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Life in the Empire

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At my favorite italian restaurant, when Mama is in a good mood and only when she sees me with my wife, she treats us to a plate of bruchetta as a starter. Always tasty, never out of style and yummy to the tummy most any time of day.

Went to the Mayday demo in Hanau last thursday. Saw a shitload of good people I had not seen for 7+ years. Former colleagues, they are. It was great to see old friends and colleagues. The DKP gang was there sens the most important one who is now terminally ill and unable to attend such gatherings. Most surprising was the appearance of a group of Die Linke. At closer look, I recognized a few as old friends / colleagues. As the Kundgebung was coming to an end, I stopped to chat with one fellow.... while quite unexpectedly and to my unawares, Andrea Ypsilanti came and stood beside me while chatting with someone else. I'm a harsh critic of Andrea and I did voice my displeasure with her latest antics ("Ypsilanti ultimately decided to cooperate with the Left Party in order to be elected minister-president, but had to abandon the plan because at least one of her own delegates opposed the idea. Before the election Ypsilanti had promised on many occasions to never work together with the Left Party under any circumstance.") yet my DKP friends requested I give her some slack...which I then did.

Not good with names, I called one fellow Michael. Realized later...his name is Eberhard. I hate it when I do that.

Rode a good 200K yesterday. A super ride. Made it home without a scratch. Four bikers didn't make it home at all, so I hear. Two hit each other head on, both DOA. Two were hit by a cage while they were waiting on the green light. Husband & Wife. More, I do not know.

Had a dream Sunday a.m. I'm certain it's worth a book. Will try to put it down in writing before I forget it. Sci-Fi, Utopia, Orwellian stuff. Pretty real, mostly contemporary. I wonder what prompts me to dream shit like this. I haven't read a good sci-fi since I was a teenie.
I always find the Worldwatch Institute 'State of the World' publications quite interesting. Here is a link to some of the chapters in 'State of the World 2008' -
All the information you ever wanted to know about the upcoming 'Hyper-inflationary Depression'.

I'm guessing my bet against the dollar will pay off eventually. If anyone here has money to invest (or assets to protect), my suggestion is to put your dough here. Of course, I ain't no investment guru, so I can't guarantee a positive return, but it's where I have all my own personal shekels stashed.

Damn, if this doesn't look like it's going to get ugly. I wonder how the peeps are going to react. Guess we could take a look at the Weimar Republic to see how this is going to play out. 'Tis my best guess.

But how will the globalista's deal with Obama? Will they knock him off before or after he becomes Prez?

Who will be 'our Hitler'?
Funny how a lot of people have green thumbs without knowing it. The girls are dead right. Just do it and you'll see. Of course, even with a green thumb, there are limitations to growing a garden or a plant in a pot. When we first moved to the Sonora desert, I noticed the tomatoes from the grocery were expensive and without that familiar tomato taste. Each member of the family noticed it ; we grew our own back in Kansas and when ours were bad or not plentiful enough, we bought from a neighbor who had a huge garden full of tomato plants and little else. Okay, in short, we were spoiled rotten with great tomatoes, for a long time. As we ended up in the desert, we missed something we had taken for granted. What did we do? Well, Dad insisted there was no chance of growing tomatoes in the sonoran sandy soil, if you can call it soil. Even if, he said, the hot sun would kill the plants and dry the veggies up in a matter of days even if we were to water them daily. So what does an 11 year old trotzkopf do? He went to the store and asked for cherry tomato seeds, grabbed an egg carton and used it as an incubator. The wonderful little plants were up in no time. But what about the "garden"? It was nothing but hard, sandy ground, not suitable for a tomato patch. BRB with the solution.
"Trotzkopf!!" tell me if i'm getting this right... an "anyway-head?" first time i've laughed out loud in a LONG time!! never heard that word before... and we ALL gotta be trotzkopfen now! i got a black thumb and don't now squeedle about growin or preparing food... in fact- im pretty useless with anything that has a handle on it. Never considered growing grains... in clumps like grass- they ARE grasses for shitsakes. Maybe RBCs should be TKs!

Held nose and "voted" for Obama the other day. Here in dominionist crackerland they took Limbutt's "operation chaos" seriously- and there were lots of bullet-heads crossing over and pulling the lever for Hillary. Coss if Bama had any intention of doing anything- they would have knocked him off by NOW.
Thanks for the video link, Waldo. I needed a good laugh after a grueling week.

No better word describes Hillary than a Kunt. simply put, if Obama wins the candidacy, I'll vote. If Hillary the C does, I stay home on voting day. personally, I kind of like Obama's chutzpah.

Gonna see Pan's performance tomorrow. I'm excited.
Had a lawyer try to get me to sign a contract today essentially giving my creative rights away. My response:


"I finally took some time out to review the two agreements you sent to me. Both are worth their weight in gold (even if written on stone tablets) and I would assuredly use them at the onset of a large project.

But in your case, I'd prefer to stay with the 'default' copyright protections afforded to designers.

Suffice it to say, having been burnt royally in a trust dispute with an evil stepmother, I have absolutely no confidence in our legal system and the 'contracts' they're charged with enforcing. I've seen the way courts can warp the law on a whim and overlook lies and deceit. I have no faith in contracts. I prefer to default to the good character of men and their own conscience. And a good email trail.

I hope that doesn't put you off. Consider it a disability on the part of your designer who has been wounded mightily by the cognitive dissonance of a failing legal system.

I look forward to a continued relationship as I enjoy working with you."

Point is, in these days of corrupt legal systems (the US is worst), you gotta watch your back. You might as well assume that everyone is out to screw you. And the closer they are to policy-making or policy (contract) enforcement, the more evil they are. Big corporations are the worst offenders. Of course the only way to create some immunity is to work for yourself.
Ein Trotzkopf, der tut alles was er nicht tun soll. He does everything he's not supposed to do. Tell him not to do something, and he will do it. "That won't work!" says the father. Der Trotzkopf does it straight away.

(successfully) Growing tomatoes in the desert ;

built a shady roof out of dead palm tree branches - free of charge.
put them on a thingamajig out of old lathes - free of charge
found the hotspot in front of the trailer - not a real house but tomatoes don't know the diff. Goal was to get the morning sun and shade for the afternoon when it gets the hottest.
dug up the plot at about half a metre deep. went and got 5 or more wheelbarrow loads of horse shit and mixed it in with the desert soil(?), sand.
made a small dyke (sp?) all around the plot to keep the water in.
put up four old fenceposts to latch the palmtree leave roof onto. rigged it up so it could be raised and lowered with the pull of a rope - old rope, also free of charge.
watered the plot a number of times and added more horse shit.
planted the little plants in rows just wide enough to let me walk through.
tended the plot each morning before school and each afternoon after school and each evening before bed.
then the delima: no bees, no polination, no maters.
went to store and asked what to do. purchased a spraycan of artificial polination.

By the second round, we had wonderfull cherry tomatoes, year-round. I left Az. in summer of '79. Nobody tended the plot after that but the tomatoes kept growing. At times, the plants grew too big, fell over and grew up again. Tallest I saw was about 1.5 metres. Sturdy plants. Heat-resistant. The seeds from the rotten maters were used to grow little ones again. It worked and I still say to my Dad ....."see, I told you it would work!"

Wishing all members of this community a wonderful Pentacost (sp?).
For the suburban hunters out there
It's been a while but I have eaten squirrel. Not much meat on them critters but they are tastey. Rattlesnakes are too but you don't have them in abundance just anywhere.
Yum, tree rat on a stick.


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