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Life in the Empire

OK, I'm an idiot - how do you upload video?

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anyone ever figure out why she said this?  it was a reply to my post about my house.  waldo can tell you it's wonderful but not a fuckin' mansion!  

All I can figure is that LOM was going through crisis with her husband's accident and dealing with the professional assholes in the Insurance industry trying to pay for his recovery.  I sent her a message after that post and received no reply.

i guess i was sensitive because it was on my thread.....i hope that things worked out for him...

we don't even have or watch teevee, but i think i can find homes for some of the screens.  i can connect to the computer and watch movies.  the one in the bathroom has to go.  and the mural, well, it is not exactly my taste.  the owner is meticulous, and has lived there for 30 some years, and it will be nice to not have to do radical fix up for a change.  the tools came with it, they were planning on moving into a condo, but might be getting a house in another small town in nw kansas.  she is a nurse, he is retired.  there are lots of trees he has planted, and perennial flowers.  

Fabuous place!  You got space for a horse or two?

I'm not going to inherit much but I have been seriously rethinking my social agenda ... have to hunt around for some old guy with the right size land who I can bedazzle .... I did one of those "What are you dreams for the rest of your life" things that corporates like to do as 'team building' get-aways.  Top of my list was to make an animal sanctuary - a large one where elephants could fit.  Second on the list was to marry someone with a big enough piece of land to do it on -:)  I wonder how much a face lift costs ....



 Pan, Bo, Hannah, Cal, Waldo,Littleoldme and all the rbc family,

  Guys I hope you have happy holiday and a great New Year !


  All the best to ya 


All the best to you too Kate ... and the rest of you wonderful people! 


Christmas eve here & I took a major dive which means I took as many benzo's as I could lay my hands in & stayed in bed for more than 24 hours.  Don't remember last time I got this bad a black dog visit ... even forgot to feed my non black dogs.  I've had trouble with my vision recently & went off to get new glasses last week.  But no - this is not new glasses needed - it's called macular degeneration & it essentially boils down to going blind.  I've gone into 'non-compute'.  It doesn't even run in my family.  Smoking is apparently a major cause & I smoke although I've been doing nicorette chewing instead for good many years now.  The suddenness & speed of onset makes me think it's related to cancer meds.  Breast cancer it appears doesn't stop wtih a mastectomy.  Shit, shit, shit .... I've fed the dogs at last but I'm tucking into the pills again & heading to bed again hoping I wake up on another planet.  Brave about this I am not.


Cal, my friend.  I am so sorry to hear your news.  glad i was too cheap to ever smoke, even the fun stuff.  chemo does affect so many other body parts.  Messaging you on facebook.

thanks!  chillin' with the chilluns.  in portland, oregon.

Thanks, kids... it's just individual collapse / or partial... but it's coming back. Even better... now I  sound like a tard fuck without even trying!  And by the time  I am 104, the brain-dead will be the norm! 

Remember all the McGovern  shit 40 years ago with...  gay rights/ abortion/ legal dope/ and all that shit all 40 years AHEAD OF TIME ... so what- we've gone from 60% dummies... to 50% in 40 years??  Is that it??  And with all this technology, at least half the population is still incapable of finding a asshole or brain... and uses both interchangeably- whether didactic of diarrhea-- with burbles or breaking winding. 

Is this satire? Nope.  They really are fapp poo burble dribble shit-full-pants fuckhead stupid in nature of giving the ponerlogy billionaire bone... and here are there:  

Welcome back, Waldo. Bet you were hoping to come out of your coma and find that it had all just been a bad dream. Surprise! You really do live in the United States of Nitwits.

That said, you are required to stick around and suffer with the rest of us. Remember..only pussies blink out early.

sooooooooooo glad to read you, loud and clear! 


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