Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

We don't need another / a new discussion to prove it.

It is as it is.

Let this "fred" (discussion thread) live under the theme .......

long live this family

brothers, sisters, brethern, dogs, cats and birds, ants and flees, water and air and gas and Clare and Jim and him and the window Simm (??) and you and me and he and she and we and them and us and puss (???) and fish and the dish (it's on) and paper and pen.


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how good it is, Cal, to think of you there, amongst friends. I am getting help too, of the kind I really wanted, in making this place easier to navigate safely, especially now that my hairy friend with failing sight no longer rushes to obstruct my path when I speed across a room, or mithers to move me along.

a little injury gained whilst pruning the arch of the hedge was exacerbated by pruning Madame Isaac Pereire in a high wind when she fell over under the weight of the passionflower.

The borough council is putting in another banister on the stairs and a new kitchen floor.
They are doing an audit and checking us all out. IBecause I am over 60 and registered disabled they've put a lass on my case to help in managing the moving of my centre of operations at the kitchen dresser. Today went well.

Good news that you still have a house.

I had supper with my sister & her husband.  He jokingly suggested I get registered as disabled .... but I am thinking it's actually rather a good idea.  I'm not exactly going to run for president or rejoin the corporate world & who knows I could get all sorts of rebates.  Was it quite a fuss to get registered "disabled" ... how does one do it without a missing limb, just missing abstractions?

Moved my bicycle into the apartment a coupla da\ys ago.  Opened the fridge door and it fell off.  Propped it against the wall and called the super from the bar across the street.  

Refused the Windows upgrade  for months now.  One day they decided to upgrade anyway, and this morning the screen was totally illegible.  There is no contrast control in the Win 10 upgrade.  Fucked with it all day until it is now workable.  All the "upgrades" seem to be about showing you ads, selling you shit and spying on your ass.  

Which why i totally freaked when there weren't a couple of common routers, etc.  Sure there is a hack somewhere, Only met one neighbor, the dude across the hall.  So far, it's like a man-camp.  But think that's because  all the students are home... so the cute little girls are absent.   The view is really cool.  About 30 meters up.  Higher than most things in Duckburg.  

Church steeples all the way to the horizon.  "City of churches," they say, like it's something to be proud of.  

Well, welcome home, I guess. Hope you've planted yourself in an interesting part of town. But hey, if there's a bar across the street, it can't be too bad. 

Going to mehico tomorrow and for some reason, I'm not all that excited about it. Poor me, eh? Think it's because the kid has been such a pain in the ass these past few months and no doubt, this'll be the last family trip with the kid. Figure next year at this time he'll either be in jail or working for el Chapo. 

Won't upgrade to the latest Mac OS either. Same problem. Plus the new CEO (replacing Jobs) is fucking everything up. 

Hows the future ex? Have you sold the compound? How are you feeling about living downtown?

Turret 9 faces north.  Steed has the west sector and I have the east.  That's the part that faces downtown which is about 400 meters away, Buildings there 60 meters up.  Main building screens those, unless you squeen east from the extreme north corner.  

Oh mexico.  Never been there.  Someday maybe so.  Right now thinking about Cuba.  Peak oil special time and all that.  Maybe not as good as Germany, except weather is better except hurricanes and shit.  Went over to the dark side from mac because of buncha corporate shit.  And it was easier to find a mole with the IT geeks.  Imagine Microsoft culture is now kinda like Western Union was in the '80s.  

Dig this- the bar across the street is one where i was a regular for at least 20 years.  Old Henry hiself  threw me out on many occasions for dropping the F bomb too loud.  Those were the house rules in those days, and you hadda leave if you ever wanted to come back.  Lotsa stories in that place.  

Hadn't been there but a dozen times over the last 30 years.  I wasn't an old fuck when i left the hood.  Now i am and Henry and all the old faces are gone.  Still got a couple old friends in the hood who never left.  Ms.X is still staying with fam and haven't got any evacuation orders yet.  Watching the house, feeding the dog, and going downtown for Juice.  She gets sole proprietorship.  I get severance pay.  Someday.  Soon.   

Cold-pressed juice bar on the ground floor.  Juice is amazing.  It almost completely eliminates the need to eat.  Coffee pot is the only cooking gear i got.  Old Hens is also source for Grade-A grub.  A block away from the Hospital with a cardiologist in between- my lawyer across the street.  Lovely ground.   So as SHTF am bugging IN.  Wasn't the first choice, but a guy's gotta adapt.  And as a hard-corps peaknik, these gas prices are blowing my mind.  It's some complicated shit.  

Basically the Saudis are hosing up their oil fields like snorkel-whales.  They only been comparatively sipping it cos $70 bbl. crude and shit.  So they dial it up to fuck with the deep-sea pigs and all them facking grunts in N. Dakota.  And the peeps will completely lose their shit when gaz goes up from 89 cents to $5 a gallon overnight.  Something happening.  Don't know what it is,  Do you, mister Jones? Roadie Heaven right now, but hoping to give up the car.  Kinda like cigs and booze.  

