Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

....or, how to deal with the inevitable aftermath of the approaching collapse of the US and with it, the World economy. We had a thread like this going good over at the first RBC...remember, the one we all moved to from other cyber places like The Smirking Chimp and Project for the Old American Century ?? Those were the days. We were hot on convincing people the USA is fascist. Life was rough. Nobody listened. We screamed our lungs out, some of us. Still, nobody listened. The Bush bashing took the front seat of most every discussion. No time for reality. No "Blick in die Zukunft" (view in the future). Tough titty, too late, the train is gone and now we have to look around for "a place to sleep". (after a personal experience as a young GI in Frankfurt. Life sucks when you realize you blew it big time by not listening to people's warnings)

Quoting Bo......(from a mini crusade he was on today);

"Well, here's your future discussion topic: The USA is dead.

The body's been burned to a crisp, hung from a bridge, and the limbs are falling off.

The RBC is now making plans to survive the aftermath. That's the reality we need to prepare for now."

So bring 'em on, those survival techniques. Copy & Patse from the other other RBC too. What good will it do us o'er there when the damn place (TribeNet) collapses ?

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It's a 20 gauge.

But seriously folks, I could never use it against another human. It's just become a metaphor for my frustrations toward society. I think I'd probably be better off growing potatoes so I could toss those at my enemies. That, I think I could do. But, actually kill someone with a shotgun?...I doubt it. I think.

Maybe I'll be in a different mood tomorrow.
I can do it. That's the scary part.
In an emergency, when my back's right against the wall, I reach for the kettle and light the gas for tea. And of course I always have a hammer close at hand for tightening stretchers.

Did anyone else notice Waldo saying this earlier on Just dug up a 30x14 plot... in addition to the 10x10 raised experimental no-dig (where i creates me own soil) and me ass is draggin. ?

That's a lot. I was thinking about that while I spread the newspaper on my grassy hill and covered it with large pieces of cardboard, treading them into shape.
Ran out of newspaper, used up 2 issues of the local weekly. Feel pleased, it's changed the scale of the trees, they seem much bigger. Things have grown enough now to feel private in that place, it's easier to be there. Lousy weather tomorrow should help it all to adhere and plasticise. Then there's clippings of various kinds and homemade compost and masses of pruning looming around helpfully.
The Permaculture Cup of Tea

Container Gardening in the Slums of Mexico City.
would seem fairly easy to cover 10'x10' square with newspaper and water it down, right? that's what i thought. first of all there are all the clay-finished toxic-colored-ink inserts... know how many? well- there are sections of the paper-- notably the "sports" section- that never got read or opened... guess where they stuffed all that shit? the inserts for the hoggo riding mowers that we've seen Hank Hill "neighbors" nodding to each other as they ride around their 50x50 yards. just ONE of those fuckers could mow the whole neighborhood in a day... but i digress.

then there's the wind... (well DUH)- HEY- i figgered if i watered it down til it turned to mache' it it would stay put- nope. turns right back into newspapers when it dries and flies even better than before. cardboard? got nonna that... and the girls are using the vehicles to socialize... so no store-begging today. besides... i just had ONE beer... and after that, i dont leave the property. too many kopz... and while it's "legally" .08% bac to drive... ANY is enough to bust you for PI (public intoxication). so i gathered the paper... watered it down again... and covered it with some old carpet (to be removed when the grass below finally croaks, o course).

running across all kinds o nifty shit i could do for less than $100... (like rigging a rabbit fence... with snare runs)... which was chump change when i had an income. now with my joke-ass poverty-level $10k a year (if i get 1/2 of the classes i usta get). Carolyn baker sez: The time for a sense of entitlement is over. We are not entitled to anything; I repeat: We are not entitled to anything. Each day, each moment, each breath, each bite of food and drop of water, each smile or warm hand on our shoulder, if we are fortunate enough to have them, are precious gifts to be savored, treasured, and given thanks for.

Yeah? well i got one small problem with that. if the deal is "ice cream, 10 cents" and i give them my dime, i'm entitled to my fucking ice cream cone. ok- the "credit card" vultures are telling me the same thing... they're "entitled" to their $2500 because i fucking ignored them for 3 years. well then, buckaroos... it all boils down to who got the shot and slugs... and who is willing to use them. The ol culture of looting is nothing new... and aint all that hard to figure out. Yeh-yeh- "precious gifts," i kin dig it. otoh... i don't consider being left the fuck alone a "precious gift." i don't consider a bruiser-boy deciding NOT to kick the shit out of me because he'd rather finish his corn-dog a "precious gift." I'm ENTITLED to be left the fuck alone, and not have my ass kicked for shits and giggles.

