Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

Oh... don't look at the crash. Damn... you looked. "Politics" are useless. But you can't avoid looking at the wreck. Then you wish you hadn't. Dump it on this thread. Maybe we can get it out of our system.

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The stoods have accused me of being "like" Tommy Chong. Well... maybe that's true- but ONLY because I'm trying to be "positive" and "nice."

Now, my OWN kids are telling me I'm "like" George Carlin... which I will cop to completely- with a bit o humility cuz I aint NEARLY as smart as he is... BUT I agree- there are people who NEED killin'... step one... two... and that includes me own miserable self.

Meanwhile... there are twits all over the tube who actually believe that if "people" knew "the truth" about "9-11," (ie. that the "country" your workplace... whatever) was run by a bunch of fucking psychopathic CRIMINALS... why, things would really change. How sweet. They don't realize that half the people sitting next to them are brutal psychopaths that will dip their heart out with a wooden spoon for a can of pop. Another 30% are "die damit Leute" (the go-along people)... which leaves about 20% of kann nicht anders who are the "reality-based community."

O course- i'm pullin these statistics outta me ass... ok?
im a crabby ol man.
I love crabby ol' men, I'm married to one.
Saw that people are starting to punch holes in others gas tanks to get the gas. Lovely country, wonderful people..........not.
cripes... with my luck... i'll get one of those RUN AWAY bunnies in a snare. Oh look... and aint THIS foogin "special:" Late in the Term, an Exodus of Senior Officials. I'd say them rats runnin down the anchor chain tell the tale, chooch.
Here's the litmus-test question: do you think the "country" is "headed in the wrong direction" or... batso-nuts crazier than a shithouse rat? (who came down the gangplank and got a job being your boss) I'd say we gotta find the others who pop to "shithouse rat" and grow some sweetpotatoes.
I vote for batso nuts
batso nuts, you mean the ones that permaculture guy carried around with him and tossed and planted all over the city?

my vote goes to batso nuts as well but in a neo-political-permaculture way: I stay home, the batso nut that wants my vote has to come get it.
Holy cow! you mean you can PLANT batso nuts? I got a whole neighborhood full of em! Will they grow into batso trees? I don't know WHY i read stuff like this: Jedem des seine i spoze.
It was not "human". It did not seem real. But it was all too real, it was the only life that some of the prisoners had known for years. Maybe it was all too human. Maybe this is what we are.
Now it's the goddam "libertarians." They REALLY give me the bad ass... fucking fascistoids slinking out of the neocon tent... putting a Ron Paul bag over their head and hoping nobody recognizes them. Dude... you still got yer jackboots on. Ach NEIN... dere vere no Nazis HERE. Oh yeah? watch what happens when I say... AchTUNG!!! heels slam together, right hand shoots out involuntarily>> yep... yer all for "freedom" and not one of the neocon fuckheads that are driving us all toward the middle ages and black death... right?

Needledicked bugfucking jerkhoff turd packers (sorry ladies and kids... these people really torque me down)... shisekopf arschlocken... they aint foolin NOBODY. Oh right, corn-hole breath... you were ALWAYS against the fucking war... and you NEVER were behind the war-criminals and rich shitpokes who BOUGHT the fucking "government" just like in Idiocracy. Nooooo... dere VERE no NAZIS HERE. Because we are now down to two problems: global warming and famine... and that all boils down to ENERGY, jack-- PRIORITY NUMBER ONE.

So take yer "less taxes- smaller government- more freedom" and pack it up yer fucking ASS, libertarian SHITBIRD.. and while yer at it... stuff in those Obamas and Hillaries and McBraindeads and 95% of the vampire thugocrats playing "congress and senate" in this fucking theater of the absurd. so now they're "libertarians." nice fucking try, dickheads.

whew. sorry. i could go on and on... and you can't do that because it's a "personal attack" and you get "banned." Although when you look around and see how screwed up everything is... and this is only the BEGINNING... AND WHO DO WE HAVE TO THANK FOR THAT SHIT??? AAAAAGGGGHHHH!!!! hey... at least i can scream without hacking. 6 weeks... no cigs.

right now i sure as hell WANT one.
Six weeks pretty dam good! I have to go 6 hours from now 'til my op ... I am sufferering great mental torture .... wondering if one little puff could really do that much harm ....
Keep it up Waldo - 6 weeks is over the major hump!
Good luck and godspeed, Cal.
Good luck, Cal. It's gonna be a cakewalk.
I'm givin' it a go. 4 weeks, kids and husband still living. I look like someone stuffed an air hose up my ass though, I must have gained 20 lbs.
ok this is a long-ass post (because of the first message)... got a "forward" that posited the following:

