Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

Seems the peeps might have had enough. The evidence is in the number of increasing violent attacks against the system that the prez likes to call violent outbursts--as if to say they might be random and perpetrated by nut cases.

But, what if they aren't.

Seems recent events might actually be understandable given the desperation and limited alternatives some of these 'violent' individuals were faced with...

Like the guy from Florida who shot his previous employer....

"ORLANDO, Fla. - Jason Rodriguez's marriage long ago went sour, his home taken in foreclosure, his job lost to incompetence, his finances sunk in bankruptcy. It was a "stress overload" for the man accused of a deadly shooting rampage at his former office, his lawyer said Saturday.
The 40-year-old man whose life seemed to just keep getting worse was charged Saturday with first-degree murder, accused of killing one and wounding five Friday at his former office. He said nothing in his brief court appearance Saturday, but his attorney portrayed him as a mentally ill man who fell victim to countless problems."

Then, there is the couple who have been charged with 'torturing' a couple of loan modification scammers...

"LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - As Los Angeles housing advocates launched a campaign warning of mortgage rescue scams, a couple hit by foreclosure are charged with torturing two loan-modification agents they suspected of fraud, authorities said on Monday."

And we all know what happened when the army asked a muslim to go to his 'homeland' and kill his own people. Too bad they couldn't hear his objections.


Here's a good article on the reason we'll be seeing a lot more those violent outbursts in the future.

As Foreclosure Nightmares Increase, Will More Homeowners Pay Off Th...

"The economic crisis revealed late-capitalism's central offense: Human beings are being transparently treated if they were mere transactions. And they're going postal over it."

Or maybe they're beginning to see the entire government as the criminal enterprise it has become, and realize that that's why there's no justice for them. Maybe they now realize that the only way they'll ever experience justice is to take it by force. As Bush once said..."freedom isn't pretty." Maybe the 'war for freedom', has finally come home.

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Launch for durham in about 12 hours. Space backspace shit. dragon does not do punctuation. very well.

Well how about that disclosure booyah in the fringe press, "The far left-leaning website Global Research..." gives you the pessimistic scenario...  which sounds like the intro to "The Big Thing."  

Got a case of the pre-launch dithers and hope to document stuff better than I did the last time with my dum fone.  Best case... Slipcraft I... or I gotta start thinking about being a greeter at SprawlMart.  

Safe travels.

thanks P.  the Opera is growing like topsy.  unfortunately, soap-opera and Slipcraft jumped in the way. they are related- ja dem ist- in the soap opera is forcing me outta the academic day gig... which has gotten lo piker as to be not worth it.  lotsa whipped puppies here in krakkkerland.  

Gasaway, WVh heavy fog and rain. Can't see shit. Rest stop now. 35 mph on the interstate. Fuck.

I figure, if you are like me, you have used up a lot of your allotted dumb luck over the years - so don't be stupid when it comes to Nature's power.

Here i yam at OT. Its 75○.
In Virginia now. On my way back. It's starting to get dark now. I'm not sure if the fog is going to return or not. Damn shit almost did me in. See you in a bit.
here in our snugness we think of you

Military lost a Black Hawk in the fog in Florida.  That shit is thick.

Hey guys are doing. ..<=machine wrote that clang doing home now ...

Burning Off

Man that fog was some serious shit. I aint kidding. Big snow dump all over the east. Right in the middle of a big melt now. Never seen fog like that.

As road trips go, I'd give this a 4 out of 10... 10 being the last solo to you guys to get Double Blind Sided. My vision is really a pain in the ass. Being upside-down, needed to sit inside the box and think.

And if thinking inside the box makes you a Poe boy, you aint alone. Ate that sand witch some time ago. She summons the Food Truck Rodeo. The machine definitely needs some tweaks. Feed the people.

First of all, it needs to be a quad. Second,the Nuvinci hub and the torky hub motor have no relationship at all. Good and bad. But the shell is outstanding... once you get used it. It takes practice.

Meeting Cotter pins all four points. We talked about permaculture most of the time. He seems an outstanding officer beloved by his people... or so it would seem. Proof is in the product.

Would I merge one into beltway traffic at 30 mph. Fuck no. Would I ride one in 30 mph city traffic? No sweat. Encountered the fog on the way back. Stuck to the interstate. Crash less likely. Die more likely.

That was the part I did not like.   

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