Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

Seems the peeps might have had enough. The evidence is in the number of increasing violent attacks against the system that the prez likes to call violent outbursts--as if to say they might be random and perpetrated by nut cases.

But, what if they aren't.

Seems recent events might actually be understandable given the desperation and limited alternatives some of these 'violent' individuals were faced with...

Like the guy from Florida who shot his previous employer....

"ORLANDO, Fla. - Jason Rodriguez's marriage long ago went sour, his home taken in foreclosure, his job lost to incompetence, his finances sunk in bankruptcy. It was a "stress overload" for the man accused of a deadly shooting rampage at his former office, his lawyer said Saturday.
The 40-year-old man whose life seemed to just keep getting worse was charged Saturday with first-degree murder, accused of killing one and wounding five Friday at his former office. He said nothing in his brief court appearance Saturday, but his attorney portrayed him as a mentally ill man who fell victim to countless problems."

Then, there is the couple who have been charged with 'torturing' a couple of loan modification scammers...

"LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - As Los Angeles housing advocates launched a campaign warning of mortgage rescue scams, a couple hit by foreclosure are charged with torturing two loan-modification agents they suspected of fraud, authorities said on Monday."

And we all know what happened when the army asked a muslim to go to his 'homeland' and kill his own people. Too bad they couldn't hear his objections.


Here's a good article on the reason we'll be seeing a lot more those violent outbursts in the future.

As Foreclosure Nightmares Increase, Will More Homeowners Pay Off Th...

"The economic crisis revealed late-capitalism's central offense: Human beings are being transparently treated if they were mere transactions. And they're going postal over it."

Or maybe they're beginning to see the entire government as the criminal enterprise it has become, and realize that that's why there's no justice for them. Maybe they now realize that the only way they'll ever experience justice is to take it by force. As Bush once said..."freedom isn't pretty." Maybe the 'war for freedom', has finally come home.

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the boy is wearing my Harris tweed jacket left over from me old korporat dayz. will spare you the details about the jacket. also swiped me aussie hat. looks better on him anyway. he wanted to look "....older and more respectable."

I told him hi still looked like a kid.... but maybe a RiCH kid. maybe.

Hi Kids!  Here's this week's dispatch from the Nuremberg Garden Club

The studes seem to have mixed opinions on the movement.  Many of the faculty seem down with it- and maybe the studes who are are on site instead of in class... i dunno. 

It has its share of crazies and street-people... but we put them to work watching the site.  "Security" monitors them.  Eye here tell we talkin to Chicago bout it... but they got more homeless and crazies. 

Really difficult to stick to all the stoof eye oughta be doin- like papes and libretto- while we all watchin Oakland.  There appears to be some hand-wringing over the tit-lipped apparatchiks who just don't get it. 


The Occupy movement/wars have become my mainstay source of entertainment lately. Stayed up half the night watching the doings in Oakland last night. What a hoot.

I'm really impressed with what the youngins have put together. Not to mention their courage and chutzpa. 

Of course there're a lot of propagandists out there trying to discredit the movement. Soulless creatures every one. Gotta wonder who they work for.

Exciting times.

Suppose it really happens... 

...and somebody's #home?

"the Jung at heart."

Very nice....I like.  Round and pleasant and happy....Using a German to displace the much better than referring to the zeitgeist.


On Edit....seems that Carl Jung was Swiss, not German but I'm leaving the original sentence cuz I like it better than "using a Swiss to displace the German".

Naomi Wolf on why there has been such a beat-down on urban campers.

Chris Hedges nails it RIGHT HERE.  "The race of doom is now between environmental collapse and global economic collapse." 



Looks like the Euro may collapse this week and they're preparing for the aftermath...

This is heavy stuff. Might be able to pick up a new Volkswagen pretty cheap though.

Kidding aside, this could be the beginning of some serious shit.

Cal, you got any comments for us?

Been reading that the dollar is on the verge of collapse for about two years now.  The Euro (and the Dollar) are not secure for sure but I'm thinking that there are too many 1 percenters who would lose too much for that to be allowed to happen.


Not to say that their "solution" wouldn't just kick the can down the road a bit while magnifying the problem exponentially (like the explosion of derivatives during the first half of 2011 - Goldman Sach, etc. collapsed the economy through derivative speculation so they took the TARP tax payer funds and.....made even more derivatives).

Have just had a cup of organic fair trade hot chocolate so subtle and beautiful in its appearance, texture and taste that you might guess it is my birthday.  On the radio they called it the Day of Infamy.   Of course they weren't being personal, of course they weren't, were they?  There's nothing personal about the media wallowing in war day after day.  Hardly ever mentioning the terror of the bombed nations or the actual scale of the humane bombing and the massive pile of corpses.  I say.  What a thing.  What a thing.

Ah, thought you would probably find this interesting.  I know a friend of ours has tossed aside the idea that certain things have been going on.  From my side, here in the back of social beyond, where silence is no longer really quite so required I suppose because nothing I say has any meaning or validity.  Yet life still requires an inclination upwards, towards the light;  a tendency to reside forever in the air between and beyond, strong as day.

How surprising I found my Marxist tutors at college back in seventies London. They cared not a jot that I was homeless when there were college premises I could have stayed in.  God it was cold.  Early February to mid May.  So, that was Marxism in action, thought I.  Failing to fulfill responsibilities to those youthful nitwits, bobbing about in the surf.  Ignore basic humanity with its life in a cupboard, smelly and getting more dishevelled by the day.  

I might not have noticed they were Marxist if it hadn't been for the irony.

But it was the hippie capitalist fellow student who punched me hard in the solar plexus to show me where it was in front of the rest of the team.  One American, tall and strong, who came to boast of the students he later deflowered at the American School.  One small Dutch fellow with dark hair and narrow eyes who said nothing.  That happened in the editing room, where I had been so enjoying myself.

 On top of that the technicians wouldn't give me any sound stock, nor would they give me back the little film I got no marks for because I wouldn't say that someone had helped me, because I did hold the camera and do the lights and direct the actress etc blah blah.

I refused the introduction to the famous film director, said I didn't think I was ready.  In fact I wanted to keep my angels to myself because secrecy was the only thing my teachers ever taught me about all that.  They said, never tell anyone else what you have just told me, they wouldn't understand and it might get you into a great deal of trouble.

this must be the Belgian rodent-guy of which was spoken.  And Happy Berg-day, Ms. Mouse... whenEVER it is! 


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