Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

You can copy and paste the following and bother everybody you know with an email:

click and listen (it takes 29 minutes and 26 seconds):

1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy
2. Create a gulag
3. Develop a thug caste
4. Set up an internal surveillance system
5. Harass citizens' groups
6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release
7. Target key individuals
8. Control the press
9. Dissent equals treason
10. Suspend the rule of law

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Enlightenment... goddamit. Fucking dipwad software. And ALL of this is miles away from J-Lo's butt or doodle's twins or any of the other airhead shit that occupies "public discourse," I aint tellin ye anything ye don't already know.
Congrats on wrapping up another semester. Do you get the summer off?

Good rant. Personally, I have a problem thinking that ideology has much to do with any human motivations these days. Smells like good ole fashion greed and hubris, and compromised morality to me. I don't see much ideology at all behind it--just different flavors of icing representing various forms of self-rationalization.

During a recent conversation with my brother, he called humans an evolutionary mistake. Might be hard for some to grasp, but he reminded me, considering the long history of our planet, that man will undoubtably be just a small blip along the way. A spark along the continuum. Appears God forgot to include a self-regulating device so man wouldn't eventually destroy his habitat as well as his own species. A huge mistake.

Too bad. Man had the collective intellect to make it last forever. We coulda been great. Then again, I wonder why we care.
shit happens
I knew you would "get it". For more lengthy submissions / entries, use your text editor. When done and happy with the rant, log in, copy & paste (Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V). This has happened to me more times than I'm willing to confess to. On the second run, you can only get about 60% of the original "from the heart" rant, at best.

Computers can be real assholes.

Old Hosanna, now don't you cry for me. I rode my horse to Louisianna with a war criminal strapped over my knee. (not supposed to make any sense at all)

US soldier refuses to serve in 'illegal Iraq war'

My hero. The dude just sez "no."

Imagine what the USA would be like if there were a few more like him. Not to overlook the fact that he looks just like Johnny Depp. Will the US crucify him?
Dude rox !

I have a new, living hero. Tanks Bo !
FU, Bush. Go away kid, ya bother me.

Well, at least they announced this after the markets were closed.

The truth is...they probably don't have the extra reserves to sell. I love the sound of shit hitting the fan in the morning. Sounds like....desperation.
People like Chiroux are our best hope...until we can all find the courage to fold our arms and walk away. Meanwhile, the usual suspects are busy cobbing together Police State 2.0 to make sure they can stop such shenanigans (outsourced to China, as usual). As Stones said in his latest: "Well, here it is. It's happened." After the militarization of Mexico, there won't be anywhere to run.

yeah- i get the summer "off," that is-- without "income." "Employment prospects" are a joke... even if I were willing to pee in a cup and go thru 5 interviews... to open boxes for $5 an hr.(after a credit-rating and background check, of course). One of my stoods got a summer job as a "process manager," but she has MUCH nicer legs. Besides, if anybody says "process management," I have to fight the urge to pee in their coffee cup... which I actually offered to do once during an "interview" where they asked if I would "submit" to a "drug-screening."

"Oh... pee in a cup," sezeye. "How bout this... I'll pee in that cup right now... and then you can do whatever you want with it... no extra charge." I don't do "interviews" very well... unless I can make it past the HR drones-- which doesn't happen often these days when they "screen applicants" from all over the continent... because they CAN... for six months when there's usually somebody down the hall who's willing and capable to fill the "position" immediately. Besides that... I no longer remember how to describe my "skill sets." "I don't have the patience to lie and managed to avoid becoming shit-yer-pants fucking stupid" ... the very qualities I looked for when I was hiring people... doesn't seem to cut any ice these days. In fact... it seems to be a deal-breaker.

Oh sorry... we're looking for a lying sleazebag that's dummer than a dumpling... with a nice butt.

Ms. Waldo just came in... all aghast because of the big black van with huge tires that pulled up next to her in traffic. "No windows," says she, "but the two people sitting up front were all dressed in black... and they had HELMETS... and GOGGLES on... inside the van!!! And they were wearing armbands... that said, 'POLICE' with the star and the city markings!! Who ARE these people??" All I said was, "...welcome to my nightmare." Now she's out mowing the lawn... to get her mind off that scary experience. Oh yeah... I quit "mowing the lawn" two years ago... buncha dipwad Hank-Hill whitebread bullshit... but Herself doesn't want the "neighbors" freaking out over uncut grass (hey- they might turn us in).

I wrote a bunch of Dilbert-meets-Mad-Max stories years ago that were on the macs that got creamed during the fire. I still have the hard drives... but recovering the data is too $$. These are "asset acquisition and recovery units" ... armed collection agencies. Some of us might be a little crabby about being driven into homeless serfdom... due to "unreported charges" and 26.6+% apr. Well... there's a beefy athletic brainless generation of soma-suckers being prepared to cope with that. The Sturmabteilung is hiring and your Social Security is up the chimney. Merry fucking Christmas, you old hippy-dippy useless eaters.

I betcha Ms. Waldo has completely forgotten about the black van by now.
Wlado's got the summer off. Good, we'll get to read lots of Waldo rantings.

How about a daily log of events with the whole family included.

I watched an R. Crumb movie last night and sure as shit, your icon was in it, as well as an uncanny resemblance in sentiment. You make the collapse fun, Waldo.

I'm still cracking up thinking of Ms. Waldo purging her demons by mowing the lawn.

OK, off to see 'Iron Man' wit da fam...
just lost my reply as well... about meeting Mr. Sketchum in Koln. Yeh... write yer shit in a word processor... kinda like making "backup files." Right. ya oughta do it. Nobody does. It was a good story.

I blame it all on fucking Win-doze.
Another living hero to add to the collection:
Dr Malcolm Kendall-Smith, formerly of the Royal Air Force,
don't know where he is now.

British military doctor courtmarshalled for refusing to serve in Iraq

The doctor told the court, “I have evidence that the Americans were on a par with Nazi Germany with [their] actions in the Persian Gulf. I have documents in my possession which support my assertions. This is on the basis that ongoing acts of aggression in Iraq and systematically applied war crimes provide a moral equivalent between the US and Nazi Germany.”

This message was played to the audience of "A NIGHT OF CONSCIENCE" at St James' Church in London's Piccadilly, a fund raising benefit to help pay the £20,000 legal costs imposed on Malcolm, after he was released from prison but still on a curfew and unable to attend.

Messages of support to him on the Military Families Against the War site in the UK.
i have yahoo email which saves drafts when you are composing an email automatically in 'drafts' as you write, and i use it to compose and then just cut and paste it later. that way if you get sidetracked, it will always be in saved drafts. i just use my own email address in the to line in case it gets sent accidentally. it's really handy as a notepad. you can even use the subject line as titles for filing. then you can delect when you want.


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