Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

They keep coming out of the woodwork like cockroaches. They eat away at the foundation of civilization. They lie, cheat and steal. They think the world owes them something they don't deserve. They get away with murder.

Who are they?

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OK, so after looking into it a bit further, I see that the gun-toatin' parent has garnered a lot of support for his parenting technique. Why, aren't I surprised? Well, it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone here regarding what I think of Americans. And this case is simply another notch on the memory lobes. 

Crude, crass, violent, whacked-out americans breeding crude, crass, violent, whacked-out kids. Yep. Sociopathy breeds sociopathy. Like clockwork--orange.

persactly as well my impression BO.  What kind of candy-ass sick fuck would use a short-sword to behead their daughter's doll??  What is the "point" he is trying to make to a child?  Reminds me of so many "parents" I have encountered in the aisles of big-box stores... a giant 6-year-old trying to "argue" with a normal-sized 4-year-old. 

I have conveyed the message with my eyes that the "parent" was annoying me more severely than the "child," and that it would be unwise for either one to interrupt my transaction.  It has never failed.  Not once.  Even when both "children" were twice my size.  It works in the classroom... and it has worked in more severe situations as well... being nothing more than an "adult."   

Dealiing with adult social dominators is far more difficult and deadly 



 I just viewed the link facebook parenting and at first I thought this was typical American Entertainment not sure if it was real or not

But if it was real I agree with Bo's post "Scary violent" .    Anger management is an understatement.......................  

not sure if it was real or not

Baudrillard underestimated

He could have busted up his daughter's laptop with a hammer... which would have been fucking juvenile enough... but nooooo... he has to shoot it with a fucking .45... a deadly weapon... which should NEVER see the light of day unless a) you are practicing with it- under highly disciplined conditions... or b) you are going to kill something with it (which is what it is fucking FOR).  To ME- the idea that a heavy pistol... is used like some kind of candy-ass TOY... to display some kind of cartoon-ass sort of "authority" ...

because a 15 yr-old girl showed "disrespect"... on her own fucking "facebook page"  is off in some kind of fucking clown-ass never-never land.  How ANYONE who is not an 8-yr-old boy... could watch this display without wanting to barf into their lap... is totally beyond ME.  What next?  A hand-grenade because you found her "truth book?"  Mustard gas because she colored outside the lines? 

THIS is some seriously sick-ass shit. 

It is little more than millennia-old weak-ass authoritarianism and i don't care if dickwad dad went through the childhood of Abraham Lincoln on crutches.  He forfeited ALL that by DEMANDING "authority"  ... which is kidna like "demanding" talent.  Sorry, spud.  Either ya got it or ya don't.  And like the dummest-wad ghetto nap-head,  dad can not distinguish the difference between "respect" and "fear."  Otherwise, the young folk will just be waiting for you to get weak and die... as you will... as they will. 

The idea that anybody finds shooting a 15 yr old girl's computer "admirable" in any way boggles my fucking mind. 

It embarrasses me to even watch this stupid krakker redneck fuck. 

of all the disturbing things i have read and seen lately this is right up there at the top, or down at the bottom.  all i can say is run hannah run.

In spite of their recent lurch to the Right, Canada still has some sense

The UK, however, is in the business of prosecuting thought crimes on Facebook

Not surprised by the Canadian reaction...but WTF has happened to Britain? You'd think after having the shit bombed out of 'em during WWII that they'd be a little more resistant to 'creeping fascism.' Like Canada, they need to tell the US to go fuck itself.

Orwell's fable about Big Brother was originally titled "1948" so it seems that UK's fascist tendencies go back a ways....

National Front is a radical political movement proclaiming the right of the indigenous British peoples – English, Irish, Scots and Welsh – to live sovereign and free in their eponymous homelands. We seek to provide a political voice for our oppressed and abused people whose right to self-determination has, since 1948, been thoroughly abrogated by successive Labour and Conservative governments.

Spine chilling following that creeping fascism link to nothing but a gatekeeper with back turned lolling.

They do not see what they are doing.

I know nothing



but nothing but being here on the hillside in the air.  Free where I stay.

Between times stretching.

Aye that, Moosie.  Bent over backwards for "bias" sees naught but the puerile and pious. 

Helpful tho... as I use wiki all the time as "bias-free" as the wee spiders have been taught that "looking for bias" is the same as "critical thinking."  whatever THAT means.  a neologism it is... but why? 

Wood eye could be creepingpaper... the unreliable narrator. 

I'll go you one further. I think Lloyd Blankfien has created a whole army of zombies to create disruptions throughout society so he and his buddies can continue to rob us without garnering any media attention.

Seriously, the middle-east connection between those airline employees wigging-out on planes does seem a bit strange. Maybe it's some sort of subconscious paranoia bubbling up during their psychic breaks due to their training? 


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