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Life in the Empire

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Anyone with the name of Carolyn is ok by me ... (guess what Cal is short for -:))
Iceland says no to bailout of international bankers.

Gotta wonder if the next "terrorist threat" requiring a military response will be from a flight originating in Reykjavík.......
Yea to my fellow vikings. It's be cool if they invaded New York and carved up a few bankers.

Thanks for your postings of late, Pan-arama. Been working hard and haven't had time to ferret-out the important stories--unfortunately, they're the ones buried deep beneath the usual fodder.

Are the peeps finally waking up to all the shit going down? Oh please let us see some heads roll.

My first thought: WHO is this James K. Glassman fuck? I been watching G Carlin for the last couple days... Just finished his bio, "Last Words," trying to get ideas for the wee spiders... and I been saying the same shit Carlin was saying... the "choice" is a fucking illusion. I get the same eye-rolling reaction... even from Ms. Waldo. But what REALLY grinds my ass is that I also get this "Karl Marx" fucking bullshit... like that's supposed to shut the argument down immediately.

Now if I had a hair on my academic ass, I would re-read Das Kapital... this time in the original German (which would take about a week per-page) . Shit... I don't have time to re-read Capital in English... and I read it the first time back in fucking High School... along with the Communist Manifesto. Even a 17-year-old high-school pinhead like me back in 1966 could see it was the next generation of social/economic theory. Now... like George... I don't give a fuck. "I have no stake in the outcome." My biggest ambition is to do for tens what George did for millions... turn on a few fucking lights. But George straightened me out on that shit.

He said he didn't want to "get people to think." He said, "I want them to see that I am thinking." So what does this have to do with "collapse?" Well, tonight... some fuck turned in front of me as usual so I got stuck at the top of the driveway. Backing down to get another run at it, I veered off (back window frosted up) and got bogged down, So there I was, stuck in the snow... cursing the asswad who caused it all... when a young dude with his two young boys in a small Jeep stopped and helped me get unstuck. There ARE good people out there.

Maybe it's related... Carlin wanted to show he was thinking- because it's the right thing to do. I believe that's the same reason this young fella and his boys helped me out. In retrospect, I should have "exchanged information," saying that we regular folk will need to find each other... but somehow... I think that will happen anyway.

Fuck it. I got papers to read already.
Page Smith, in his Killing the Spirit: Higher Education in America, points to the change in emphasis in colleges from close contact between professors and their students in an educational setting to a research and publication emphasis (where teaching gets in the way of what faculty are really rewarded for doing) as the reason for the development of college sports. The students needed to have a diversion from the fact that they weren't getting what they were paying for and just like the Roman Circus, the weekly college football ritual keeps the unruly mob from really noticing what is going on.
One of the most evil pricks on the planet. Lloyd C. Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sachs -- the POS who will be testifying before congress next week -- like that will change anything. I'd love to see this guy die a slow, painful death.

Send him to a care home in the UK, that should sort him out.
He wont remember anything. Isn't that the way they handle questions now? "I don't recall."
Taking Tea with the Lizards
By Joe Bageant
Ajijic, Jalisco, Mexico

The Republican Party will beat the living piss out of anybody for a buck. The Democrats will fly the flag of FDR, even as they pirate the public coffers on behalf of Wall Street. Don't think the American people have not noticed these things. After thirty years of pistol whipping and emptying of their wallets, they've started to figure out there just may be a public robbery underway, with both parties as accomplices.

The rest of the article
Ok, I was going to put this in the tasering file, but couldn't find it, (old.... maybe), but here goes. Hope it works.


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