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Life in the Empire

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feh- no trouble here. if there were, i wouldn't be talking about it.
I am too tired to fight. Wife keeps finding jobs for me to apply to. Over 20 in the past month. If I'm lucky I get a nice rejection letter - usually it just goes into the void - the worst is when they don't even bother to contact me after I give a really good interview.

The dance studio business sucks. We don't pander and we don't have many students. It costs us money to teach.

I used to say the reason I drink beer instead of wine is because I can buy the most expensive beer in the world for the price of a fairly cheap bottle of wine. Not any more.
The big world ignores me, I think I like it.
I think surrender is perfectly fine.
It's the only way I know of getting anything decent done.
Just let it all go, let the air in.

Watching seedlings slowly emerging is exciting in a wonderfully slow way. I've had to take the seed casings off a couple of mine, they didn't seem able to shake them off by themselves and were falling behind in the dark.

Was that the launch party for Memetics and Literature in Composition?
I'm going to read that again in the morning.
The golden thread...


What seems to raise humanist hackles is the idea that we don’t get ideas, ideas get us. On the surface, this model appears to challenge human "empowerment" and "creativity." Yet there seems to be no problem when authors claim that their characters "take on a life of their own," when artists claim pictures "paint themselves," when songwriters’ songs come from out of nowhere. Is it so disturbing to our space at the top of the Great Chain of Being that we may have a symbiotic relationship with our thoughts instead of commanding them?
Waldo, Memetics in Literature and Composition (as above).

I am inhabited, traversed, pierced, blasted by ideas; gripped, tossed, turned and governed by deep impressions within that must be surrendered to as absolutely as possible
in order to let them through.
They are beautiful,
and they hurt.
They make me cry, they make me double up, and dance and sing long notes like melodic screams into the times, unheard yet absolutely vital.
All this in solitude, like a hermit.
This my duty. They call it madness. I call it being
an artist.

An introduction to
A New Theory of Art, Beauty, Consciousness and Truth, someone I've admired for several years, Ernest Rossi.
Couldn't follow up fruitful exchange with him because of laughing and crying together, he liked my poem. Have to keep things simple. His work in the psychoneurobiological field is flabbergasting. I have several of his books and used to dip into them frequently, making notes and colouring in the words until I completely lost it, and fell off the edge, fluttering like a handkerchief in the breeze.

(I am a silent carrier of the "bugger off" meme, simply thought, sometimes spoken in private down south. In the north you can blurt it out openly. Down here it evokes the sodomy meme, which isn't/is terribly relevant really.)

In respect of gardening I feel I should openly and immediately confess that I have purchased online several large plant pots, 45 cms diameter (minimum recommended size for growing vegetables successfully according to the Royal Horticultural Society) and a capacity of 35 litres(9 American gallons). Likely to last for many years. I can keep the vegetables that need frequent attention close to the house, and put them where the sun shines.

And for the Lasagna Gardening
Genes Memes and Temes

Clearly the word she is looking for is "sheens"

Still resonating to the cry of ancient archetypes...
paint first, talk later.
Hel-LO!! what's cool is when things lead to other things... following your Blackmore link, I came upon Yochai Benkler's lecture: about "open source economics." Major ah-HA moment in here... has to do with the nature of stygmergic collaboration and all...

Will probably put Blackmore's "temes" on the back-burner for now... this is starting to look like taxonomy-- and I tend to be a lumper, not a splitter-- and for now would posit that these are just memes with different pants.
An Alex Ansary interview about food... yeah, the guy has an "agenda," but his take on the data is mostly correct. Tut tut yas yas... "generalizations."

Just now I was trying to explain the apprehension I feel about the black students... and I got "tut tut yas yas stereotyping." Well scuse me all to shit. I am more than capable of understanding "stereotyping," in fact... I used to be in the business of creating such things (for profit). But ALL... not some... not most... ALL of my black male students got the sideways-hat crotch-low clown-clothes cell-phone-rings-in-class "'TUDE" and now they sayin, professa walzo... wot kins ah dooz to gits a "A?"

Well... sezeye... lesse... you missed 15 classes. you haven't turned in any work... BUT if you do (yadda yadda blah)... you MIGHT pass the course. By the way... WHY didn't you ask this SIX WEEKS AGO??

Yazbut (remember that?)... ah needs a "A."

NOW: if I presented this small scenario in dialect like I just did (to you) to the "administrators," they would soil their collective pants and brand me as a redneck KKK member (oh THAT'S NOT stereotyping)... but I'm not making this up. This just happened TODAY... almost exactly as described. NOW: if I just flunk these guys (and have the data to back it up)... same "administrators" don't give a wheedly-poot because they got the money and it's almost lunch time. So I'm only talking about this HERE.

Here's what breaks my fucking heart: I see their daddy- my age- who was a "Black Panther"-- and their grandaddy- who was a WWII vet-- and great-grandaddy-- a migrant laborer's son-- and great-great-great grandaddy who was a fucking SLAVE... never mind all the Mommas that took in washing and stood in line to be humiliated by the sniffy wheat-bread bureaucrats... to pay with their fucking sweat and blood to send young Wiffle to "college" so he has an "opportunity." All so clueless sideways-hat clown-clothes NIGGER can say, "buts ah needs a A."

