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Life in the Empire

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no longer holds true;

"one Nation indivisible,
With Liberty and Justice for all."

read this to find out why
I agree with Pan, it was a fallacy from the start.
Speaking of Guns....

why the hell grab your guns and drive 50 miles to the nearest indoor gun club. Indoor because we don't just go out in the desert and shoot cans around anymore. Used to, not any more. We all know practice shooting, stuff. But why go to the club on a Sunday afternoon ? Why we did, was probably because we totally underestimated the power of the Church. Say what ? Am I indicating it was church folk who bogged the Gun Club down ? Did I actually come out and say that ? Sorry. It kinda slipped. Out. Boom. Bang. "He's SAFE!"

We weren't members so we would have had to wait another 15 or so hours....unless more members were to show up. I used the time inside to check the place out. It was impressive. Guns, guns and more guns. Guns on the walls, guns in the glass vitrines, guns in the patron's hands and pants, guns in the sales persons holsters, guns in magazines and guns in the bag I was carrying for my school buddy while he stood in line to pay for some earplugs I said would be way cool for bike riding. I had my camera with me and I wanted to get a lot of good shots in but I somehow thought it would be better to ask for persmission, so I did. She said it was okay, but only one wall, "this wall". Nice one.
Took my photo(s) and wandered around to another wall where I saw an assault rifle I thought would be cool to try out....but it was way too heavy. Can't run with that thing onya. America, at least in the Phoenix area, is armed and ready. For what ? I'm not sure.

I think we were safer back when we were just shootin cans.
the bag I was carrying for a few minutes contained these.........

and then there's this...........

you don't need a permit to carry a weapon...only if it is conceiled. You can go in and buy the gun and carry it the same day. Legally. The wild wild west. Nothing has changed.
Hello. What a shame guns can't make biscuits, carry water or keep you warm quietly.
Food, Water, Fuel: Fundamental Necessities of Life in Jeopardy.
"We are at the crossroads of the most serious economic and social crisis in modern history. The process of global impoverishment unleashed at the outset of the 1980s debt crisis, has reached a major turning point, leading to the simultaneous outbreak of famines in all major regions of the developing World."
Interesting chart on who's killin' who...

30,000 gun deaths in the wild, wild US every year. And another 64,000 injured.

Cool. Darwin's keepin' busy.

Glad you made it out safely, Curt.
I'm glad too, Curt. I was just doing the silent "what time do you call this.. have you any idea how worried we were?" bit on behalf of the anxious contingent.
should read "concealed". My english is slippin.
I'm guessen that after 30 years away, ye kin lay stuff on us native USAns that we aint seen in years because it's so much part of the bullshit. What I think is the coolest shit EVER has to be balanced by people who have this complex weapons-system mindset who have never used a fucking HAMMER in a "stress environment."

Curt, looks to me like ye tapped directly into the batso-nutz root.
altho i will confess... along with the Paladin avatar is a fantasy of reciting poetry to pigs when you have to snuff their ass. peas porridge hot. peas porridge cold. peas porridge in the pot BUNT BUNT BUNT. something like that.

heh. heh. heh. fuck- that's REALLY sick.


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