Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

Interesting news day today. Here's a summary:

1. The US plans to shoot down a [supposedly] dying satellite before it spins out of orbit and kills millions. The real news: The US wants to test a new anti-ballistic missile. I'm sure the Russians and Chinese are thrilled.

2. Another college shooting. Hardly news-worthy anymore now that they've become so common. Question is: Has it become too risky to send your kid off to college?

3. The housing market is still fucked. And getting fucked-ter. People walking away from their homes in droves. Prices expected to come down another 25%.

4. The fed was all over the teevee today telling people the economy wasn't doing so well and bond insurers might start to default soon. The real news: Depression on the way. Fasten your seat belts, folks. Oh wait, I forgot about the rebate. Yeah right, that'll save us.

5. And my favorite: All misplaced Katrina folk have to move out of their FEMA trailers due to formaldehyde poisoning--all 35,000 of 'em. How ironic. Gee, I wonder what effect this might have on the mobil home/RV industry? And of course, the lawyers are all over it.

Did I miss anything?

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Twilight of the Psychopaths

Civilization, as we know it, is largely the creation of psychopaths. All civilizations, our own included, have been based on slavery and “warfare.” Incidentally, the latter term is a euphemism for mass murder.

The prevailing recipe for civilization is simple:

1) Use lies and brainwashing to create an army of controlled, systematic mass murderers;

2) Use that army to enslave large numbers of people (i.e. seize control of their labour power and its fruits);

3) Use that slave labour power to improve the brainwashing process (by using the economic surplus to employ scribes, priests, and PR men). Then go back to step one and repeat the process.

He throws in his Paulie support at the end which kind of sours the article and it really isn't anything that Waldo, Stoney or Bageant haven't already pointed out. And he offers up the internet as hope which is fine if you feel like clapping for Tinkerbell. But it still is refreshing to read others who reinforce your world view (for the most part).
Thought you might find this amusing:
about the Georgian deception
oh nooooo... psychopaths! HAARP holes in heaven... noooooo.....

Fits my own SWAG 5% brutal psychopath theory... as well as the 10-15% shooters. Have been getting into Stalingrad... the "bloody angle" in the US Civil War... and particularly Berlin 4/45... where such close quarters made "opting out" all but impossible. The only "clapping for Tink hope" I have for the internet is an underground railroad formation before the electricity goes. You gotta know who you can trust before ZT... after that- you won't be able to tell. I would guess that anybody who is aware of approaching Nazi-Zombie time will be fairly reliable. perhaps. Methinks the people who dont see it coming by now aint gonna... and when it gets here-- they'll be unpredictable.

Speaking of Stones... he promises a great revelation from Scar Tissue... so naturally I had to sneak downstairs and peek at the packages. Became more curious about "Ratso" Sloman, the ghostwriter. O course... the story o breakin yer own shoes cos of addictions dont interest me much... i got the T-shirt. But how this guy behind the curtain made it a good story does. Mebbe there's some kinda technique there that will help me clue the poor wee spiders into Nzi-time.

One German lady said (pardon spelling) "wir war die damit Leute," we were the go-along people. And eyeguess it aint the psychopaths ye gotta worry about... the're EASY to spot. It's die damit Leute, dammit. (one o those weird German words like "also." which near-as-i-kin-tell means "like that)" Most everybody is damit Leute until they figger they got nothin to loose... which paradoxically makes SOME go along... like the old Volksturm dudes in Berlin... and fairly ALL of the Soviets.

Hard to predict... but my guess is that we will get caught between the tweakers and the kops. The kops probably aint gonna steal yer food... but anything that looks like it aint where they think it oughta be is gonna look like a tweaker and theyre gonna shoot it. It's all speculation anyway. Water, shelter, food, poop. Maybe mobility... and bicycles are amazing compared to feets. Real conspicuous tho. I wish't everybody in my fam had a bicycle and daypack-sized bugout bag... but that's crazy-old-man talk to them.