And if "they" pull that Social Darwinism crap, them i'm "ENTITLED" to run, hide, lance them with a dagger, blow their guts out their ass, or bring the building down around their ears with 1000 lbs. of fertilizer if that's what it takes to get them to STOP. WHO DECIDES who is "entitled" to what?? It USED to be the "justice system," but now that "justice" is a commodity just like everything else... subject to speculation and spot-market pricing... well then it's just like every other "commodity:" pay the going rate or MAKE YOUR OWN. i guess what i'm saying is this: those who see the "commodification of everything" as "natural law" should be wiped off the earth.

Is THAT "violent radicalization?"
My baby birds have fledged. I've taken pics of them and have posted them in the photos.
I decided to add pics of my baby ducks too. Lots o baby critters about my house.
Here's a video on Bill Mollison practicing his stuff ... take heart Waldo - his newspaper doesn't seem to fly off in the wind.
That's one of the coolest videos i've ever seen! Gawd how inspirin'! Cheated today and bought some sprouts from the Amish greenhouse down the road. Learned the sweetpotato was the most nutritious vegetable... got the last pot of slips, but they said they were "pulling up more" tomorrow. got some good sized 'mater plants... got the corn mounds in... squash (both sprouts and seeds) go in tomorrow. gotta get some hay/ straw (and i dont know the difference) for the raised box. then set some snares... too many wabbits.
Farmer Waldo. I'm lovin' it.

We need pictures.

You guys are making me jealous as I sit in front of my computer all fucking day building web sites. Yeah, OK, it's nice to be making money, but damn, I'd rather be outside digging in the dirt.

And, where the hell is Pan? If he's working in his garden, I'm gonna shoot myself.
hey yeah... where the hell IS Pan?? ohyeh... will be spearmintin with #4 shot... usually used #6... to see if 4 can get out there about 10 yds further. 4 is slightly larger... ye might wanna look into #2 buck (for self-defense). and slugs, o course. rifled sabots. 3/4 ounce (375 gr).

hey- wish i were makin some bred... and buildin websites... how much does a domain cost anyway? mebbe we should make one... first terminal on the underground railroad. Cal's video was mind-blowing. This and houses like trees (and treebogs)... solves problem. Now to electronically link all us "reebees" and find out how we can proceed in the "carbon world." I figger there's about 3 million of us in the USA.

Tonight I thought about delivering pizzas. Kapital Ein ramped up their campain to collect the $2500 from nothing that i will get homicidal before paying ever in this world. Now mostly concerned with bucks for mortgage and electricity... and grub, o course. Checked out growing spuds in bags... and perchance ye kin do sweepos the same way. build the soil in bags over the growin season... slice the bag, saves ye diggin the tubers (roots, actually)... keep and dump the bags in the raised 10x10.

Ms. Waldo has been very patient and kind with my shit "income" severe clinical depression and all... but i better get on the fokkin stick and think of SOMETHING... to keep house, juice and grub together. I HAD a good idea about the post-collapse trike... and my slack-off hippie nephew was SUPPOSED to help me develop the prototype... but now the prototype bux is gone.

It's gonna be back to small-town type clusters... but the question is how traumatic (violent) the transition will be. will that last round out be for a kop or a zombie?

depends on if it's a collapse or a civil war. Yo- Pan... weigh in on this one, bro.
our compost......

Thought that I'd post these while we wait for Mr. Waldo to get his snapshots up. I hope these aren't too big cause I hate the work involved in down-sizing. We had thinderstorms last evening and the mother-in-law is over for raclette so we decided to make the best of it and spiffy the garden up a bit. Our compost, no food rests, no varmits, no weeds we don't needs, no shadow-growers such as potato plants. The compost has to stay a bit dry, needs moisture but when it gets too much it turns into a sump and the worms move out. The mice too, if any are in there and there usually are a few.
Notice the horsey manure. Tick 17; go to where horsies roam, grab up a shopping bag full of some fresh manure and take it home. Your garden will love you for it. Grab a big bucket, dump two handfuls manure in it and fill it to the brim with rain water. Water certain plants with it after you've let it stand for a day. No artificial fertilizer needed.


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