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Life in the Empire

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Hey- aint anybody gonna pick up on EM's video idea? We got a prop list or anything like that?
GOR,,, you guys have been quiet lately.. Is it because you're depressed... bummed out... fucked up? GOOD. ME TOO. How could anyone NOT be depressed.bummed/fucked in light of the FACTS??? ME TOO. THEN WHAT??? what- you're asking me? Those of us with kids... the best we can hope for is to die first so we don't have to watch our kids die. OR... if you aint got kids... just fucking die a quick death and an easy one. Answer to above question: denial.

I'm denying that it's so fucked up that there's no fucking hope in any form that I can imagine. C'mon... who's with me? And then... and then... and then... and then....

"the best we can hope for is to die first so we don't have to watch our kids die."

That's terrible, man. I can guarantee, if it comes to that, I'll be taking out a few fatties with me. Hell, maybe a few third-worlders as well. I've had it with both ends. They both seem pretty fucking worthless to me.

Now, that's optimism.
"hard sheep cheese"

I think I'm gonna barf.
"Is it because you're depressed... bummed out... fucked up?"

All of the above ... and add "ideologically utterly confused". We've got power outages here which are euphemistically called 'load shedding' of a serious nature. We get 2 afternoons a week off while the economy in our little neck of the city takes a dive. Ever driven through a city where the traffic lights aren't working during rush hour? The government did not believe our electicity utility company Eskom when it said that it needed to build new power stations to cater for the growth in the country ... so now we don't have enough electricity to go around. Added to that we have a populist 'president in waiting' ... I like most of the IDEAS of socialism/democracy ... but have an absolute horror of how it translates in practice to rule by the lowest common denominator. I didn't join the 'packing for Perth' brigade 15 years ago because I thought I belonged in this country and could help to make it great. Now I am thinking that was a very naive stance. We get more third world as the days go by and whatever the criticisms that can be levelled at 'first world' 'third world' is not a good alternative to it. Aaiiee ... maybe I am just too indoctrinated with elitism to be much good as a global citizen ... Waldo - yes - I find my aspirations dwindling to a quick & painless demise.
Cal- I think you are in the best position to observe what will likely be coming down very soon in the US. Ouch! sorry bout the "nihilism." i gets real frustrated when i cook what's left of brain... and STILL can't see thru it. yeah... consider the lilies and savor the strawberry- no doubt. I sure 'nuff would pack up for Perth... if i knew where the US equivalent of Perth IS. they gotta solve that energy problem SCHNELL... and building more centralized powerplants and expanding the grid aint the whole deal. But if I understand what Cal is seeing firsthand... it bodes ill for what we old-coot socialists think is "socialism." Perhaps if the lowest common denominator is neglected... when the "populists" use them to gain control- how can "they" imagine anything other than looting? I still maintain that it all begins with the energy problem. I shudder to think what "load shedding" will do in US culture.

"Neglected:" I don't mean that in a skanky-ass "liberal" way. I usually ignored the black dudes who went to the back of the room, pulled their "hoodies" over their heads and went to sleep. Now it's starting to get really fucking irritating. I don't know why I even got back into this shit... but I think next week it's gonna be... "dude... go HOME and sleep." BUT... it's sorta the same kind of fatalism. I'm getting really fucking irritated with the celebrity-cult "elections." Same deal as the sleeping hoodies. Why do they fucking BOTHER to even show up AT ALL? Is it "entertainment?" There is enough that needs to be done everywhere that NOBODY should be "out of work." I believe many of us would feel much better if we could get over the "ideologically utterly confused" hump... but there is GREAT danger in that kind of "certainty." Oy... what a paradox.
the Russians use district heating to keep the peoples in line. See one GazProm and how heat is


turned off in winter time....and how the peoplez shutthefuggup real quick when the wallpaper is frosted over. Lookstameah like summit our future here in zentral europe will hold. I likez Moscow but the russian way of keeping people warm and in line with the guhmmit is summit real real ugly. According to the above linked article, they dont even have even gas for themselves. Did I say gas ? Caspian Sea ? Damn. I need to shut the fuggup.
Extravirgin Olive oil. Hard sheep Cheese. Cherry Tomatos. A bottle of red, not too dry.

Bruschetta for beginners

...and one with pictures

Sheep cheese plugger

Might as well go down in style.
As a homebrewer I make, consume and can afford the best beer you can find anywhere. Right now I have an Imperial Rye Oatmeal Stout and a Sahti (traditional Finnish beer brewed with juniper berries) that are ready to drink, a potent Wheat Wine aging in the bottle, a Rye IPA in the secondary fermenter and am going to brew a Belgian-style Trippel with palm sugar, piloncillo candy, red date & honey concentrate and dragon fruit.

Went to the library and brought back some CDs and DVDs and Joyce's Ulysses.
Sounds very inviting. Not easy either. I looked into home brewing ....ah, must of been ten years ago. Saw how hard it was to get it right and decided to refrain. But now our eldest has brewed beer and cooked Schnaps in Chem class at school. He knows how to do it right. We don't have a cellar. It would be full anyway.

Have you ever tried honey in Mead ? Had some hemp mead last year. Mmmmmm. Very tasty and green!
I have 6 gallons of mead in the secondary fermenter - made from fireweed honey so it has a little bite to it. Should be ready in a year or two. I also have blackberry wine that is very tasty but I am trying to discipline myself to let it age.
Lookin into travel routes. Lotsa desert on the map. White mountains to see Cuzin Ivanhoe. We've never met. Uncle Cecil moved out to Lancaster before I was born. Jim & Toni & Ivan were younginz. Frank's family moved there too. Don't know when. Jim now lives near Stockton. What an odysee. Maybe too far for me. Gonna take Route 66 for sure. Hoping Motor can meet me half way. Shiit, Lancaster is halfway, but I know old Motor won't go there. Maybe Johnsondale.

Never been there.


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