Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

We don't need another / a new discussion to prove it.

It is as it is.

Let this "fred" (discussion thread) live under the theme .......

long live this family

brothers, sisters, brethern, dogs, cats and birds, ants and flees, water and air and gas and Clare and Jim and him and the window Simm (??) and you and me and he and she and we and them and us and puss (???) and fish and the dish (it's on) and paper and pen.


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Did it happen in the USA too? I've been doing some research on it ... all boils down to corrupting young minds into fantasy world .... and her 'appalling' prose that knocked every literary childrens books off the shelf with its appeal to the childhood mind.  They must have had a point ... looking at how I turned out -:)


wal aint that a bust... I'm broke. 

Charlie Schwab sent me a nice debit card which i ignored... but then activated it so i could buy the boy a decent knife- cos the ones they use in the bush aint gonna cut it- well they do for now. 

so i gets the Indian lady on the phone and then some white guy... bla bla bla... but i left a couple grand in that account just to rattle around and keep it active- never paid much attention to it- yadda yah... anyway... now it's worth- ready?  $152.21.  whee!  not enuff to pay for the cutlery.  "invisible!" 

according to dwtv, the Germans are all a-schmekt about womens' soccer.  Me Berkie boots de-laminated on the way to the car at mrea... after 10 years and walking all over Europe.  Even the Germans are making crap.  guess i'll have to wear out all the other 20-yr-old shoes i got.  seeing the numbers dive into the loo on my old korporat Chuckie account told the tale.  My meme this year?  "I'm outta here." 

Definitely too hard on ol Mr. Fish... but he really poked a fork in my butt with the guy in Fort Yammer wishin he knowed how to work a hammer.  Tip o the Baldo pate-cover for that dunk-slammer.  fish and dish and paper and pen... it's all zen.  Zen we are ALL outta here.  wotta gas.  and the honking cars and the girls at the bars playin them luscious points while they got em.  pure compost-modern for sure.  we is worm casing free basing the planet... flying full-throttle into cumulo granite.  while the "conservatives" slurp they calf-drool beers and pucker they butts over abortions and queers.

Spend our last few bob on the family-size bottle of Fukkitol (TM) and gobble it while we got it.  "I will," said Turkey-lurkey.  But the Little Red Hen ate every last fucking crumb... and now wears her tilted kilt on her head like a granny's babushka.  Some other critters will peck at the corn.  A whole new planet about to be born.  Fuck with the bull and ya get the horn.  Beep beep- fashion.  Siddown WALDO.  Garbage in... compost out.  Cosmic Missile...  Canada Thistle.  Now there aint no rump to dump no bread on the Snarking Chump.  Time for a nice hot cup of shuthefuckup. 

Did anybody notice how the "sports" thing took over from music?  Yeah- they co-opted the fuck out of that with disco and Zanny-doo.  It has completely fucked up "education," never mind the culture-at-large and the whole planet.  It's just "entertainment," but maybe that's all anything ever was.  But there ain't much of a "message" in "sports."  Ball goes this way- ball goes that way- booooorrring.  Now, if one of the backboards sprouted wings and fucking flew away... then you might have something.  The chopped rabble roaring at the tiddley-wink tournament makes it triple-annoying.  How does anybody find that "exciting" enough to sleep through a sunrise?  How BOUT them Yankees? 

At least I get to make people write essays about that shit while there's still time.  

Tipping point for sure. 



I had no idea who Enid Blyton was.  At first, I thought she might be the Little Black Sambo lady.  Well, close.  Must be some kind of Brit thing.  I really did get into being a "writer" the same way most people get into being a cashier or a house-painter to "pay the bills."  After lots of practice, sort of developed a feeling for proper grammar, spelling and punctuation... and in the old days, that was enough.  Computers changed all that.  Now you have to say something.  Sort of.  Form used to count... but since the computer, you would think that content would come to the fore.  Not really. 

If a "publisher" had to choose between two authors... one a PhD with a landmark thesis, the other a famous celebrity (redundant), which would they pick?  The one with the big bazooms.  It's like any other business.  What good is being a pastry chef in a world that can't tell a turd from a tootsie-roll?  Maybe what ol Fish is saying is that in "sports," at least you can tell if somebody hits the ball or not.  I'm not sure that "hitting the ball" has anything to do with spectacle for the sake of spectacle.  Without "qualitative differentiation," one spectacle's a good as another... whether forbidden body parts or mock-warfare. 

It's becoming difficult to read fiction any more. 


You grew up without Enid Blyton?  She didn't have a blackboard that sprouted wings, but she did have a chair that did that. Powers that be didn't like that much - things got too hot for the kids in any particular reality they were forced to swallow & the chair zoomed in to rescue them.  And they got to escape & wave good bye to the baddies left behind.  Bought my first rocking chair last week ... I keep checking to see if it's developed wing buds on its feet.  So far no such luck.




If it does, Cal, let me know. I need to buy me one o them!
Hey guys the hubby was in a car wreck on Thursday, some fool made a left hand turn through a red light in front of him. Hes pretty beaten up, his chest and back are really painful. They have him on some pretty strong pain meds and  muscle relaxers and out poor little car is totaled, it has no front end. But he is alive and there were no broken bones. We hired an attorney. So send good thoughts out way please.

Good thoughts to you littleoldme! 



Best wishes for your hubby, LOM. Let us know how she goes.
Good thoughts for hubby's speedy recovery, hassle-free insurance claim, and for your patience as hubby convalesces.

Mic check. 

Mic check. 

We The People.  We The People... we say what will be. 

Rail and water, highway air... energy is free. 

We will NOT freeze.  We will NOT starve. 


We WILL have basic care. 

The energy grid is ours.  To keep us warm.  

The roads are free.  Rail.  Water.  Highway and air.  To transport food. 

We WILL take care of each other. 

Shelter food and general well fare.  You can NOT deny. 


Here's to the ol man... mend up... fix up.  Live good.  #Solidarity.  



Thinking of you both Littleoldme.








Thx guys, love the pic Mouse


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