Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

Yet another false flag operation, the Oklahoma City bombing. Was Timothy McVeigh a patsy, or as Fred Burks suggests, a Manchurian candidate?

You can always spot a government coverup. Tapes are erased, stories change, black boxes disappear, films are confiscated, and on and on.....

Oklahoma City bombing tapes erased

So the truck bomb alone couldn't have done it and there were other explosives planted in the building that apparently didn't go off. I guess the Murrah Building bombing wasn't as well thought out as Operation Northwoods. There wasn't enough evidence pointing to foreign terrorists to justify a war. Of course there wasn't with 9/11 either. Some blurry photos at the wrong airport, a miraculously unsinged passport, some supposedly fanatical Moslems who were drinking and womanizing, names of alleged hijackers who turned out to be still alive, no black boxes from the planes at the WTC, all the film confiscated at the Pentagon, and on and on.....

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The die-off is inevitable and guaranteed. Whenever we reach one of our cyclical overpopulation peaks, it is necessarily followed by a die-off. Whether the portion of the die-off that occurs in the U.S. will be due to war, famine, designer diseases developed in corporate-funded laboratories to reduce population levels, or some other cause, what goes up must come down, bubbles that get too big burst, and overpopulation is followed by die-offs. We've already reached our latest global overpopulation peak, the usual accompanying genocides have already begun, and life has once again become so cheap that genocides are considered to be normal everyday events rather than atrocities. In 2008 we had an election, both candidates announced that they were committed to continuing our genocidal wars of aggression in Iraq and Afghanistan, and half the country calmly went out and voted for genocide. Admittedly, some hoped for change, which is very peculiar wishful thinking when a candidate has clearly announced his commitment to genocide, but until and unless he decided it was time for a change, they were happy to vote for the genocidal status quo. Hell, they even considered it their civic duty. Am I concerned about people like that dying off? I can't even begin to imagine how they lasted this long.

Have we irreparably damaged our habitat to the point where it can no longer sustain life without artificial life-support? Yup. We sure did.

Is there a lifestyle that we know of, other than that of hunter-gatherers, that does not destroy our habitat? Not that I've heard of.

If we don't learn from our mistakes and we keep repeating them over and over, we're just not adaptable enough to survive. Not every branch on the evolutionary tree bears fruit. We had a good run, it's been fun, and all that jazz.

While it is true that, "The current population is not sustainable with old methods of agriculture and hunting/gathering - especially with the devastation of N.A. forests and the concretization of the planet," what's left could support a lot more hunter-gatherers than it can consumers. The elitists want to see sharply reduced numbers of people so that their irresponsible destruction of the planet can continue for a little longer. I'd like to see us relearn sustainable lifestyles so that we can stop destroying the planet. In order to do that, the only population we'd need to reduce are the elitists. Why not go for what will give us the greatest amount of gain for the least amount of bloodshed? ;)
Running out of oil will be a gradual affair giving the fatties plenty of time to devise alternative methods to keep the consumption fueled.

And, regarding an economic crash - no reason to believe that the insulated fatties won't actually come out with an even bigger portion of the pie - just like the Great Depression they will acquire all sorts of things for pennies on the dollar and wait for the recovery.

As Naomi Klein has pointed out with the Shock Doctrine, these folks have made plans and are salivating over the possibilities to become even more powerful with the next big crisis.
They didn't plan on Naomi Klein or Michael Moore.

The only reason the fatties can do what they do is because they have forced or brainwashed people into supporting them.

What about all those nice people in the restaurant with Mr. Creosote who were nauseated by him? Why didn't they get up and walk out?

What about the poor waiter? Why didn't he quit?

The fatties can't do shit without our consent.

If people decide that cars aren't healthy for babies, the planet, or other living things, and find other ways to get around, Rockefeller's toast. He can't buy up anything if nobody will sell to him. A car isn't a moral human right or a creature comfort. It's a filthy, baby-killing, planet-polluting mobile gas chamber. There should be one in every town for the purpose of assisted suicides. Wanna die? No problem, just sit yourself down comfortably, strap yourself in, we've already run the exhaust pipe into the car, so whenever you're ready just close the windows and turn on the ignition. Bon voyage and thank you for helping reduce overpopulation. ;)
"The only reason the fatties can do what they do is because they have forced or brainwashed people into supporting them."

Which, unfortunately includes Michael Moore.

Saw "Capitalism: A Love Story" last night night. He allocated a very large segment of the movie in support of Obama, who, as any aware USA'n knows, hasn't done shit to change the direction this country is headed. It was a large disappointment for me.

He did paint a nice picture of America becoming a third-world shithole, though.

Loved the way the union organizer had to speak in Spanish as well as english because so many mexicans are working in American factories. Although Michael Moore jokingly speaks to his film crew in Spanish himself, he did little to point out our immigration problem. Guess that part wouldn't have been as universally acceptable as demonizing the WS Banksters.

Some good stuff, but not Moore's best, IMHO. Shoulda been a PBS series so he could have flushed out all the issues.
Moore seems to be clinging to the idea that we can still "make changes within the system," assuming that there IS a "system" and that it still works.

To me, the only "system" is the fatties knocking you over the head and taking what little shit you have because that way they have even MOORE. Moore has found his niche and thus believes there is a "system." The only "system" I see is the fatties convincing you that if you buy into making them fatter, maybe YOU can become a fattie TOO.

If you have NO desire to become a rich fattie and wish that they would just leave you the fuck alone, then I can see how the movie might have little connection to your particular "reality." Most of us po Niggas either gotta find a niche or CARVE one. Since the fats are leaving fewer niches because they want all the boodle for themselves, that leaves carving.

