academics get into.

I would propose that "good" academics sift through the wanker shit and clarify reality... the "bad" ones mask it (like Straus' version of Plato's "noble lie")... regardless of their intention-- because ALL will claim allegiance to the "truth." But back to the Nazi card... Methinks the rich (neofeudalist) fatties will use this proven hierarchical hoo-doo technique so the useless eaters will help each other die off while the fatties loot the larder aboard the sinking ship.

They hope to go from posh cabin to king of Gilligan's Island without getting their feet wet.
...but what about Gilligan's Island's glowing in the dark? DU? No man is immune?
Waldo, thanks much but truth be told I am consistently awed by your research of various topics and ability to find salient references for just about anything. And, it was my wife, during her doctoral research of the post-human who first informed me of Theweleit (she dropped out of the program when it was clear that there would be no one in the Communications department who would have not been overtly hostile to her line of research)

Bo, the reason why Waldo, my wife and myself were excised from academia is exactly due to what you see as the baseness of academia. There are a few isolated small departments that manage to avoid the soul-death of Retention Tenure & Promotion cloning. And there are a few individuals who manage to get into the system and still hold onto their ideals but Academia is an old institution that has honed its knives and learned to wield them efficiently.
Beautifully stated, Pan.


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