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Life in the Empire

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Read the comments here and marvel... or despair.
(so-who-says-drummers-caint-sang-huh, thanks-fer-the-sweet-memory-shaker-breaker-bro-bo-man)

Dat dare woh-Man gibs real Witches a bad name and I aint sure I likes dat at all. Hear?

It was Plain Palin Overkill, until, the man said, stop, talk other stuff fer a change so and at the same time, here we are making plans to get Dubya and Dick behind bars and nobody is all....go figureand now comes this SUDDEN und VERY UNEXPECTED who could have forseen this I ask you ??? WHO ???

Worldwide financial Crisis.

I don't wanna pickle.
let's face it, the USA deserves Palin. The majority is bat-shit crazy. They too think $700 billion will do the trick.

Just how deep is this well, well ? We could frow a few Palinistas innit to see. If its real deep, we frow loads of Palinistas innit and its not so deep any moe. Wait a sec, sounds like a Wall St. strategist talkin wid his buddy during lunch break......scampie-on-a-stick and chinese beer. TALK about smart ! Deez guys have studied da shit. Not you and not me, so what do we know. Jack. That's what. Jack.

Here lies
Les Moore
Shot with a 44
No Les
No More
Outside of here, the best commentary I've read recently has been on the financial blogs--the daily reckoning and the housing bubble blog. Dem people are pissed! Talkin' pitchforks and torches.

'Course, the lefties are as out ta lunch as the righties. Still talkin' the merits of Obama. Had to tell a couple of cousins to quit sending me shit about the dems vs. republicans. Told 'em it doesn't matter. Get your own damn house in order cause the shit is flying.

And yeah, the Titanic has finally hit the iceberg. I could hardly work last week--keepin' up with the financial news. We are so fucked. Buy gold, guns, and a good supply of food stuffs.

Next week is going to be interesting.
Here's one more LTE:

Are Fifth District “Hoosiers” aware that while “liberals” are accused of obstructing “progress,” AIG—the biggest crony-corporate bail-out in US history…was a major underwriter of the “Reform Institute,” a cynical shill to cloak the cronies as “reformers?” Sorry, that last sentence was far too complex. Let’s try again.

Haircut-men fool you. They say “conservative values,” you pay. They say “liberals bad,” you pay. Haircut-men wave flag and Bible, you pay. You pay job, house and children to haircut-men. They say terrorist drug foreign people get you. You pay. You pay to show you big-time “conservative” who likes flag and Bible. All can see.

Keep guns. Eat flag. Live in Bible. Savings, medicine and house are gone. Drill more holes. Make oil haircut-men rich. Coal is clean. You pay. Market is Bible. You pay. Market knows everything. Market pays haircut-men. Market hates no-flag-no-Bible “liberals.” Hoosiers all conservative values like haircut-men.

They like anyone who can talk to them like a six-year-old.


(...and two slugs from a .44
No Les.
No More.)
this shit isn't worth embedding. check it out: We were all fucking walking on eggs. We still are, and I'm sick of it. I had somebody walk out last week... because I DARED to suggest the reasons given to us to launch a preemptive war (violation of Nuremberg Law) were false...

Oh... their (relative) is in Iraq. Fucking excuse me. I am SO sorry your (relative) is in the Wehrmacht... but that doesn't change the truth about WAR CRIMES, now DOES IT? Depleted Uranium. White Phosphorus. Blatant profiteering. Fucking TORTURE. But we did NOT talk about any of that... just the FACT that there WERE NO "WMDs" in Iraq and NEVER WERE (except the chemical agents the US SOLD them... long ago destabilized, destroyed or useless).

A great many people are not "reality-based" AT ALL.
reality is so far out and away from home, so far from that which we know to be true, that which we hold to be real, that which we were taught is right and true.

It's not easy to give it all up and to denounce all you have been taught as lies.

Das Volk ist gut. Das Volk arbeitet. Das Volk ist gehorsam. Das Volk ist gut. Das Volk ist dumm. Wir sind das Volk.
hi Lani,

I sometimes go apeshit and spit german gibberish, like.........

Das Volk ist gut. Das Volk arbeitet. Das Volk ist gehorsam. Das Volk ist gut. Das Volk ist dumm. Wir sind das Volk.

Keeping it easy, as the German language IS easy, Das Volk = us, the people.

Das Volk ist gut = we the people are good
Das Volk arbeitet = we the people work
Das Volk ist gehorsam = we are dutifil
Das Volk ist gut = we're good
Das Volk ist dumm = we're stupid
Wir sind das Volk = that's us !

I don't know why I added that. But I do know what I was getting at when I added it: We the people are a good people. We trust our Government. We do all we can to retain / defend the legitimacy of our Govt. by voting e.g. We no longer know how to function without our Govt. Our Govt. tells us "work will set you free". Under Hitler and in German, that was called "Arbeit macht frei" ;

Arbeit macht frei, work sets you free. But for that to make sense, the masses first must be without work. Once the masses are without work, the fascists can feed us with work. They can play us like pianos. It's sad, it's ugly and it's a repetition.
A few observations as we witness Depression 2.0 unfold:

Commodities are skyrocketing. Dollar is crashing along with the markets.

This adds up to a no vote of confidence for the 'Bailout Plan'.

The lefties have woken up and are ready to rumble.

Personally, I'm scared shitless. This stuff is going to hit home very soon.

What can we do? Where can we go?

I fucking feel like crying.
Bo - stop. Stop now. Do not reinforce your fear. There is really nothing you can do about this. All you can do is try to be smart about your situation on a local level.

Stop looking at the markets. It is only increasing your anxiety.
The bail outs have made it official - we are no longer in a creeping fascist state - this is full-blown fascism.

Historian Gaetano Salvemini argued in 1936 that fascism makes taxpayers responsible to private enterprise, because "the State pays for the blunders of private enterprise... Profit is private and individual. Loss is public and social."
Some days my anger turns to hopelessness/helplessness. Just need to get my anger back.

Surprised there isn't more talk of a tax revolt. Never been more clear that we need one.

I'd feel a lot better if there was some sort of plan coalescing amongst the angry hoards. Gotta wait for the train to arrive, I guess.


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