Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

We don't need another / a new discussion to prove it.

It is as it is.

Let this "fred" (discussion thread) live under the theme .......

long live this family

brothers, sisters, brethern, dogs, cats and birds, ants and flees, water and air and gas and Clare and Jim and him and the window Simm (??) and you and me and he and she and we and them and us and puss (???) and fish and the dish (it's on) and paper and pen.


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Talked about going to Star Wars - gonna wait to Netflix it.  Did see the Nutcracker for the first time in over 30 years.  In another 30 years I will be 88 - if I'm still alive I might go see it again.

The whole thing depresses me.  It is an empty secular ritual for the WASPs. The Artistic Director gave a curtain talk and said the word "magical" about 20 times. This is, perhaps, the worst ballet ever choreographed with, perhaps, the most mundane music composed by Tchaikovsky yet it is the only concert dance and only classical music that most Americans ever see.  It is a story about a creepy old man leching on a young girl-woman followed by a bunch of ethnic stereotypes as entertainment for the benefit of young Clara and the kitchen appliance she has developed a crush on.  But then...most classical ballets are rather perverse in their themes - Swan Lake is about a Prince who wants to fuck a fowl....Coppelia is about a guy who wants to fuck the doll he made.

Opera is also pretty bizarre .... so is Shakespeare for that matter -:)  And life is a whole lot more bizarre than all three put together a Macbeth witches' brew.

when I am standing there, I am there.
when I am here, I am here.
that is the difference.
it is the difference between there and here,
and here is where I wish to remain;
north facing, alone and in the shade.

posting this from the juicery downstairs.  still don't have wifi in my cell and dmmnd if im gonna pay 30 a month for it when their are a gobbilion hot spots and routers everywhere.  there has to be some kind of hack for this...   

I'm in the va urgent care with Patrick..... Kidney stones.  Thankfully the have Wi-Fi.  New Samsung tablet I'm trying out.  


tell that ol scudder to take care of himself.  i'm in the downtown library.  no wifi in my bldg except at Beet Street (closed today)... or you gotta pay $35 a mo. for a year.  know there's a hack around it-- but losing patience.  

Learning to hump the hood on foot...nothing is very far... before hauling out the bike again.  Hope to have wifi in the tower soon. 

Good news is they are small stones!  

Cities should have free Wi-Fi.  If people want better security then they can get their own....

We're soon to be driving down the coast to Sebastopol and environs, then to so Cal and Arizona.  In our new to us old tv, with cat.  


Very cool, Hannah. That's something I'd love to do. Ah, but da kid and dog keeps us tethered to home. Have a trouble-free trip.

Well, can you take them?  I know the kid has had problems but...... I have never let anything keep me from taking off.  Crap cars ( good tires though) too many kids, bad relationships, if I had gas money,  I'd throw a Coleman stove in, sleeping bags etc in, and go.  I never had money to fly or do motels.  Since Patrick and I met I can't tell you how many thousands of miles we've driven.  In all kinds of vehicles.  79 corolla, 70 motorhome from hell, vanagon, toyota Chinook, dolphin and now sunrader, 4 different minivans, and two other motorhomes.. Oh and a schoolbus... I think maybe a total of 20 k in vehicle cost.  If you want to, figure out how to do it.  I have always thought kids need to see us doing what makes us happy.


With the move(s) Jo and I weren't able to go camping last year....driving us crazy. We need that time under a tent. Tried to do a little thing on the Forgotten Coast of Florida but it has been raining so much and being wet all the time is not something we are interest in.

We have a month-long residency in Cowwar, Australia throughout May and are waiting to hear about our proposal for a month in Riga, LV. Might not get any camping in this summer but we will be traveling.

As a kid my parents would take us on a two-week camping trek with the tent-trailer.  It always coincided with the annual American Society for Animal Science conventions so I'm sure that there were tax write-offs and/or some money kicked in from the university to help off-set the costs. Best memories as a kid.

Best wishes to Patrick for a relatively painless recovery.

Waldo...we need pictures of your new environs. 

We need more pictures of everything! 


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