Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

We don't need another / a new discussion to prove it.

It is as it is.

Let this "fred" (discussion thread) live under the theme .......

long live this family

brothers, sisters, brethern, dogs, cats and birds, ants and flees, water and air and gas and Clare and Jim and him and the window Simm (??) and you and me and he and she and we and them and us and puss (???) and fish and the dish (it's on) and paper and pen.


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Hope the hospital time is minimal and the result is maximal.

Ms. Medusa had an operation - last year it was me - seems like recovering from surgery has become our annual Winter Break event.  This getting older shit is really fucking annoying.

Hey Waldo & Pan & Bo & Litlleoldme & Mouse & the others in no particular order .... may we all make it into 2011.  I almost didn't - hospital again this time with what I thought was kidney failure & turned out to be a panic atttack.  Doctors & nurses treated me like a basket case after all the tests came back fine ... wasn't much fun ... and the ever resurfacing ex boyfriend invited me for Christmas/New Year & I was so excited until he cancelled three days before saying he'd just felt sorry for me.  Fuck ... I am not in a good space ... not wanting to tempt those watching over me to pour on anymore but things can only get better from here?  Heavily tranquilized and when I'm not I'm crying uncontrollably and trying various methods of doing myself in ... definitely basket case stuff.  Unexpected ... I was doing to very well after the ADHD diagnosis and meds.  I've booked a week in the Kruger National Park to chill out in the African bush week after next ... but even that might sadden me more ... to many awful people crowding the rest of the creatures off this planet and hounding those they can find in the wild still with cellphone gathering of crowds and telephoto lenses that can only be making up for incredibly tiny winkies.

Love to you all.


Any of you on Facebook as a way of keeping contact?  Look for a Chadwick & you'll recognize the doggy picture there.  They are all that's keeping me going .... licked my face gently buy relentlessly to wake me up this morning to remind me breakfast was way past due.


Waste too much time in cyberspace to add Facebook to my daily dalliances.   Besides, not too thrilled about the site retaining rights to all materials posted there.

I am, just friend invite me or I'll invite you. If you get an invite from Mary Heicher, that's me.

Oh, and the next time the x calls to play mind games, tell im to fuck off and hang up.

Hug your puppies and hang in there. We're here to talk to if ya need it.


Love ya all have a happy new year.

Oh of all things dear Cal... the ol "black dog" is the most difficult day-to-day... do what ye have to do to find joy... it's everywhere... just small and sometimes difficult to see. but it IS there. Parkview Heart Institute... stable and bored out of me skull... but not about to git cheated out of the few quid of Social Sargasso I got comin in about a year. Wrappin it up with academe. Just answered a raft of email from "grade negotiators." More every year. bleh.

Cal- i get much comfort from the Magic Sid... me young border-collie mix... with Buddha nature ye know.

You take care sir, I for one would miss the hell outta ya.

Who else in my life writes stuff I love to read, even though I don't understand half of it. :o)

Cal, Waldo, behave yourselves.  Remaining present is the main thing.  

Just carry on being present long enough and the difficult patch is past and there's a fine morning.  

Besides which our dogs need us so.


Be thinking of you...


visited here, youths 7 to 27, 2.  Peaceful, harmonius.  Thaw.  Made two loaves today, ate two slices so far with blackcurrant jam from local bushes.

Sewing a little in the gaps.







Hospitals are crazy places. I suppose all of them are a microcosm of whatever culture where they're supposed to do whatever they do. I would guess there are many cultures that don't have hospitals. It's sort of an industrial-scale way of dealing with "health issues," and in Amerikkkan Kultur (like everything else) they're all about making "munny." But it goes deeper than that. For example, in a nation of "process managers," a high priority is placed on covering some administrators' ass.

You get your wrist-band/ ID (with bar-code) right away, naturally, and that's nothing new. What's new is that NOW every time they "administer medication" they gotta ask you to repeat your name and date of birth. It doesn't matter if they squirted you with some other shit (and scanned your bar) thirty seconds ago, you still gotta recite your name and number... and no, it doesn't matter if you are choking away your last breath... I had to do it in the ER. Maybe they make an exception for unconscious people, but I'm sure they have to fill out some kind of form.

I have no idea what they did while I was unconscious, but fortunately I didn't stay that way very long. Eventually it was possible to convince the night-shift people that the mindless name-number ritual really creeped me out, but the day crew just rolled their eyes and compliance seemed wiser than distracting them any further. Ask how much longer they think they are going to do this silly shit, and the answer is until "they" come up with some other silly shit for us to do. Like old Soviet Union: "As long as the bosses pretend to pay us, we'll pretend to work."

So I suppose we will continue to serve drinks on the hand-car to Hell until it pancakes into the molten brimstone and we all light up like a row of matches in a bake-oven. Slather that on top of wall-to-wall FUX Action McNooz plobbed on basic cable taffy-head and unless you crawled out of a third-world slit-trench or floated in milkweed from Kandyland, you will definitely go bat-fuck insane. Nice people, the nurses... and the docs are screaming around in either suits or scrubs explaining "procedures" or cranking them out donut-factory style, they're all one-legged folk in a but-kick war.

All over the place, there's a poster with a great big headline that says, "Why do I have to WALK?" Then it explains, bullet-point style, how it helps prevent you from turning into a putrefying blob. One of the bullet-points is (I am not making this up) that walking helps "move gas." But all of the bullet-points seem to beg the question. Why does anybody "have" to do anything? Somebody tries to make some kind of elaborate cause-and-effect case sliding into the hopper of "I might get into trouble," which is usually enough for most people. "Why do I have to WALK?"

Because I can't fucking FLY.

Thanks for the update Waldo. We waz all wonderin' how you waz doin'. Judging by the typical Waldo-style prose, it looks like you dodged another lobotomy.

So, beyond giving you culture shock, did they do anything about your ticker? Are you going to be with us for a little while longer?

and just for fun...



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