Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

Interesting news day today. Here's a summary:

1. The US plans to shoot down a [supposedly] dying satellite before it spins out of orbit and kills millions. The real news: The US wants to test a new anti-ballistic missile. I'm sure the Russians and Chinese are thrilled.

2. Another college shooting. Hardly news-worthy anymore now that they've become so common. Question is: Has it become too risky to send your kid off to college?

3. The housing market is still fucked. And getting fucked-ter. People walking away from their homes in droves. Prices expected to come down another 25%.

4. The fed was all over the teevee today telling people the economy wasn't doing so well and bond insurers might start to default soon. The real news: Depression on the way. Fasten your seat belts, folks. Oh wait, I forgot about the rebate. Yeah right, that'll save us.

5. And my favorite: All misplaced Katrina folk have to move out of their FEMA trailers due to formaldehyde poisoning--all 35,000 of 'em. How ironic. Gee, I wonder what effect this might have on the mobil home/RV industry? And of course, the lawyers are all over it.

Did I miss anything?

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I just watched a press conference with the chief of police, what an asshole, he said something along the lines of everybody who was arrested committed crimes and the fact they were arrested proved his point.
Including Ms. Goodman, he said he didn't believe she was only there to cover the news but to be part of it, mind, I'm just paraphrasing.
Sorry, I was going to provide a link, but Comcast has changed the stories already and I can never figure out what they've done with the headlines after they take them down, dirty bastards.
amy talks about her arrest
That just makes me fucking livid.

Fucking livid.

I wish the damn anarchists would shut that shit hole down.
Well... then you'll absolutely love THIS SHIT.
They do rather think he's going to be the second coming don't they?
It cracks me up when they say he's changed his stance, and gone to the right of everything he said before, during the primaries, simply to get those indies and middle of the roaders.
He's only pretending to be a righter, he'll put his Jesus sandals back on after he wins. LOL
Yeah, right. Oh and FISA, he'll change that AFTER he gets elected. For some reason they can't explain why he voted for it.
But he is a DEMOCRAT therefore HE is the VERY bestess canderdate wees gots and wees must vote fer him, it's the rules.
At least Bill Clinton waited until after he was elected to show his true colors. Obama's already saying one thing whilst doing another. Still, the lefties defend their man. All rationale for voting democrat has returned to the old standby....'anything is better than McCain' reasoning. Same as it always was.

Here's Naomi Klein on Obama...

OK... here's Dennis telling it like it is. Yeah- he got behind the "party" crap, but you gotta remember... Dennis is one o those folks who still believes there IS a "system" for us peasants. Dunno about you... but I sorta admire that kind of idealism. Reminds me o the wee spiders.

Speakin o them... they're "going to school" for their "career." No surprise there. But here's a small surprise (for me, anyway): most of them believe they're fucked. They just don't know what to "do" about it... other than "go to school for their career" like mom and dad sez (and is paying for). I can't help them there. But I CAN help them here: they have NO idea WHY they're fucked. IE:

Most of them (talkin about 98%) have never HEARD about: 1. PNAC 2. Peak Oil 3. The USA PATRIOT Act (!!!!) Military Commissions Act of 2006... lotsa shit that's "second nature" to us. bwahaahaahaa. OTOH- they know WAY more about the "Holocaust" than I DID (circa 1966)... BUT know almost NOTHING about WWII or Nazi Germany. SO... my work is fairly well cut-out for the rest of the sem as far as "writing topics."

The "Political Science" classes are desperately trying to catch them up on other shit... as well they SHOULD. If "they" (the ptb pukes) knew what I was doing- they'd probably fire my ass... except good luck finding somebody who works as cheap who can find their ass with both hands (not that they CARE about that shit... but the obedient dumfucks can't operate a computer or get their "data" in on time). They're too bizzy getting haircuts and polishing their fucking shoes and being "professional."

AND (get this) the "favorites" of the ptb who obey and polish their shoes (and have their tickets punched) are NOT English-speaking people (my "subject" area). Granted... I still gotta "compete" with retired High-School English teachers (who got as many holes in their ticket) BUT... the price-of-gas is making them reluctant to drive from their retirement-lake-cottage to Duckburg to "teach " their single "class."

So I'm gonna have big fun punching the tickets of young folk capable of getting a fucking clue... and here's the good news: they seem to WANT to get a fucking clue.

Leben ist Wunderbar!
Now, that's good news!

I feel so sorry for the wee spiders. Got one myself.

They've simply been abandoned. They're lucky to have you, teach.

I remember classes--when I went back to school in 2004--were pretty polarized depending on the subject. Liberal arts always taught by lefties, while the technical/economic classes were taught by righties. Of course the right-wing professors were totally linear with no grasp of the big picture. Had one marketing professor who was a Limbaugh clone. Man, did I give him shit. He was one of the most clueless people I've encountered anywhere.

I loved being in school. So much trouble to cause--and so few ways to do it now. The profs either loved or hated me. Didn't keep me off the dean's list though. 'Course that ain't saying much considering where the bar was set. Everything had been so dumbed down, it was like being back in junior high.

Now they're saying that a college degree doesn't mean you'll be able to find a better job--think it was the Wall Street Journal making that claim. I'll have to find that article. Imagine the concept of higher knowledge becoming obsolete. We could reach the depths of Idiocracy within two generations. That's hot.
Yeow! This is McCain's running mate? Hot damn. Let's start the drilling already.


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