YOUBETCHER sweet ass I'm ANGRY... and youbetchersweetass I'm CYNICAL... because the only people who I can discuss this with who can make any kind of difference will give me this tired old "tut tut yas yas stereotypes" bullshit. Fine. I'm sure in THEIR classes they got lots of servile clean-cut George Washington fucking Carvers. How nice. But not me... I got a bunch of young black MEN who are about to become Simon fucking Legree... just to pay for their fucking cell-phone ring-tones.

AND it you think THAT'S tragic... you don't know the fucking HALF of it.
a slacker is a slacker is a slacker...

Got 'em in droves in my 'hood.' Most of them are third-worlders who brought their cluster-fuck-human-life-ain't-worth-a-shit attitudes with them when they escaped their homeland. But the blacks seem to developed their third-world attitudes right here. When your only heroes are some NBA star or 50cent, your perspective is as limited as your values. What's changed I think, is that people used to be ashamed to live or come from the ghetto. Now it's a fashion statement. The more barbaric you act and appear-- the better.

And the duplicitous bleeding-heart liberals call them victims. Absolute bullshit.

I just hope my kid doesn't start emulating that shit. They picked up a dead 'gangsta' not a mile from our house this weekend. I think if he sees the result of that lifestyle a few times it ought to cure him of any gansta leanings.

No sympathy from me.
...and they'll all be NBA stars for sure...America, meet your future...

50 percent of LA workforce are immigrants

LOS ANGELES, April 21 (UPI) -- Los Angeles is at the leading edge of a U.S. demographic trend, with half of its workforce immigrants, many of them unskilled and speaking little English.

As baby boomers retire, the same pattern will emerge across the country, the Los Angeles Times reported Sunday. Demographers estimate that by 2025 most of the growth in the workforce will be from immigrants.

Ernesto Cortes Jr., Southwest regional director of the Industrial Areas Foundation, said Los Angeles is at a crossroads.

"The question is: Are we going to be a 21st century city with shared prosperity, or a Third World city with an elite group on top and the majority at poverty or near poverty wages?" he asked. "Right now we're headed toward becoming a Third World city. But we can change that."

The Migration Policy Institute used U.S. Census data to determine that one-third of immigrants have not graduated from high school and 60 percent do not speak English fluently.

Cortes, with former U.S. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Henry Cisneros and others, is to participate in a conference this week at the University of Southern California on how to train and integrate immigrant workers.


Had to take my son to the doc today. The place was full of Mexicanos. Sometimes I forget what country I'm in.
And BTW, The Three Amigos Summit is taking place in New Orleans as we speak...

President George W. Bush will soon host what has become an annual “Three Amigos Summit.” The leaders of Mexico, the United States, and Canada will be gathering in New Orleans on April 21 and 22. What do you suppose is on the agenda? A rational response to immigration, perhaps? A thoughtful renegotiation of the unpopular North American Free Trade Agreement? Lessons from Canada’s affordable medicines program?

No. No. And no. Rather than putting their heads together around pressing issues such as these, the three leaders will be advancing a so-called Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP). And while that may sound well and good, this initiative, begun in 2005, is unlikely to produce either security or prosperity. That’s because the partnership is only with big business.

The chief executives of Wal-Mart, Chevron, and 28 other large corporations are in on the closed-door negotiations, while members of Congress, journalists, and ordinary citizens are excluded. And the secrecy is not just around the presidential summits, but also the meetings of about 20 SPP working groups that carry on negotiations over the course of the year.

What’s on the table? Not much is public, but we do know that the executive powers of the three countries are hammering out regulatory changes that they claim do not require legislative approval. And given who’s in the room, it’s a safe bet that these changes will favor narrow corporate interests over the public good.

The official corporate advisory body, called the North American Competitive Council (NACC), made 51 proposals to the SPP negotiators last year on issues as varied as taxation and patent rights. The NACC later boasted that “all three of our governments have committed themselves to taking action on many of our recommendations.”

El Linko
At Southeast Missouri State it was the white trash contingent. The line that always thrilled me was "but you will screw up my scholarship if you give me a D and I won't be able to go to school and I'm the first one in my family to go to college". You shoulda thought of that before you skipped all those classes and blew off the assignments.
The wife and I had a name for that inbred trailer trash - MoCoFo's short for Missouri cousin fuckers. So, does that mean I'm a self-loathing white man?
" does that mean I'm a self-loathing white man?"

Nope. It actually has little to do with race, and a lot to do with breeding (or importing) ignorance into a society through unbridled growth and relaxed standards/laws aimed at increasing the tax base and profits without regard to quality of life. Oh, and the christian ethic that over-breeding is good.

'Tis the globalist meme. And what I've discovered in my research is there isn't any way to escape it unless you are rich. Everywhere is expensive.


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