And carving, o' course, MAY draw some blood.
Yes, Waldo, Moore does appear to think that a modified or limited form of regulated capitalism, such as they have in the Scandinavian countries (which they call capitalism but we call socialism) would work.

Of course any economies tied to ours will go down when ours does.

The Scandinavian countries, being at (or in the case of Holland, below) sea level, are already seeing the consequences of global warming and for them it really is sink or swim. The absentee landlords of the United States, on the other hand, have chalets high in the Swiss alps and couldn't care less if New Orleans, or New York, or San Francisco drowns.

The fatties can't possibly believe that everyone wants to be like them. That's just something they say, like advertising, 'Everybody loves Toxigoo!' If everybody loved Toxigoo they wouldn't have to spend millions of dollars on advertising. One of the things I liked best about the film was how Moore had the priests letting the fatties know that not even Jesus loves them. So much for that meme!
Moore did make the mistake of supporting Obama in '08, but in the movie he makes it very clear that Obama is serving the fatties, not serving the people.

What you need to do, BO, is to watch FOX News instead of Michael Moore. FOX News agrees with you that the problems to focus on are immigrants and overpopulation, and that it is wrong to "demonize" the Wall Street bankers by exposing the facts of what they have done to turn this country into a shithole.. David Rockefeller agrees with you that the problems to focus on are immigrants and overpopulation, and that it is wrong to "demonize" the Wall Street bankers by exposing the facts of what they have done to turn this country into a shithole.

Moore doesn't agree with you.

I don't either.

Poor BO, somebody is "demonizing" your beloved Mr. Creosotes on Wall Street. In fact opposition to greed and gluttony is becoming universally acceptable. That wasn't in your plan, was it? The plan was to turn the country into a shithole and demonize the usual scapegoats, like immigrants, the poor, Communists, Jews, Catholics, trade unionists, etc. It worked for you guys the last time you were waging wars of aggression and raking in trillions of dollars in profits.

Anybody else here on RBC think that it is immigrants who ruined our economy and that the Wall Street bankers are being unfairly "demonized"?
And there you go again, Mark, making up your own fucking reality again--which in no way aligns with TRUE reality. Here's what I said...

"Although Michael Moore jokingly speaks to his film crew in Spanish himself, he did little to point out our immigration problem. Guess that part wouldn't have been as universally acceptable as demonizing the WS Banksters."

Now, show me in that statement where I said the the Wall Street bankers are being unfairly demonized, or that I agree with what they are doing.

Simply put, Mark...You are a liar. And the consistency with which you tell your lies points to your inherent sociopathy. Yes Mark. You are a sociopath.

Frankly, I think we've been overly patient with you. You are obviously beyond help, and as such, I strongly recommend your immediate banning here. I do plan on putting that up for a vote.
Dictionary definitions of demonize are:

de·mon·ize (dm-nz)
tr.v. de·mon·ized, de·mon·iz·ing, de·mon·iz·es
1. To turn into or as if into a demon.
2. To possess by or as if by a demon.
3. To represent as evil or diabolic: wartime propaganda that demonizes the enemy.

demonize or -ise
[-izing, -ized] or -ising, -ised
1. to make into a demon
2. to describe as evil or guilty: America is demonized by many in France

de·mon·ize (-īz′)

transitive verb demonized -·ized′, demonizing -·iz′·ing

1. to make into a demon
2. to characterize or conceive of as evil, cruel, inhuman, etc. to demonize a political opponent


I don't know of any way in which a person or group can be demonized fairly.

If a person is demonic, they can be exposed as being demonic.

If they are not demonic, then demonizing them is not fair.

I'm sure you believe that the stereotypes you perpetuate about immigrants, and the the insults you constantly direct at me, are examples of fair rather than unfair demonization, because you really believe the stuff you say about immigrants and about me.

But if you think that Michael Moore demonized the Wall Street bankers, rather than simply documenting the evil they have done, then you must have a different definition of demonize than the dictionary does, and therefore you are the one making up your own reality.

I see that you and your ditto-head have voted to ban me.

I suppose that I've really screwed myself because for years I have been consistently advocating that people not vote. Not voting doesn't stop tyrants from acting tyrannically, but it exposes them as the tyrants they are by stripping them of any democratic veneer and shows that they don't have the consent of the governed.

As is typical of U.S. elections, people can vote secretly to protect their privacy, and the votes will be counted secretly by you, so that nobody can know for sure how many people voted or which way they voted. I won't advise anyone to vote in an "election" of that type, not even to prevent me from being banned. Secret vote counts are anethema to democracy. As Stalin is alleged to have said, "Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."

I think this is a perfect example of why elections are held: to obtain the consent of the governed for that which the rulers intend to do anyway. Whether or not you get your votes, I know that you want to ban me and that sooner or later, one way or another, you will succeed. Then you'll be free to demonize immigrants without anyone calling you on it, as everyone wants a peaceful community and nobody wants to be banned or to be subjected to your insulting demonization techniques.

After I'm gone, I hope the community wakes up. Peace through appeasement is nothing more than submission. I'll find a forum that isn't dominated by right-wing bullies, or start one of my own, as I always do when I'm banned. But I won't stop fighting fascism wherever it rears its ugly head. It must be opposed and cannot be allowed to stand unchallenged, not even for the sake of peace.

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He just becomes a nice little old man with a smile with toys in his bag, not a threat to anybody, as if his fundamental commitment to unconditional love and unarmed truth does not bring to bear certain kinds of pressure to a status quo. So the status quo feels so comfortable as though it's a convenient thing to do rather than acknowledge him as to what he was, what the FBI said, "The most dangerous man in America." Why? Because of his fundamental commitment to love and to justice and trying to keep track of the humanity of each and every one of us.


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