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Life in the Empire

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Looks like Syria is next up. No doubt Obama's drive to conquer the entire middle-east is founded in the christo-judaic constructivist mind set. And just think....every single candidate coming down the pike subscribes to the same way of thinking. Hell, 90 percent of americans subscribe to it.

Oh wait, I fergot. There's Mitt. But, he's even more wacked.

as waldo might say...eyes a man without a country. If I could become a Canadian, I would in a minute.

So right .  There was fearful me kept telling me take that down you fool, oh don't do this to me, so scared for the futures of my small friends and grandchilder that they should be related to me as the authors write us out of the script like all the really useful worms who dig and excrete their treasure in our earth, riching us so.  


Building us our civil lies and stations

upon the piles they make


some snakes

some worms

some found nations


some procrastinate

Some are saying that Jon Huntsman is the only relatively sane GOPer in the race - so no chance that he will be considered seriously.  I haven't really looked at him yet.

Yeah- a billionaire with big hair.  And he's not totally batshit crazy.  Hey- why not? Hell, I'd even "vote" (for entertainment purposes ONLY) for him if he ran against lying sack o shit Obummer.  The young volk seem resigned to their fate.  "There's nothing we can do," they told me.  I am too fucking depressed these days to play the cheerleader.  I'm too burned out to even do a good rant.  This whole fucking "country" boils down to two inbred kick-dogs yapping at each other. 

Fuck the "liberals," fuck the "conservatives," and most of all... fuck the "centrists:" a butt-nugget asshole between two fat hams.  Fuck anybody who says, "global warming is bullshit," and all the dickheads who think "free markets" are anything but looting.  Leaky clap-choked trickling piss on anybody who thinks "elections" are anything but a corn-dog puppet show.  And shoot the next diarrhea-bubble that tells you to "write your representative."  

And for that reason, BO... better leave that heater at home.  Just avoid peeps.  Avoidance these days is a better practice than defense.  Slipcraft.  

Diarrhea-bubble. Coughed up a lung on that one.

Speaking of Slipcraft...have you seen this video?


The flying slipcraft I imagined looked more like this

It was probably one of the last quite possible dreams... it could be built for less than $40k... with a 100hp electric motor and lithium-ion polymer batteries.  There is an electric motor company right here who could do the powerplant. Imagined virtually noiseless electric flight... how it would astound watchers with the possibilities.  I doubt it now. 

Scaled that back to an electric tadpole trike.  Same deal.  Fuck it.  This culture has so little imagination, so little inspiration, so little courage... it hardly seems worth it to even dream any more.  Even art-for-art's sake... which was always a driving force... is losing its luster.  Pearls before swine.  Give not to dogs that which is holy.  Whoever collectively wrote the Jesus Libretto sure fucked that one up... the pearls and dogs, I mean. 

I'm talking about the butt-sucking US troglodytes who call themselves "conservative xians."  They are neither.  I grew to hate them like double-distilled poison pig-piss... but lost the energy for that a long time ago.  A real waste of energy.  Hating them for being stupid and evil is like hating an elephant for being big.  It's their nature.  They are the dogs and pigs they propose to revile.  It's a death-trap to be like them... so hateful as they are... why hate them?  Still, every time (like today) someone begins their narrative with, "as a Christian..."  I want to hit them with a bat. 

Still working on that.  I want to finish their sentence with "...I would never say anything so asinine as what I am about to say, but... now go ahead with your porcine snort."  They would grunt and root in the shit whether I was there or not.  Fools.  Such a statement is calling down the Universe on their bullet-heads.  Maybe the bat would be better.  Maybe the butt would be batter.  They are climbing hangman's latter... solder of the dross.  Fucking pigs.  Shitting in the baptismal font and rolling in their turds.  Then they want to smear it on your head like it's Ash fucking Wednesday. 

Their smell-hellish creche makes you gag and retch.  Screw the poor.  Don't raise my taxes.  Make everybody bow down to their Marvel-Comic Buddy Jesus(TM) jerk-off fantasy.  How did we get so many butt-nuggets in this Nation of Assholes?  We are all guilty of hypocrisy sometimes... but stupid hypocrites... WILLFULLY stupid hypocrites...  brutal mean and bullying stupid hypocrites... it's enough to make a normal person puke their guts up.  And now comes more kitchification of "9/11" and their fucking culture of death... for brown people.  Worshiping stupid.  Glorifying brutality.

