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Life in the Empire

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Beginning of Phase 5

Back in February 2006, LEAP/E2020 estimated that the global systemic crisis would unfold in 4 main structural phases: trigger, acceleration, impact and decanting phases. This process enabled us to properly anticipate events until now. However our team has now come to the conclusion that, due to the global leaders’ incapacity to fully realise the scope of the ongoing crisis (made obvious by their determination to cure the consequences rather than the causes of this crisis), the global systemic crisis will enter a fifth phase in the fourth quarter of 2009, a phase of global geopolitical dislocation.

According to LEAP/E2020, this new stage of the crisis will be shaped by two major processes happening in two parallel sequences:

A. Two major processes:
1. Disappearance of the financial base (Dollar & Debt) all over the world
2. Fragmentation of the interests of the global system’s big players and blocks

B. Two parallel sequences:
1. Quick disintegration of the current international system altogether
2. Strategic dislocation of big global players.

At the end of this phase of geopolitical dislocation, the world will look more like Europe in 1913 rather than our world in 2007.
It is high time for the general population and socio-political players to get ready to face very hard times during which whole segments of our societies will be modified, temporarily disappear or even permanently vanish. For instance, the breakdown of the global monetary system we anticipated for summer 2009 will indeed entail the collapse of the US dollar (and all USD-denominated assets), but it will also induce, out of psychological contagion, a general loss of confidence in paper money altogether.
Stuart's not buying what Cramer's selling... from Truthdig.

Everybody knew... EVERYBODY knew... that a 30% roi (per QUARTER!) was NOT "sustainable" (except for the flacks and dummies who ended up "in charge"). The overriding attitude was, "I'll get mine and jump off before the Ponzi train crashes." Now the Obamoids, sock puppets, et al. are trying to keep the train wreck rightside-up and skidding down the rail-cut for a few more seconds (days? weeks? months at best) so THEY can jump off with their boodle bag.

We are going to keep hearing more Rand Illusion crappola from the "libertarians" (until they lose their "jobs"). Now the bullet-heads are making noises about "revolution." Go for it, bullet-heads! If their "challenge Obama's citizenship" strategy doesn't work...

They'll be the kapos at the FEMA camps.
The Cookie Monster as Bernie Madoff

Matt Taibbi nails it in this one, The Big Takeover:

Here's more grist for the Weimar-theory mill: ...which is largely ignored now cuz "obama" got "elected." I watched the GLBA go down from inside the "financial services" industry, and it looked like suicide then. they are handing the ticking bomb to o-bomb-a and when millions are in the street, the SA will be hiring. there WILL be a revolt within the "military" as soldiers are stop-lossed (again) to suppress US citizens.

now it might help if more people had any fucking idea where the "financial crisis" came from, but they "don't like to read."

Addendum: Ning Exposed.
In Orlando: feed the homeless, go to jail

Astonishing. Here's another good man being dragged over the coals.

What a sad & scary story ... Those guys doing the arresting are WAY, WAY, WAY more disturbed and dangerous than anyone I ever met using the herb. I wonder what it is they are so frightened of ... actually maybe they aren't frightened of it at all .... just only too happy to have a legal excuse to hurt people.
Idaho teacher sells ads at bottom of tests

This is in the town where I live. Very red state. No Taxes! Even if it means we suffer! Very blue collar here, not wealthy at all. About a 1/2 is Mormon so "Go USA! No Taxes! Go Larry Craig!" The University's Association of Students refused to book Milk for their diversity week, instead showed an action film with a black actor in it (I guess that makes it diverse). I highly recommend the film but then, I moved to SF shortly after Moscone and Milk were shot by the Twinkie Assassin, that White guy, so some deep nostalgia for the City played into my response.
Poor kids. You know things are bad when life starts imitating Onion news items.

The story could have only been better had the guy taught nutrition.

Poor Pan, must be a bitch living in place full of 'Twinkie Assassins." I'm sure the majority of Poke-and-tellins would view Dan White as the movie's hero.
University student unions (I'm kind of surprised that they still use the word Union - kinda Marxist don't ya think?) are now dominated by kiosks of fast food chains rather than the old style where the food was prepared by a university based company.

In K-12 lunchrooms where they haven't sold out to Taco Bell or Junk in the Box, their offerings mimic fast food (chicken nuggets - that's good eatin') If you can't beat'em......find a longer stick!

Childhood obesity, heart disease, diabetes is up....nah, there isn't any connection.
Just gotta get those kids on Lipitor early.

It's the beauty of capitalism. Create the disease, then offer up a cure. And make incredible profit on both ends.

It just boggles my mind that our educators have become such willing co-conspirators in a system that they should obviously be exposing for what it is. I don't think they are as much stupid as they are morally bankrupt. But, it doesn't surprise me. I've always harped that a person's morals exist in reverse proportion to their religiosity.

Your latest avatar: thanks for the laugh.


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