Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

Death in the family, hospitalization, flus and colds, and plain old aging are just a few of our afflictions. Cal suggested that we might need a separate "hospital" fred and it seemed like a good idea to me, so I'm starting this one. It is not for nothing that the disability community refers to others as the "temporarily abled." Almost anything can happen to anyone at any time.

There are a few things that should tie in besides individual ailments, such as the recent study that found placebos to be getting more effective (more likely big pharma pills are getting less effective) and pandemic conspiracy theories, etc., but seeing as I live in the U.S., this is probably the closest to socialized medicine I'm ever going to get, so share the pain.

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In spite of one's face
Hope you aren't combining your meds, Curt. But, you probably already nose that taking pain killers with alcohol is a no no.

Glad you're feeling better. I look forward to tuesday's report. But, please. No photos of snot covered plastic parts extracted from your nasal cavities. Some of us might still want to consider the procedure for ourselves. You don't want to frighten us.

Happy you're on the downhill slope.

"pain killers with alcohol is a no no" ??

Since when?

Thanks, bro Bo.
Hey, BO's right, Curt. You been fuckin' up for about forty years now. Notwithstanding the correctness of BO's advice, I do not concur. I think that a change of habits this late in the game might be too much of a shock to your already stressed system.

Besides, I know that you only consume meds, brew, and herb in moderation, so you're likely to fall asleep before you could overdo it. ;)
Sorry, man. Guess I'm projecting again.

Being the teetotaler that I am, tis my job to rain on every party.

Seriously, I remember having my wisdom teeth taken out in my twenties, and, being the invincible dude that I was, mixing some percocet with a few beers. Fun for a couple of hours until I passed out. But woke up with the worse hangover of my life. And, a headache that lasted for a week.

Primary reason I quit drinking was I got tired of having to carve out enough time to recuperate from the damn hangovers. But that's another story.

Maybe I just need a new drug.
Damn! YouTube knows I've been drinkin':

"This video is not available in your country due to copyright restrictions."

When I went to have all four wisdom teeth yanked, the Dentist (G.I.) asked me about my relationship with pain killers. I told him I likem and he gave me the strongest shit he had. It worked.

Damned plastic!
I went 4 weeks without drinking any of my homebrew - lost some weight - it did serve as an incentive to get off the narcotics.

I guess, because of the infection mess-up with my previous operation I was being very, very careful. I wouldn't have thought twice about it 10 years ago.

One of the reasons why I am careful about my med intake is that I do not want to stop drinking my home brew because of liver issues.
Hard to mention that one has given up drinking without it sounding a bit self righteous. That's usually when people start reviewing their own habits. Not a bad thing to do once in awhile.

But, I make no judgements unless another person has been harmed. Unfortunately, when alcoholism sets in, that's often the case. That said, I think we all have the right to go out any way we see fit. And to those who can continue to drink (or do drugs) without harming others, I salute you.

But having come from a family of nut cases and drug abusers, I'm a bit of a rights advocate for those who have lived with someone with a drug/alcohol problem. Especially kids. So, if you're going to use, just make sure you don't have kids.
Had the splints removed today. Doc was quick to the chase, not allowing any room for reaction. One single stitch had been holding both splints in place. No wonder it hurt when I smiled. My nose feels a bit foreign now and isn't completely clear but I'm well on the way to recovery, almost high on oxygen.
Of course your nose feels a bit foreign, Curt. You're in Germany but your nose was born in Kansas. It has to be a big improvement to get rid of the splints, even if you're not fully recovered yet. Bad enough having a foreign nose without having foreign objects in it. Makes it sound like you had a whole immigrant enclave in the middle of your face. It must be hard to feel high and not smile. Any more exciting surgeries scheduled for when you recover from this one?
Oboyoboyoboyoboy! I can hardly wait for the post-op photo of that one. ROFLYAO


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