Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

Something That Comes Together At Protests

The Black Bloc & Violence vs.Useless Symbolic, Peaceful Demonstrations. Want a Revolution? Well, get ready for some very ugly times. It aint gonna be pretty.

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....which triggers me to look at the other side of the coin. A change of focus. Not easy to do when you have pigs as friends, family and neighbors.

Fascists often make excellent friends, family, and neighbors. The only times they're really a problem is when they're showing off for their friends, or they're doing their job and you happen to be the job they're doing.
Well- pipe the peeps here in Duckberg.
I didn't get outta my car... but this is what it looked like. There HAVE been some slightly larger anti-war rallies... but NOTHING like when da Kolts wuz goin to da Stoopidbowl.

Nacherlly I don't wanna rag on anybody's friends or fam who happens to be in the pork industry. Somebody DOES have to do it... but these days it seems to be a really fucked line o work. Everybody's gotta decide for themselves... but when ye find yerself in a fucked line o work... it may be better to find another one. What happened to "thin blue line of heroes" now that the bullet-heds are being stopped and harassed... afraid somebody's gonna take away their gun-pile?

Ammo really is jumping off the shelves. I heard some buzz in the store about bar-coding all ammo as of July or some shit like that. The peeps were stocking up. I don't even care about the bar-code booyah enough to google it. Reminds me of the "toilet paper shortage" years ago. The level of stupid is astonishing.

I hate to admit it... but I am having a bit of wicked fun watching the bulletheads getting all paranoid about the kapos and the gummint. Many of the same peeps who were all yay-rah PATRIOT Act because they really thought some towel-head was going to blow them up in the mall. It would be way to easy to get all panty-dew about the prospect of the bullet-heads and the kapos going at it. Sort of a twofer-one deal. But that wouldn't be right... even if the fatties would be losing their first line of defense. They will simply slip away with their boodle while the shots are being fired.

As long as the bheads are in their god-guns-gays-fetus mode, there doesn't seem to be any point in talking to them.
Was out weeding today and my hyper-christian-suburban-driving neighbor tells me that all his buddies are stocking up with guns and ammo. Said he hadn't bought a gun yet, but he was thinking about it.

Been thinking it might be time to shave my head and get some jesus tattoos. i think the best defense might be a bit of skinhead camouflage.

Not a good time to be a door-to-door salesman.
Damn, I'm always late to the party. Shoulda stocked my armory before now...

Shortages of ammo and gun accessories cropping up nationwide

Nothing more romantic than a return to those wild west days. Was Felina a crack whore?

Well... what kind of freaked-out topsy-turvy Alice-in-Wonderland bullshit is this: the stoneheads are nattering about civil liberties... and the libs are over on OEN tooting about 2nd Amendment rights.

Thanks to Hannah's observation, I tried to pull their coats to the fun relationship between Gathering of Beagles and the "Oath Keepers." Jeepers, Em... I never suspected it either... but it has "Psyop" stamped on it plain as puke. The Death Star can't separate "pro-troop" from "pro-war," and neither can most of the "troops." We ALL want to justify our line o work... and believe our few measly bob o week aint screwing things up too badly. O course if I tried to tell everybody that we "writing" paper-shufflers wuz the thin tweed line o heroes between "us" and the barbarian hordes, everybody would laugh. Rightfully so. But the gun-mercs got some kinda holy flashlight shinin up they butts.

Watch the news for the Oat Freepers' mustard in Lexingone today. (4/19)
I reckon the power in wash IN TON be bigger than dat OGLYnest weez sees - Obama be fightin a hurricaine - a-tsunami an de mass eve undertow.
Obama? Fighting? He's given more money to the rich in his few short months in office than Bush and Cheney did in eight years. He's increasing the defense budget more than Bush and Cheney did. He violated the Nuremberg principles by saying that torturers who were just doing their job shouldn't be prosecuted. He gave back 40% of the money he took away from state funding and called it a stimulus--and if you think a 60% cut in state funding is a stimulus, how about you give me a hundred bucks, I give you back forty and call it a little gift from me to you. And to help convince Dumbocrats that the Republican agenda is really Obama's idea, every time Obama does something worse than what Bush and Cheney did, the Republicans pretend to oppose it, as if it wasn't their agenda in the first place. Obama ain't fighting any hurricane, he's just shuckin' and jivin' and shadow boxing.

I just got back from hearing Congressman and civil rights icon John Lewis speak. He said health care is a right and he and some other congresscritters are going to send a bill to Obama. But I told one of our local Congresscritters, Bob Filner, that Obama won't sign any health care plan, just health "coverage" which is a boon to the insurance companies but won't guarantee anyone actual health care. Lewis talked a lot about civil rights and progress, but he didn't say one word about Obama representing any progress. Lewis has been arrested 40 times and had his brains beat in by the pigs, but his mind still functions perfectly.

I paid ten bucks to hear Lewis speak and it was a bargain. I wouldn't listen to a word out of Obama's lying mouth if you paid me a million dollars. I know you must think he's brilliant to put the people who were responsible for wrecking our economy in charge of fixing it--that's almost as brilliant as hiring the Mafia to fight organized crime.

Why doesn't this stupid softward have an "add as an enemy" button?

I have many a mile to walk and I am open to learning.. I was taking on-board your point of view. However I was especially touched by the last comment.

Don't mind it Sandy.

Sometimes us old dudes gits a touch of the ideological rhumatiz wot causes us to rant whensoever we thinks anybody don't see booshco or bambam as anything but sock puppets.

They are "...errand boys... sent by grocery clerks... to collect a bill."
What do you call assassins who accuse assassins?

Us old farts also love to quotes lines from the movie....Apocolypse Now.
I'll take "Classic Movies" for a thousand, Alex....


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