Oh wait-- this oughta go on the post-math thread...
If you know any "right-wingers," or have any in your family (ahem)... please send them this article by Paul Craig Roberts: Are You Ready For Nuclear War? Be sure and tell them who PCR is... especially if they think (most do) that "Reagan" walked on water. As he says, "the mindlessness is total." In part...

"I get emails from these Brownshirts and attest that their hate-filled ignorance is extraordinary. They are all Republicans, and yet they think they are conservatives. They have no idea who I am, but since I criticize the Bush Regime and America’s belligerent foreign policy, they think I am a “liberal commie pinko.”

The only literate sentence this legion of fools has ever managed is: “If you hate America so much, why don’t you move to Cuba!”

Such is the current state of a Reagan political appointee in today’s Republican Party. He is a “liberal commie pinko” who should move to Cuba."

I get this all the time. Of course, I WOULD move to Cuba if I could... or just about anywhere... even tho, as Curt sez... there is no escape in the global sense... and in the cultural sense, you're always going to be an "American." And Roberts is talking about your "vote," which is a useless fantasy... but one step at a time. Maybe if they hear one of "their own" describe how batshit-nuts the psychopaths "running" the "USA" are, they MAY rethink other things.

Watch out for the circular cognitive dissonance- denial- compartmentalization thing: it he's runnin down da prezudink, he CAN'T be one of us. (same as "it's not fascism when WE do it") Make a note. You've found someone who is capable of reporting you to the Gestapo. As PCR points out, the Russians don't have time or money to build Defensekorps Bigbux Tons-o-fun "smart" weapons... but they CAN (and did) upgrade their nuclear capability... and are probably reactivating the Rocketskis and all. Thanks, neocon fuckheads.

Oh... and Orlov can run down the Georgia thing for ye... in case they ask... as well as connecting the economic dolts. Well, maybe I will have time to work on "wiped of the earth" this weekend...if the classes get loaded right and the garden aint doin anything interesting. If we keep killing "them over there," they WILL kill "us over here." What choice will they have... and who is "they?" Well... it is increasingly... the REST of THE PLANET... cos the fatties are runnin outa bribe money... and they gotta keep enuff to set up their fiefdoms. Once they get inside their fuehrerbunkers, they don't give a ratsass how many of us die. The more, the better.

With the immediate folk around me, it's convincing them the levers aint connected to anything. As Ms. Waldo said, "that's outer-space shit." That's even crazier than thinking "9-11" was an inside job. Forget about "evidence" or any of that shit. Now Dieblod is "Premier Election Solutions" (I am NOT making this up). "Premier spokesman Riggall said he could not comment on the lawsuit." (honest- check the link) They indeed provided "solutions" to meet their "customer's needs."

How fucked up does it have to get? My guess is... Nztime.
Thanks Waldo, fantastic reading, working on it.
So, did you guys notice that Gumby's arms form a sort of swastika? Pretty cool, eh?

Totally agree with the psychopath thesis. Hell, I bumped into quite a few of them during my corporate years. But, I don't agree that it's twilight time for them. Not until a few of them actually pay a price for their deeds. We haven't seen any of that yet. Will we? Not unless we have another revolution.

Spent ten hours on the road getting home from canada today. The border crossing took five hours because it was so fucking crowded with kanooks crossing over. I have no idea why so many Canadians want to flood into the US on the weekend. And of course BO had to make a few comments about 'what sort of appeal could the US possibly offer?' Most of 'em looked kinda dumbfounded...'why does that American hate his own country?' Well, I got a few laughs from a few of the wiser kanooks.

Got three hours sleep the night before. A young lady--home fresh from the bar--had left her window open and encountered a raccoon family in her condo after she had gotten undressed. She was so frightened, she tipped over a glass dining room table, smashed it to bits, and proceeded to fall on it--cutting herself pretty badly At that point she started yelling hysterically and woke BO out of his sleeping pill induced coma.

Got the whole family up and ran down the hall to find the young lady naked and bleeding from several broken glass wounds. My wife pulled her into our apartment while BO checked for the raccoons. They split.

