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Life in the Empire

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yep. economic reality. but "money?" well... got the same relationship with economy that shit does with agriculture. Wheat Crop Failures could be Total... The predators pull another scam... so the goons gotta check everybody's piss. Who's "earning" and who's "stealing?"
The 545 thingy lost me as soon as they whined about the liberal press. Anyone who is spouting the "simple truths" is more often than not someone who thinks Ron Paul could save us.
Edited to remove link to wacked-out evangelical web site. Oh well, even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Still a great image...

well... ya gotta wade thru a lot of sophomoric horseshit these days. the paulitos are children of the Ronzo era which morphed into the Neocon era... and now they want to deny they were Bushoids. they're right about "the elites." what they can't get thru their heads is that AINT the "government" because there IS NO "government." the paulitos also think the "private sector" is their pal. there aint no "private sector" either. it's an illusion... and the "dollar" is mighty important in maintaining that illusion... as are "elections."

difficult to guess how "they" are going to deal with the collapsing currency... but my guess is they aint gonna let it get Wiemar-like with bushels of bucks to buy a head of lettuce. my guess is there will be lots of secret bonfires to reduce the M1 supply wid a quickness... and various forms of "electronic exchange" either encouraged or even mandated. that will enable the "selling" of debt like letters of marque between corporations... with the "privatized" prison-industrial complex getting involved.

all speculation of course... based on my personal experience going on right now with "capital one." over 3 years ago i paid off my credit cards, cut em up, threw em away. oops... didn't get the "cancel the account" in writing. envelopes kept showing up, i threw them away. about a year later the phone is dingalinging all day long with messages from people in mexico... then india. in a year they had gone from NOTHING to about $600... for doing NOTHING. well- fuck you- sezeye... i aint payin it. about a year ago, one collection company that bought it from another that bought it from another... agreed to go the fuck away forever for $200 which they put in writing.

not cap one. in three years, it's gone from NOTHING to $2500... all deedle fees, interest on the deedle fees, penalty on the interest on the late payment of the deedle fee charges. and cap one sold it long ago to bangalore collecto-phone times three or four. the last company probably bought the "debt" for about $2. not a bad "return," eh? fuck you- sezeye. i aint payin it. o course they could attach my "bank account" or garnishee my "wages," but i'm guessing that would cost more than $2. BUT... a little bribe-ola could change all that... like the bankruptcy laws... and the usury laws (my "apr" is now 26.7%). an exact microcosm of "sub-prime." so my usual line is... i'll declare bankruptcy... i'll commit fucking suicide before i pay one fucking penny for extortion... gets one to thinking...

...what if people just set the houses that were "foreclosed" on FIRE?? It needs a catchy slogan... like "if they come and attach your ass... give em the match and the gas!" hey- just a plot idea for a short story. i wouldn't suggest such a thing. that would be "terrorism."
whoops... apparently that's changed... now it's the M0 money supply... which (in the US) is "currency." a while back... i had a major hissy-fit somewhere where they "wouldn't accept cash" not even the EXACT amount. I slammed down a bill and said "read THAT"... (you know... the part where it says "this note is legal tender for all debts public and private.") Yes... but we don't accept cash. Welll... then I'm not going to pay you. Well... then they were going to call the cops. Right about then the heart started to pound and i was getting a headache.

Always happens when i deal with fucking idiots. got used to that for years. except one time the heart-pound developed into a "cardiac episode" ... and another time the "headache" turned out to be a fucking stroke. now- i'm usually pretty patient with idiots... you just keep it very simple and use small words. but there are idiots... and then there are fucking idiots. you can't beat a clue into a fucking idiot's head with an air hammer... let alone small words.

Speaking of which... did anybody see Preznut fuckingidiot on teevee... going ANWR ANWR... we gotta drill in ANWR. plus the remark about "rich farmers." So now it's throw ADM to the rabble... but give EXXON a little help. yep- those poor down-and-out oil companies need a break... and NONE of the press-puppets nailed that one. Yep... a shabby attempt at the tree-huggers and hippies are making gas expensive. THAT will probably work. but throwing ADM to the rabble might stir some shit.

I would guess 22LR rounds will make great currency.
To Waldo, If It's all fees, write the better business bureau and the attorney generals office in the state their corp is, and bitch. Believe me it works. We had our car repoed because of a mistake on the part of our lender. Thought we had it all straight until the loan was paid off, no title, they added the repo fees onto our loan and put the repo on our credit report. Hubby hit the roof and e-mailed the better business bureau. Had a check within 2 weeks for the fees they charged, an apology , off the credit report, titles on it's way. It's worth a try. Now if ya go the attorney general of the states office route, they have so many days to respond, then THEY are charged $10,000 a day, till it's taken care of. It's what they're there for, use them.,
Here's one to please, about straw bale gardening
Participatory Economics seems to be the deal:

Has everyone else already discovered this? Bit slow on the uptake here, does look most encouraging to me.
Thanks for the link mouse.
Parecon is cool... it may be somewhere in the back pages of the Tribe site... but thanks for the reminder!
Unfortunately, the only ones "participating" now are in the SPP.
interesting idea.
Funny, 'participatory economics' used to be called democracy. Now it's considered an anarchistic theory. My how we've let our country go to hell.

Well, I guess I shouldn't be complaining. I've got more work now than I can do. In fact, I think I may have to go find some Mexican coders. Give 'em a taco per page.

It's nice to be working the debt off as all my investments tank (yep, all the bets I made against the dollar are going south). Musta been bad karma cause I raised the topic here during a smugness spell.

Serves me right.

Forgive me midas. I'm tired of working and I just want to live out my days on a beach somewhere...


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