Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

From a friend who knows (must read)


My own personal opinion is that since before WWI, during 1913 when the "FED" was established by the Bankers (Mellon, Rothschild, Warburg, etc) which effectively placed the US Monetary system under the Bank of England, that this country, the USA, has departed on what ever was left of Democracy and plunged down the slippery slope of Fascism and Empire building. All Empires have been known to fail, dramatically.

The US entered WWI "reluctantly" as a direct result of the Balfour Agreement.

The US entered WWII "reluctantly" after the "Day that will go down in infamy", December 7, 1941 after the "sneak attack at Pearl Harbor".

Then came the National Security Act of 1947, which created the NSC and the CIA from the remnants of the OSS elements of WWII.

Next came the Korean War.

By then, the CIA was in violation of its charter.

Then, along came Ed Lansdale.

The came Cuba and the Northwoods Plan, with previews of 911.

Then came Vietnam and the Gulf of Tonkin Incident which plunged the US into the Vietnam conflict.

After the Nixon Administration trashed the Constitution with Assassinations in Chile and the Watergate Break In, all of our attention was directed to the War On Drugs. Note with a smile, The Drug Enforcement Agency, DEA, was once headed by none other that George HW Bush, before he became CIA Director in the 70's. (How does one ENFORCE drugs except by importing them?!)

1991 provided us with Madeline Gillespie and her assurance that the US would not interfere in Iraq action to prevent Kuwait from slant drilling into Iraq territory for oil production.

After the First Gulf War, 1991, continuous Air Force Strikes against Iraq up to the US preemptive invasion in rch 2003.

911 provided the excuse to preemptively invade Afghanistan, a sovereign country that did not attack the US. See related articles in left column below.

The US has military forces in 130 countries around the world.

Who let the dogs of war loose?

Depopulation can only be around the next corner. That will satisfy the angst of Peak Oil and Food Shortages. How massive will it be and what are the alternative reactions of those who refuse to go along?

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Views: 13

Comment by waldopaper on August 12, 2009 at 9:10pm
Why do I keep hearing PeeWee Herman in the back of my head singing, "...connect the dots, la la la... connect the dots, la la la?"


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