Checked her over while she was still screaming hysterically. No pumpers. Just a few gashes that would require quite a few stitches. Called an ambulance and while waiting our room began to fill up with people from other apartments who had heard the screaming. At this point, I was getting perturbed with another drunk (woman) from one of the other apartments who decided she was most qualified to take care of the young lady. One hysterical drunk being consoled by another blathering drunk. Not pretty. Well, finally the EMT's got there and saved the day. Then the young lady's boyfriend show's up (He had stayed at the bar with a friend). A nice English lad--totally sober.

By the time it was over, it was three a.m. and we had an all-day drive to look forward to in about four hours. Too much adrenaline to sleep. But finally dosed off in time to get in a few hours.

I swear we didn't see one damn mounty until we crossed over into the US. And of course, there was no backed-up traffic coming in to Canada. Five fucking hours to cross the US border. Yeah, Mr Bush, I'm delighted to be an American.

OK, that's my news for the day.
"I got more bandaids, more ice cubes and more iodine..." Mark Spoelstra should be on "passings." "When you see this sign it's time to go..." like the scene down the hall from BO:

Crikey! Now that's "news!" Betcha BO will be absent for a while ... stocking back up on those lost "Zs" zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...............
Yep. So looking forward to a couple of days of rest. Vacations are hard on us old farts.

Thanks for the image and song.

My wife and kid are headed for Portland for a wedding, so BO gets the weekend to himself. Ah, freedom. And it's a gorgeous day. Nothing like a little peace and solitude to melt away the trauma of a series of crazed-human encounters.

Ain't nothing civilized about civilization.

Security Makes U.S. Conventions Virtual Fortresses

"Aug. 22 (Bloomberg) -- Two U.S. cities will become virtual fortresses during the Democratic and Republican nominating conventions, protected by airplanes, helicopters, barriers, fences and thousands of police officers, National Guard troops and Secret Service agents."
Lovelock says we are past the point of no return.
" Before this century is over, billions of us will die, and the few breeding pairs of people that survive will be in the Arctic where the climate remains tolerable."

BO: have the boy find an Eskimo woman in Nunavut.
Whistler is full of young women working in the service industry. Met a number of cute australian women who participate in some sort of exchange program. Not sure if young BO is going to be a top or bottom man. But he got offers from one Canadian women and one Australian (dad was joking about marrying him off to a foreigner as usual) . BO doesn't care. They were both cuter than buttons.

The Canadian woman said he needed to learn to snowboard first. The Australian said she wouldn't take him before he was 12.

The naked drunk girl who fell through her glass dining room table?....

I've been avoiding the news. Maybe it's the non stop rain we've been having thanks to Fay. You get to overload point. Hell, what happens, happens. Figures the table tipper is a drunk amerkin. We're the varmints real or were they pink with trunks?
Very dark here, thick grey clouds, as is often the case these days. They have robbed us of the sunlight.

"The Georgians shelled peaceful people who were asleep."

It was direct artillery fire from 80, 100 and 200mm guns. They entered Tskhinvali in their tanks and killed women and children.
"I am in a Jewish part of town at the moment. Everything is ruined and destroyed. Tears are coming to my eyes. There is nothing left from the house where my friends used to live. There are tea kettles scattered around, and the metal beds are burned and twisted.
"I would like to ask Saakashvili what he wanted from this small piece of land of ours. Why did you come here, at high speed, with your weapons? Almost everyone here is a Russian citizen. Our state language is Russian. We have nothing to do with Georgia."

Trying to pass on Waldo's message at the weekend, you know me and computing, it's a bit of a struggle. If you look at the comments above you might notice the part where I went upstairs and tried to sleep, after the second attempt. It was actually an hour later than it says, and I'd been up all night, messing about.

Every time I started to drift off I also started to laugh. I was well aware of the statement I'd made about having a clear conscience, regarding passing on the link about nuclear war, and it seemed to me that it was so funny, such a public failure at such a simple and important thing, and the laughter wouldn't let me sleep. It was proper laughter, really funny, and it made me feel so effervescent that I found the energy and bonhomie to roll out of bed and have another go at it. Got it right that time. I think.

There's a great deal to be said for hilarity. I have noticed that, and other such important things. The lifting of the spirit, its like opening windows and singing.


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