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OK, I'm an idiot - how do you upload video?

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Excellent question!


Seems a spoonerism of geek and something else.....the show Glee?


btw.....lest my comments be taken the wrong way.....I was once fired from a dance company for not maintaining the anorexic aesthetic (pictures of me from that time show that I was severely underweight but....not enough) and soon after formed Thick Dance/Theatre as commentary.

Someone who's addicted to watching the TV show, Glee.

Personally, I'm too homophobic to enjoy it.

yep- me own household ladies are "gleeks."  for me, not that it's "gay," but that it's "big."  not "thick."  too overacted and not subtle enough... but shit- that's part of the genre and "subtlety" has made me rat-poor.  

damn Mouse-EM... you seem to be in the vortex of the malaise gripping the UK (and very soon- the US)... it is now... it's just the poor US folk haven't started any fires yet.  Only a matter of days. What's gonna happen? 

Here is my best guess:  In The Year 2070.   Sequel to the Slipcraft Manifesto... and a bit easier to read. 

NOW can start grappling with the Libretto. 


i have watched my share of glee, i am a sucker for show tune stuff.  it's a silly show, but holds up against the news.


wow, interesting times we live in.  our garden has become a total monster that ate moline ks, without many tomatoes, or watermelons but lots of leaves.  oh well.  still worth it.  finally a break in the heat, so maybe i will get back to making things.  


love reading about  everything, except mouse's friends story.  and your daughter's poor feet.


It's her hips that are out of kilter, with the weight of the baby, another girl. Hurrah.

We haven't had a riot in our street for nearly 20 years, and then it was just the accumulated generations of grudges spitting out, personal.  Just watched a bit from the gate and went back indoors.  Hmm, hadn't seen hand to hand combat on such a scale in a village setting.  





Yep, I'm pretty much addicted, if there's singin' and dancin' I'm there lol.

The rabbit ears atop our old boob tube doesn't pull in the channel so it isn't an option.  Hardly likely that I would watch it.   I loathe show choir and there aren't any of the dance competition shows (So You Think You Can Dance, Dancing with the Stars) that I can stand watching very long - when I watch the former I start to bemoan the waste of those kids' talent on such schlocky choreography and and with the latter....I've never enjoyed the bastardization of social dance into a sport and throwing in awkward 3rd rate celebrities into the mix doesn't really add.


Oh least there is dance on tv.....back in the 80s, before the conservative attack on the National Endowment for the Humanities, there was art dance on TV.  Dance in America and Alive from Off Center.   But....even before public tv....when tv first started, they were featuring works by major artists on the tube.


Remember when MTV hit.  We were so excited because this would be a way for dancers to get jobs.  I did a couple music videos.  Got paid $150/day, the extras got the "opportunity" to be in a video and near some rock stars. Dancers always get paid least and last.


On one I was in a full body suit encased in a full head mask - couldn't go to the bathroom so I didn't drink any water for 8 hours. Director was some coke sniffing idiot.  When it finally came time for my close-up they start the music in the wrong place and I have to fake the choreography - director doesn't care because he is just going to do a few quick cuts.


Sorry to be a bit of a snob here - but that happens when it is what you do.

I also really enjoy the Sing Off. Why do you loathe show choir? Seems you would support some form of the arts in schools. There's very little left for the kids now.

I am supportive of any and all programs that provide some sort of arts to the schools.  I feel that Show Choir, like cheerleading and Dance Team, provide the students with an exposure to a very limited version of the richness of what dance is - better than nothing but definitely not to my taste.


I am focused upon making meaningful art that is entertaining.  My bias/view is that the dance forms that are enjoying televised popularity at this point are entertaining without any/much concern about being meaningful.  It is all a sugary confection.....taste good but no real nutritional value.

Finally did it.  Finally told several groups outright flat-ass: ""9-11" was an inside job."  Oh- it's "subject-related."  It has to do with the power of words... and we in the business are getting fucked just like everybody else

yep- it's a chumplink.  just don't have the motivation right now to go around it and avoid giving queen teedie a click. 

this is a big component of what got us "banned," remember?  It was a fucking inside job and that's the fucking truth.  Fuck worrying about the "career" or any of that bullshit... it's way too late for that.  Winter is coming. 

Here in krakkkerland they are going to be smearing themselves with ashes and waving flags and all that crap about "never forget" about something they don't have a fucking clue about to begin with and never did.  and fuck queen teedie... we were RIGHT. 

so now what?  well, now we get to watch the slo-mo train wreck go "real time."  it will be a blur.  even reasonable writers are still parroting that dead-ass "OBL and al quaeda terrorist attacks" bullshit.  what- we're supposed to twit and tweet this fekking krap?    

mah oh mah. it's the end of the week, buccos.   we are TRULY fucked. 


I think I may have finally given up on the chimp board. It's become a site for moderates--hardly a lefty to be found. And outside of a few frustrated posters, hardly anyone there really gets what's happened to their country. And those that do--and take the chance to express a contrary Obama fucked us all--get pummeled. 

Interesting times. The totalitarian takeover is almost complete now. And I do believe it's getting close to the point where we're going to have to watch what we say about the burgeoning US gestapo. For instance. Getting violated by the gestapo and being forced not to talk about it. That's some pretty evil shit. Nazi level shit. And examples like that one are becoming pretty frequent.

So, I'm getting some stuff together so I can take an extended road trip--see if communing with nature might help with my sour disposition. Neighbor told me I need to take a gun with me. Maybe he's right. But I'm thinkin' I may be just a tad too angry to have one. Maybe I should practice knife throwing instead. 

Yup. We's fucked in all holes. And dumbshit Americans have no one to blame but themselves.

Just showed Battleship Potemkin, Uberfall and Triumph of the Will to the honors studes.


Used Uberfall as a set-up to describe the Depression in Weimar Republic as an intro to Hitler's rise.   Compared Hitler (as portrayed in Triumph of the Will) as a combination of Reagan's "feel good about America again" and Obama's "hope".  Saw some angry faces - mostly the young men - in the connection of Reagan but they forgave me because I included Obama.


Last night, watching ABC "news" I responded to a 9/11 "report" - Ms. Medusa responded with a little surprise that she thought my thinking had become more convinced of an inside job......I guess, even though she has always expressed her belief that the Administration conveniently let their guard down, I hadn't even been very open about the verbotten conclusions I have had to her - openly expressing thoughts about a Mossad/PNAC collusion is just too taboo.


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