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Life in the Empire

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Well done mouse - think he will be able to take the heat?

Yeow. Strongest huricane ever recorded, headed for coast of Mexico. 880 MB. Could literally blow away our vacation plans for december.

Damn, the weather is getting freaky. This winter is going to be a doozy.

Need to get some morphine tins for the entire family.

Been reading about the studes in S. Africa.  Wow- like 1969 again.  And the hurricane Patty- we are so totally fucked.  Now the pubes are trying to throw the teabaggers under the bus... because they have become so bat-fuck insane they even woke up the Millennials... who usually avoid politics or anything else that might be boring.  

And dood: it's unfair to call Bernie a "Zionist,"  Most of the Jews I grew up with were "Zionists" back in the day.  They aint now... thanks to the Likud etc..  Well... except one guy's momma who thinks the Palestinians should be exterminated... but she's really old and crazy.  

Remember being on the road at midnight on Christmas Eve... and the only places open were Loco Joe's and Loony Louie's. Can't even remember what those places sold.  Fireworks maybe.  That relates to something.  The usual winter predictor is the annual fall cold... and this one is a doozy.  

Gobbled enough antihistamines to blur vision... now have to get closer to the screen... and nose would still drip on the keyboard if nostrils weren't stuffed with toilet paper.  Wonder if the reason fleas don't bite me is some genetic thing from my European ancestors who survived the plague.  Now gotta gobble some diuretics so the heart dont clog.  

Hell of a way to get old.  


Had a friend point out to me that her father was a Zionist back when they were doing commie things like kibbutzes.  Just like the Left in the US is now slightly right of center, Zionism shifted hard Right and became imperialist fascists.

Sorry about the cold, man. At our age any kind of sickness is the shits.

Regarding 'The Bern': There are some warnings via the internets, that Bernie could be a closet hawk because of his Jewishness. But to tell you the truth, I don't really give a crap since I don't think elections matter anymore. And as you mentioned, it's all become entertainment. But I don't limit my opinion of crazy fuckers to teabagers. I see it on all sides and throughout American culture. Scares the crap outta me.

Glad hurricane Patty wasn't as bad as predicted. Thought maybe our planned xmas vacation to Mexico was gonna become a rescue mission. 

Mankind standing on a precipice says Louise Leakey

The political spectrum does not go from left to right,  It goes from top to bottom.  Until enough folk realize this, what we call "politics" is just reality TV (is that an oxymoron or what?).  

The political spectrum does not go from left to right,  It goes from top to bottom.

I'm stealing that.

The local teepeers are getting crazier...  

If you are old to remember when rampant krakkerism was mainstream, you know what's wrong with this picture: the boats would be empty except for one rich shitpoke with an outboard motor.  The rest of the peeps are forming a bucket brigade brigade from the bowels of the ship.  They called that the "bail out."  

Imagine how those FOX News clips will look 60 years from now.  I was only 7 years old and all those back and white images were going directly into the brain and are crystal clear today... even though I can't remember anything I saw one day ago.  I can even clearly remember things that never happened.  

It's not that that the colors aren't there.  It's just imagination they lack in my little town.  Drove the privatized pike in Krakkerland and it was full of pot-holes and piss.  On the Penn Pike the State roads have rest stops that are obviously designed to serve as morgues after The Collapse. A road-rat like me can see it clearly.

Saw the population triple (at least) in Duckburg.  Map-eating has not changed much in 60 years... except now you have GPS instead of Texaco road maps.  You still have to spend endless hours of boredom in the cockpit laced with seconds terror and wonder.  Those seconds tell the tale, I guess.  

Rifle bullets are roughly twice the speed and half the wight since the Civil War.  The big difference is that we gained the 3rd dimension. Professor Lowe was dismissed as a crackpot, and so I hope to be for the same reasons.  He was never a full professor and neither was I.   

Henry concentrated steadily on General Schurz' eyes.  im der Jagermeister son.  The Baron paid my father to hunt.  You paid me 100 US gold dollars to hunt something.  I will not kill a man with a rifle.  I sell fine Sharps rifles to people who know how to shoot.  Do not lie to a Hessian hunter."   

General Schurz' eyes  diverted to sun setting  behind graves.  There whiskers nearly touching because noise clattering guns and wheels and yelling horse deutsch english,  General und Jager hat die spracht close to the other ear. "Sell them your rifles and come back and tell me vas ist los," sagt Schurz.   

Never was a jock... but tried to be.  Played football- defensive halfback.  Couldn't catch.  Couldn't run. Was good at clipping without getting caught.  The field was so big.  Only the football was smaller. They had it.  Can't see it yet.  But will soon.  Can't remember if there was a crowd or not after all these years...  

“….We are divorced, North from South, because we hated each other so. " --Chesnut  

How do you like the story so far?  The trick is slipping between real historical... meaning witnessed and documented... characters and events without leaving a trace.  Most of us do that anyway, but not in historical fiction.  Jubal Early really did have a gob-load of Yankee greenbacks and  John Brown Gordon knew Old Jube was up to something.  

Shooting is not the same as killing.  Shooting is more like flying.  Any archer will tell you that.  Pistols are swords for killing men. Bow gather hunter harvest.   Good Hawken rifle kill a buffalo like a hawk hits a hare.  Feast a family entire moon.  Henry learn from Indian and old Jakey Waltz playing pistols and gold for rifles.  


here she is nearly seven writing feverishly beneath the table about stones in the woods

she leaves such notes here and there
about how she loves the woods
and how she loves the stones

Al-Qaeda has been reading the RBC.

FBI Uncovers Al-Qaeda Plot To Just Sit Back And Enjoy Collapse Of United States

That's right folks. Just chill and enjoy the show.

Wow- lost a big  block of text a couple of weeks ago.  We've all done it... and it's annoying.  Usually some computer glitch you could have avoided by paying sober attention.  This one was bad.  Bad case of Awfuckit.  So been blathering around in all this new-age woo-woo shit about ET races AI and black goo since Halloween night when I stayed up to observe Rosa's 152nd birthday and passed out.  Happy Reformation Day!   


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