Have you heard the people sing?  



Doing remodeling in the Tallahassee having a house but something really nice about the ease of living in a one bedroom apartment in Kansas.

high up is my favourite place, catching the breezes and thinking the faraway thoughts past the horizon. Across the street the opposite houses are even higher, southwards. This morning the sun lingers behind them, throwing a golden arc into a passageway where it rests upon the wall, gleaming brighter than anything else in view. Looking north it is blue and wide and clear with planes that leave no trails today.
I am moving my morning place upstairs to the sunniest room. There are good places to stand there, I have found them.
Fleas Navi Dog from Mexico. BO with BO Jr.

Great photo.

yes, sleepless often now, the great shifts of history occurring all around us

Haven't gone to a movie in years.  Last one was Avitar (I think).  Same deal.  Holiday treat for extended fam financed by sib/ in-law who wasn't totally stone fuck broke.  Star Wars number humpty-dump.  It's been almost 40 years since the original, dig it geezer-heads?  1977 year of the PET computer.  Used one, thought it was a POS.  Had my eye on a 64k RAM Zenith Z-90. And the rest, as they say, derdle derp.  

Launch time soon, and starting to get overwhelmed.  This is somewhere between a road-trip and a long sea-voyage from which you may never return.  Mostly clothes.  Pretty ironic, cos don't wear but one suit of clothes most of the time.  Minimalist.  But I'm so fucking old, I have accumulated mountains of clothes.  And boots/shoes.  I go to gatherings  wearing a t-shirt older than most of the people there.  If coats could talk about nights you slept in them.  If shoes could tell where they been.   

Aint you glad things don't talk.  Well, they do.  Last I saw of Jimmy was his Bass guitar and hat.  That was enough.  Most times they were there.  You hate leave old friends behind.  There will be no furniture involved.  Then it would be "moving day," swore never to do that again, and won't.  Furniture looks abandoned someplace else.  Assume watchman post in NT9 and watch the fun.  Will be fucking annoying just getting the comm gear working right.  Important if the Visitors de-cloak.  That wasn't in the movie either.  

It's latent adolescent dumfuk Holden Cawfield stupid and age offers unimaginable levels of stupid of which the young little dream.  Levels of disorientation usually only pilots and sailors know.  Like am i being stupid here, or does anyone see the clowns ramming giant plastic dildos up everyone's' ass?  It almost is not a metaphor any more.  It's reality writ dementia.  Other side of the hump from Holden.  Nightingale herald of mourn.  Nobody's safe.  Everybody's sorry.  Pascal gets us to bet the farm anyway using Real Magic.  

What that has do with heaven and hell is a BS /bullshit belief system that is  definition evolved to make the userr the look good. Like selfies.  We all do it.  But is it not the same as googling a wikipedia and following the links. Watching the documentaries.  Playing the classics.  Like selfies with the kids in Germany.  Your brain does the same thing.  You can't really imagine fucking or killing anything until you've done it.  That's absolutely the best thing about middle age. You can still do it, and still be stupid enough to ignore the consequences.   

Old-age dementia is an awesome  Neither good nor bad, is what it is, like whatever man.  And think dementia freaks its victims out way more than it used to.  Like having a stroke.  It's an acid trip where you never come back.  That happens many times in many ways to many people yardle blurpde day.  Point is:  Consciousness-- what is it?  what does it mean?  how do you recognize it?  And what happens when it changes state(s)?  Something that even the dumbest stoned hippie got at Woodstock and moved on.  

They could have dealt with what the Force actually is and dark/anti-matter... the nature of consciousness and all that shit.  The good is that it is faithful to the spirit of Star Wars.  I would have called it Dark Piece, and gone from there.  But it's faithful to the spirit of Star Wars like Santa is to Christmas and you try not to mess up the Christmas cookies.  Instead demented old fuck barfs on them and giggles while wiping his snowy beard?   Is that what happens when you see the clowns and the dildos and the butts?  

Ho ho hold on Holden.  Santa's bursting with Mr. Creosote nuts.  Only one.  And it's waffer-thin.  And soon the whole Supper Club is projecting into the Meaning of Life.  Saw the baby machine blink back with its compound eye while banking over Phoenix sunrise football rank and file tiny screens seeing the same thing.  Holy fuck it's alive.  And it's intelligent.  And it's conscious  (and btw- controlling this aircraft).  Skreet went the wheels and we marched rank and file to the baggage carousel and taxi to casino where we had to throttle the rebs.  

What a co-incidence .... I also haven't been to a movie in years & got treated to Star Wars with 3D goggles & all.

Good luck moving - it's not a fun voyage .... surrounded by family at xmas & instead of having a jolly good time I go thoroughly homesick for my little village at the coast & the folks I got to know there.  Feel like an alien here.  Must be acting like one too .... I've had to promise to see a shrink once a week to try & de--alien. Stuff is all still in boxes & nothing fits into the new place - should have left most of it behind - good idea Waldo leaving furniture behind.  


Happy holidays to you all.  Bo at least you got a festive holiday look about you -:)


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