Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

(how is this for a new thread?)

It is not the freshest news. But it is still breaking, people are still absorbing it ,and it all till needs context.

The filthy greedheads and the doomed can't have exclusive rights to this news territory. The insane and the loyal opposition must have their say as well.

My take - the Russian armada is going to bomb the living fuck out of Aleppo.  Not so much to help Assad as to show they can still break shit, and still matter in one of their few areas of influence outside of Russia. 

Sebostabol/Crimea alreadytaken and those pieces are swatted off the chess board.
Then they will pass through the Suez canal to a favorite area of contemporary interest - the south china sea, to dock at the "chinese" island. 
They will refit at Vizag (a top indian navy base), go hover around the "chinese" island in the spratleys, maybe some commando/fast boat/SEAL type training with the chinese there. then they go right by the senkaku islands on the way to vladivostick for winter.
just to show the world the BRICS aint nobody to fuck with. 
Turkish PM Erdogan just "cleaned house," by firing about 40,000 people in government and shooting a
few hundred security, military and intelligence staff accused of being Gulen supporters.  some probably were, some probably were not, and Gulen's infleunce is not as profound as the govt makes it out to be. but he just bought himself 5 more years of unchallengable rule. and the ability to flip turkey out of NATO into the BRICS. I think it is very possible and could happen suddenly if it does.
Then much of eastern europe NATO (esp former ussr/Warsaw Pact) all quit too - because it is a stupid antiquated instiution that has not had a rational strategic reason of existence since the fall of the Berlin wall.  nato is not world's army the blue hats in the UN are.
Timing - Putin put them at sea when he knew he would have a four month window of no real response from usa because of the  elections.
They will have proved they are back as a true blue sea navy, anf kicked some ass, and shored up crucial geostrategic along the way.
I feel no portence of WWIII but instead feel this is a macho country saying "we be back motherfucka!"
and the advanced cyber and ground/space/ship-to-shore warfare eqpt of china, russia (less so india) is getting really good, and hits all the achilles heels of nato/USSA, efficiently, cheaply, and on the button.

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Does this tin foil hattery have any validity? Was Trump set up to take the blame for economic collapse?

Which President Is Better For The Elites During An Economic Breakdown?

If you consider the premise that Clinton is NOT the chosen one, and that the entire election is theater, the situation changes rather drastically.

Those that follow the underlying economic data that the mainstream tends to ignore know that large swaths of the global financial system are not long for this world. With Europe’s banking system plunging towards a Lehman-style event, the OPEC production freeze deal ready to fall apart yet again, and the Federal Reserve threatening to raise rates into recessionary conditions in December, our already floundering fiscal structure is approaching another crisis.

My questions has always been who would the elites rather have in office when this crisis occurs?  I’ve said it a hundred times before and I’ll say it again here: with Clinton in office, globalists and international financiers get the blame for any economic downturn.  With Trump in office, conservative movements will be blamed.  In fact, I suggest anyone who doubts this scenario watch stock market reactions every time Trump rises in the polls or Clinton faces renewed scandal.  The narrative is already being prepared — a Trump win equals a market loss.

For those that think it outlandish that the public could be tricked into blaming Trump and conservatives for an economic crisis, I suggest they consider that possession is nine-tenths of the law in the minds of many.  People can also be irrational when facing financial ruin.  I would remind readers that history is written by the victors.  The globalists plan to be victorious in the dismantling of America and our founding principles.  Whether or not they succeed is really up to average conservatives and liberty proponents, not Trump.

The reality is, half of America is ALREADY primed to blame Trump for everything that happens over the next four years (if we even make it that long).  Possession is nine-tenths of the law in the minds of many.  Beyond that, every meme in the global media and on the left is promoting the idea that Trump is an apocalypse in the making.  Even Germany’s 'Der Spiegal' published its after-election magazine with a cover depicting Trump’s head as a giant comet hurtling towards the Earth.  Don’t tell me that Trump cannot be blamed for an economic crisis.  Only a complete idiot would suggest that he is anything other than the perfect scapegoat.

At bottom, it does not matter whether people believe the above predictions or not.  I have hundreds of emails from readers who called me a “tinfoil hatter” in the past and are now apologizing.  So, if you plan to react in a knee-jerk fashion to the notion that Trump and conservatives are being set up by the elites for a final financial flagellation, be sure to write two letters — one for today saying I’ve lost touch, and the other for tomorrow when you find out I was right once again.

Good place for the flyboys to test their war toys...  

Trump's potential cabinet (from Politico)

ghoulish horrors, each and every one.

John Bolton for Secretary of State? The most hateful, incendiary, undiplomatic of all the necons?

Right out of Dr Strangelove, baby.

You don't need a weather man  To know which way the wind blows.

The fabled matryoshka doll with no known ending 

We act like we believe all this shit. 

A senseless disorientating menacing complexity: 

It could be that this is it!   

Yep... i believe that it is.  And i chafed at the SJW label... just like they bridled at being called fascists.  But i have thrown my lot in with the SJWs, even though they (lately) have been annoying me greatly.  "Racist!" "Misogynist!" etc. etc.  Well of couuurse.  So fucking WHAT?   My issue is "competence."  Example:  I don't give a shit who my heart surgeon hates or doesn't hate.  I was more concerned with #of operations, survival ratio, degree of difficulty... etc.  

What i see here is the Peter Principle at work... big time.  Follow the career of Hitler.  Very similar.  Compare the career of Lincoln... Principle Peter... rising to level of incompetence... vs. rising to the level of competence.  Trump- born on 3rd base (like Bush) and surrounding himself with ass-kissing toadies.  I would postulate that a "team of rivals" will beat a "team of toadies" most of the time.  Dabble in Military History, and look at the rise - destruction of the Wehrmacht.  

Right now- I'm looking at the Army of the Potomac... at Gburg... Principle Peter at work.  R.E. Lee certainly wasn't incompetent...actually brilliant.   but he was probably getting over a mild heart attack... and had to spend too much time behind his tent during the battle with a really bad case of "the trots."  Contrast with G. G. Meade... who was certainly "adequate" ... but served by people who got where they were (mostly) through Principle Peter.  

The US fascists' avowed goal now is "crushing the 'Left.'"  Believe they will try to do it by "any means necessary."  

While the right avows to crush the left, the left avows to crush the right.

I happy to watch all this insanity play out from the sidelines. I'm rooting for the non-participants.

As a wise Sensei once told me:  " don't try to bury their head in the cement.  You allow them to bury their own head in the cement."  Brock is exactly WRONG.  The real SJWs are at Standing Rock... and watch what happens to them.  Don't "protest" in front of the Court House.  Then the Rednecks will drive downtown and fucking SHOOT YOU.  And then "Liberals" will become the new "Jews."  And like in 1942... it had nothing to do with whether you were "Jewish" or not.  It was anybody who said anything bad about Hitler.  

Just sayin' (or NOT sayin') 


David Brock isn't Left.  That would be the Right avows to crush the Further Right.

I'd agree that the two primary candidates were both right-wingers. Probably why independents and the left didn't automatically vote for Hillary.

You'd think the 'lesser right' would want to get rid of Brock and start rebuilding their party. Instead, they're playing even dirtier politics. No discussion about what the party represents -- only the quest to destroy the president elect. Essentially the left has been abandoned without any representation.

And yes, it's pretty frightening watching trump installing Christian Jihadists for government positions. It's not gonna be a great time to live in the US if one isn't a white, god-fearing christian. 

Had to look up SJW.  There is a difference between a safety pin SJW and one who is actually willing to risk a beating or jail.


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