Anshallah! Antui! Asi, Asi, Asi!
Greetings to each of you from the light, within the light and with the light. The light is truth.
A great event comes to you this week. We reiterate with an explanation and will then elaborate:
It is that you have entered into reconstruction of your reality. The very fabric of which you are created is being rewoven. That which has been the harmonic arrangement which creates harmonic resonance of you and all other things is being rewritten as a symphony of changes.
The relationships of your particulates begins to occur in the week preceding June sixth in such a way that the arrangement of particulates will become of a vacuum effect which is caused by coming triangulations of astrological bodies. The triangulations begin on the outer edge of the constellation Lira and reach across the dimensions for triangulation with Indiron B and Lechtalli, two distant stars in a universe just parallel to your third dimension.
Triangulations will continue for nearly 18 months. Each new triangulation will have rotated in sums of degrees which are all divisible by fifteen. This is because the natural pattern of dimensional angulation is on fifteen degree angulations or angulations divisible by fifteen degrees. Knowing this, and realizing that inter-dimensional pathways are always on angulations divisible by fifteen degrees, brings the realization that reconstruction of the very harmonics of which you are made is in occurrence.
Your particulates, except when excited, are generally aligned by increments of thirds. As the series of 7 alignments, and the transition of one angulation to another occurs, your particulates, the very particles of which you are created, will respond. They will realign into other mathematical patterns. Because of this, you may experience unconscious agitation, the feeling that something huge is about to happen. You may feel that you are having difficulty being grounded and even at times disassociated with your everyday world. This series of events is literally a dimensional shift, for as influences reach you and your reality both you and your reality will be pulled upward in a vacuum effect, such as an extreme tide pull only reaching across all realities.
As the pulling begins, there may be moments of lacking focus or clarity. We tell you that you need not understand what is happening just know that it is. You may find the sensation that your feet are not on the ground, that you feel as if you are free floating and not connected to your body or your earth. Use this to expand your awareness of realities beyond the mundane. Breathe deeply and intentionally, allowing yourselves to be cleansed of the old, welcoming the new. Your breath is more than that which sustains life. It is a natural cleansing, regenerative, nurturing, and healing.
It is now that the triangulations begin. That which is the spiraling effect of interdimensional alignments. Those which have not occurred for many hundreds of thousands of years. Your internal being is about to be rocked. The very creation of you is beginning its rebooting, rewiring, rearrangement of ordering in such a way that you will become more sensitive to the changes and to your internal and external environments.
The procession of triangulations will occur in a spiral format. The first triangulation will occur on June 6th. Then, the second on July 12th. The next, on September 9th. Another on November 19th. January 11th is the next and February 15th the next. March 17th, April 4th and June 11th are the last ordering of triangulation. Mark these dates and utilize them to maintain a sense of reality as your world on the interior and the exterior begin to shift and change. It is no mistake that there are eight events to this set of triangulations. The triangulations are symbolic of the true trinity. You, the infinite and the combination of you and the infinite. The eight events are significant in they relate to the infinite as an unending effect on all creation. The eight being not only the sign of infinity but a full spectrum of harmonics, a harmonic octave.
Since you are created of harmonics as energy as light in form, you can¢t help but to respond on some level to every expression or change of energy. You as a harmonic being are going to be finding yourselves feeling much different inside. These new feelings may seem to be intense to you. We say to you that you are not malfunctioning, simply differently charged. This is not a bad thing. It is a normal response of you to the triangulations and all that they bring.
The next eighteen months will be intensive with energy changes as the triangulations come into alignment with you and each other. As each is angulated by 45 degrees from the last triangulation, an entirely full three hundred and sixty degree set of angulations will occur. With each angulation is a difference of energetic frequencies which are of new and foreign sensations for you. And yet, you will feel your inner beings respond completely to your core.
If you are one whose gifts begin to blossom during this time, do not become a victim of your gifts, fearing them, feelings as if you must now save the world. Instead, celebrate your new found awareness in such a way as to know that you are an unfolding, an integral part of that which is One and fully infinite. Know that you are without a doubt stripped of your mortality as it has always been a perception and not a reality. Beyond your physical experiences are infinite others that are unlimited in perspective and participation. The essence of you is free amongst Creation. Only your human perspectives slow your powers of observation due to your perceived need to think and to understand. You must know that beyond understanding is fullness of knowing. Every particle of your being knows what you do not choose to believe. That you are in infinite child of creation, imperfect only by your beliefs and perceptions.