Beatifying bullying.  Sticking their snake-heads up their own lying "9/11" corpse corn hole.  Oh!  Oh!  "Terror Alert."  Hey- fuck YOU.  I could only wish some mythical bearded booga-booga would blow me to smithereens quickly so I no longer have to share space with these pig-eyed pandering pedophile puss-pops.  They should wear hats to cover the spooge-drooling slots atop their bulbous neckless  feckless heads.  Fucking "9/11" give me a fucking break.  Fuck their smarmy camo-clad cutsey-pie Hummel figurines and drive those H2 Hummers up their quivering bummers. 

I can see why a whole lotta people in the world hate their guts and would blow their butts up if the rest of the world weren't so busy trying to clean up all the stinking pig-shit these assholes drop everywhere they go.  Fuck their "brave troops."  Fuck their spooge-head "god."  Fuck their fucking flag and jam it up their fucking nose.  Oooo-ooo... I'm a "hater."  No... just have a strong gag reflex.  And we gotta go through this wallowing-in-the-shit "9/11 commemoration" shit while they can barely hide their fat-kid-getting-a-candygram glee with every country-corndog LuvvaMurika fart. 

Fuck.  I'm in a really bad mood now.  Cruise into the cool slipcraft horizon and leave them behind wiping their blubbery baby asses with all the ancient wisdom... Sacred Texts... and their fucking comic-book "Constitution." 



Remember Mr. Roosting Chickens--Ward Churchill? Looks like he's still fighting for his right to publish his account of 9-11. Hope he's gotta a bunch of lawyers working for him for free. Because his case will never be settled.

And yeah, I've got my own news blackout thing going on this weekend. In fact we're up in Canada right now--returning to the states on the 11th. That ought to be fun. I'm hoping to miss all the 9-11 hoopla -- undoubtably being shown on US TV's this weekend. I'm sure the propaganda is non-stop.

Now that we've got another fucking forth of July to celebrate. It's just one more good reason to leave the country--and a good time to do it. Most Murkins are probably cowering in front of their TV's this weekend--praying that the terrorists don't get 'em. The freeway was clear.

Maybe we'll get lucky and they won't let us back in.


Churchill's case demonstrates that the tenure system doesn't protect faculty's academic freedom in spite of all the high-minded rhetoric and, in fact, is used as a way to weed out all of the "dangerous thinkers", ensuring that all is left after the 7 year probationary period is a bunch of RTP (retention, tenure & promotion) clones who have donned their kneepads, greased up with vaseline and secured the lips to the butts of anyone who might serve on their committee.


Page Smith had it right when he stated that tenure is exactly backwards - new faculty should automatically receive tenure for 7 years when they are likely to have the most dangerous ideas and then, after that, the senior faculty should be required to prove that they are still vital on a biannual basis.

Thanks Waldo, you always say what I'm thinking so much better then I ever could.
Yeah ... except I don't know what Waldo's got against dogs & pigs ... or snakes for that matter.  Need to rethink insulting people by calling them animals.  We've already got a mouse on this forum & I'm aiming at 'Palm Nut Vulture' status next time through.  There will be a 'next time through' I take it?  Seriously - on the Palm Nut Vulture thing ... they are one of this town's resident rare bird species ... and while I was walking my dog on the dog beach teaching him how not to freak out when the water got belly high, a bird I'd never seen before landed next to us, looked us over & flew off ... none other than the Palm Nut Vulture ... on the look up for dog scat I think.

Palm-nut Vulture
Gypohierax  angolensis

Accipitriforme Order – Accipitridae Family

Length: 60 cm
Wingspan: 150 cm
Weight: 1360-1700 g

Palm-nut Vulture is the only member of the genus Gypohierax, and an Old World Vulture.

Adult has white plumage overall, except the black back, secondaries and primary tips. The short tail is black with white terminal bar, very conspicuous in flight.

Underparts are white with the same black wing pattern than above.


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