Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

We don't need another / a new discussion to prove it.

It is as it is.

Let this "fred" (discussion thread) live under the theme .......

long live this family

brothers, sisters, brethern, dogs, cats and birds, ants and flees, water and air and gas and Clare and Jim and him and the window Simm (??) and you and me and he and she and we and them and us and puss (???) and fish and the dish (it's on) and paper and pen.


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Eight years ago a colleague at an institution that I resigned from in order to not have a job there with no real prospects told me that he saw a survey that claimed that Academic faculty were more medicated with mood enhancing drugs than in any other profession.

a man who bought my father's store and then ran it into the ground, ignoring my father's advice, is now he head of the business school at USC.  that is what i think is a trademark of the upper echelon of academe.

Abbie Hoffman and Marilyn Monroe for admissions committee. PeeWee Herman for the Office of Circumlocution.

Me and the wife have applied for positions at Quest University  No majors, no department, no tenure, no "professors" just "tutors", 12:1 student/faculty ratio.  Classes are taught in intense 3 1/2 week blocks - Students only take one block at a time. They offer one Arts and Sciences degree.  After the first two years of foundation course the studes spend the next two years pursuing one question of their choice.  In the Garibaldi Park overlooking the spectacular Tantalus mountain range and Howe Sound, Canada's southern-most fjord in British Columbia...

I want this one bad....

Tres cool. Garibaldi Park? Seems like it was meant to be.

I would have to nominate Augusto Boal and Paulo Freire for the curriculum committee.

To me that synthesized singing voice sound is fingernails on the chalk board.  The whole popularization of ideas by making it accessible to the masses has been around since Lenin's agit prop theatre.  There are different ways of doing it: Silly Symphonies and Merrie Melodies (even the ones with pickanniny black birds) exposed my cartoon brain to great music by dead white guys  while Hooked on Classics just gave it a synthesized beat so the disco mamas and disco boys could do aerobics to it.

The Rabbit of Seville - now there's a classic

and....of course....What's Opera Doc?

Kill da wabbit!

Kill da wabbit!

Always learning things here on RBC.  I now know that John Cage isn't Nicholas Cage .... I was all for Nicholas Cage being elected to the university committee.  Have to get to know John Cage - is he the pianist John Cage, or is there another one?


John Cage, the pianist, composer, expert on mushrooms, partner with Merce Cunningham.....

Perhaps, after Marcel Duchamp, the biggest influence upon all of the modern/postmodern arts.

Thanks Pan.

Mushrooms?  I just read a very amusing chapter in Mark Vonneguts book "Just like someone without mental illness only more so" about mushrooms & how he learnt what the phrase from David Arora's Mushrooms Demystified actually meant - "It is much more important to not eat a poisonous mushroom that it is to eat an edible one."


IT'S useless to pretend to know mushrooms,'' says John Cage in ''For The Birds.'' ''They escape your erudition.'' The more you know them - about telling, for example, a Spathyema Foetida from a Collybia Platyphylla - ''the less sure you feel about identifying them.''


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