Compounding the beginnings of the triangulations experience is a Mercury Retrograde which affects communications hugely in this now. Communications issues in tandem with the triangulations can lead to errors in the creative process. As you progress into this event, you will find that your thought processes may be misfiring. That you can¢t find the words that you mean to say or the idea in your mind doesn¢t come out of your mouth in the way that you intend. We say to you to be intentional and cautious to say what you mean and mean what you say in the next three weeks. Since the entirety of Creation is being rewired, so is your reality and that which you intend. Be clear about what it is that you wish, desire, want, and think that you need. Be clear about what you intend, but at the same time, open to the infinite possibilities that area available to you.
Reality will begin to look somewhat different. How things create will no longer seem linear. Not that they ever were, but the power of holographic reality comes to you instantly and with power that has not been seen since the Before Times. In the Before Times there were technologies which were utilized to defy gravity, to change reality. There were technologies that sustained people and groups of people which were symbiotic with the environment. Resources were not used up but rather served as complementary to the infinite energy fields. Subtlety was the norm. Fineness was the method. To be that which was intended allowed for the inscription of crystals with the entirety of instruction and libraries of information.
The gravitational field is an integral part of what technology was in the Before Times. Since it is intricately woven with and is a vital aspect of the very reality of creation, the gravitational field not only holds together particulates in the forms of different realities, it is created of the sacred geometrical format of which human beings barely realize how to apply to current sciences and energy utilization. The force of gravity even affects your thinking process and your creative abilities.
It is that as the triangulations progress, your force of gravity is affected. Depending upon where you live upon your Earth, some of you will be affected greatly as your gravity shifts to lesser or greater effect upon your very being. At the same time, the resonance of the Earth will begin to shift as well. It will lessen at times, reducing over time to an effect of magnetic anomalous behavior. This shifting will affect the responsive of your electrical systems, those in your bodies. Your muscles and nervous systems will be affected. Your muscle fibers will become denser. Your nervous systems will begin to refine, allowing for a quickening of your reflexes and streamlining of your thought processes. You will find that extraneous thought will become reduced and that clarity of each moment will rise to greater effect.
You will begin to see, as we have said previously, great volcanic activity. This has already begun, as you have seen in your news. There will be further volcanic reaction to the coming changes. There are vents forming off the Pacific Coast line that will affect the waters and fishing environments in the next two years. There will also be blooms of green algae and red bacteria in the same areas. These particular organisms thrive on the acidic environment that the volcanic vents will provide. They also thrive on the warmth that is provided at the same time.
Wind is going to become great in the U.S. Gulf Coast region as well as in Europe. There will be further events in South America related to weather and seismic activity. There will be mudslides in Costa Rica and Peru.
As the fabric of your creation continues to evolve, so shall you. You are currently in one of the greatest evolutions of human consciousness that humanity has ever experienced. Your DNA is relating more fully with your brain and your brain is more open to the higher aspects of your consciousness. AS the electromagnetic field around your DNA strands is amplified by these new relations and the broadening of your energy fields in general occur you will become more sentient, able to utilize the abilities of your entireties to gain and transmit information on Universal levels. That which you seek will come easily and with the potency of instantaneous reality. Your consciousness is and has always been sentient. Previously, the energies in your environment were not conducive to full access of the experiences of your consciousness. Consciousness is the very essence of who you are. It is your soul seeking an experiencing. It is your destiny in action, all relative to the choices that you make in each and every moment. It is the profundity of being and it is unfettered by any form or incarnation.
Your consciousness is you. That part of you which has been neglected and even denied in many cases. Now, with the inter-relationships of the new energies, you can become free of all erroneous energies that have clouded your abilities to soar into the ethers. You do this anyway, you know, as you dream? As you set your issues of control aside and fly freely your excursions bring to you more than you imagine. It is all within you. Everything that you need to live the kind of life that you desire, to create the kind of world in which you live.
We say to you that as you consider these events and changes on your world and beyond to know that you are the Master of all your Creations. To become caught in negativity or the ideas that many provide to you that your world will end upon a certain date is ludicrous. It is for you instead to imagine the kind of world that you want. Live that. Be that. The totality of consciousness including yours is vital to the outcome of all things. What is it that you wish to contribute? Is it fear and destruction or life and perfection of all Being? It is always your choice.
Ride the new energies like an infinite wind. Allow them to carry you into unknown territory. It will feel familiar when you arrive, like a glimpse into your very essence. Fly on and into the remembering of your perfection!
We are grateful to be of service in this now. Be in peace.

Did you get all that? Well... at first I blew it off as newage babble... but after thinking about it (sorta) had the following response:

I don’t quite understand the “metaphysics” involved here… but it looks like we’re saying similar things about “triangulation.” The forces I see are political, economic and environmental (both physical and mental- which relates to the first two)…

“…you will become more sensitive to the changes and to your internal and external environments.”

“The triangulations are symbolic of the true trinity. You, the infinite and the combination of you and the infinite.” Exactly… or as a more secular guy, I would say the individual, the collective, and the combination. Same thing, really. Quite possibly, (as Robert Steele, former C.I.A officer says at the end of this movie: American Drug War- the last white hope- which takes two hours to watch… time that probably takes away from organizing the sock drawer):

“The next big step is people refusing to pay taxes or to re-elect… in fact, I see 80 million Americans getting themselves organized to the to the point where they can tell Congress that if it doesn’t dramatically reduce what we spend on a heavy metal military, on secret intelligence, on prisons… which are actually slave farms, then these people will be fired.”

Radical, eh? I think we should stop paying for anything except housing food and energy. “Yes, but they’ll take it…” They’ll take it ANYWAY. First to go will probably be energy… through cost and infrastructure breakdown… food will follow… housing will be in the air depending on the reaction to the “new reality.” The prison-military is simply an armed collection agency. There is still a legal way to stop it… maybe… if awareness shifts.

A more “neurological” perspective might be triadic awareness… (mirror neurons)… awareness of self, other, and the relationship… THEN seeing external selves’-others’ relationships and “relating” it to the original “self/ other.” As you can see, it’s like the Tommy Tippee cup… or peering into the “hall of mirrors,” a cosmic glimpse of the infinite… or the infinite “…combination(s) of you and the infinite.” I’m sure if some “economist” explained why financial collapse is inevitable- it would sound equally as arcane as the combination of numerology and astrology… which is basically what it is.

The dates: “June 6th. Then, the second on July 12th. The next, on September 9th. Another on November 19th. January 11th is the next and February 15th the next. March 17th, April 4th and June 11th…” good a guess as any. I think most of it will occur within the next 90 days. But “our” world is going to be MUCH different a year from now.

we're not going to "pay" for anything except housing food and energy (electricity, gasoline as needed)... that includes "taxes." i'm filing extensions into the far-beyond future and fighting a delaying action. i think if you try to "pay your debts" you become a victim of usury. and- as i said- if "they" want it, "they" will take it anyway... because "they" can do anything YOU can't STOP "them" from doing.

but the War-white hope video contains no "moonbeam" shit... it's all stuff anybody can see right out their fucking window. as more of "us" who THINK we're "middle class" become (what we USED to think of as) "poor," shit YES... "reality" will change... and maybe it's cos the moon is in the seventh house... or maybe it's because we figure out we all just NIGGAs like everybody else.

NOW... consider THIS: we already know there are "too many people" (and let's just forget global... lets just think USA for a minute). THIS was what the "final solution" to the "Jewish question" was ALL ABOUT... and WHAT was the "Jewish question?" Well... here are a bunch of people that "we" don't want (and nobody else will "take" them). Well... you can turn them all into slaves and work (and starve) them to death... but eventually even THAT becomes too "expensive." You need the infrastructure... people to guard them (like our prison system NOW) yadda yadda ya. NOW what? Wellll... get RID of the "useless eaters." NOW HOW? Birkenau is how.

Do you think that can't happen here? Do you think it isn't ALREADY HAPPENING NOW??? You can try to spread the limited resources around... like the Chinese and the Cubans (and other "socialist" yadda yadda blah blah)... BUT you gotta keep the population down if you do that... otherwise, Easter's End: and it takes some pretty draconian shit to do that- like China's rigid birth control. OR... you can let "nature" (social darwinism) take it's course... famine... pandemics... which naturally leads to some kind of "revolution," so... how do you get "proactive" about that??? First Buchenwald... later Birkenau.

George Will... one of my favorite assholes... was on Charlie Rose last night saying "the welfare state is not sustainable." Well... it aint. Not if you're going to have a warfare state TOO. With the welfare state... if everybody has enough, they breed like rabbits... Easter's End. BUT... the warfare state has a way of taking care of the "useless eaters" without obviously nasty things like Birkenau. IF you want both a welfare AND a warfare state (that's EXACTLY what National Socialism WAS)... well... you gotta dispose of the surplus "useless eaters" (ie- the people who aint out getting Lebensraum from somebody else... like WE did to the natives... and now the "developing world" and have BEEN doing it for 4 hundred fucking YEARS- which Georgie called "dynamic creative free market"). I wanted to snuff the asshole. It was like listening to Heydrich.

Now- the welfare state. CONSIDER the Southern Plantation System... ca 1860. Sustainable... as long as you can get more land when the land's worn out... and sell your surplus niggers. OR... you could run it like a collective farm... but then Massa dont get to live in a mansion while the niggers live in chicken coops... and the niggers will outbreed you anyway... which is OK as long as you can SELL them. But if ye got no Filabustros and can't sell the niggers... well kiss that bigass house goodbye, Boss Massah... which is why such a thing NEVER even crossed the mind of any Southron except a poor dirt farmer with kids instead of niggers... fast-forward to 2008... say fucking hello to the "mortgage crisis."

Can you see where this is going??


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