Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

Oh... don't look at the crash. Damn... you looked. "Politics" are useless. But you can't avoid looking at the wreck. Then you wish you hadn't. Dump it on this thread. Maybe we can get it out of our system.

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The rise of fascism in America is the result of the collapse of capitalism.

The rule of law has been suspended for those who are leaders of the movement. There aren't enough Americans who are aware and concerned enough about the movement to thwart it. And much of its success can be attributed to the rise in christian fundamentalist ideology.

Essentially, America suffers from false morality promoted by christianity and the media. True crimes--such as mass murder for resources--are overlooked because those actions are related to maintaining our quality of life. As long as those actions can be associated with false morality (Muslims are evil), Americans can use the ideology to alleviate their guilt. Killing and stealing are OK as long as god is on your side.

On the other hand, petty crimes such as affairs with prostitutes etc. are given the most attention as a distraction to the real issues. That way Americans can still feel self-righteous instead of the more-appropriate sense of complicity that they should feel in regard to the international crimes America perpetrates--against humanity as well as nature.

Essentially, Americans are easy to manipulate and distract. Religion is one of the primary tools the powers that be employ in that manipulation. Of course, the combination of church and state is one of the primary signs of fascism. So, as long as our leaders remain 'holy', they'll continue to get away with murder.
Yes, very good. ..

Still thinking about artistic freedom, slowly. Trying to enunciate. What? Speak? For 25 years I loved a man who wouldn't let me finish a sentence.

When I talk at any length I will become so cold that I tremble at the very core, like being on a motorcycle in the rain, and getting soaked to the skin and chilled through.

I imagine beginning to say something about the bastard arts in this target driven economy where people in suits have spread their poisonous non-speak everywhere and even artists have been heavily pressured to become 'creative businesses' and to network carefully for gain and influence. It sickens me.

How fortunate I am to have escaped, being socially inept, presently eating a slice of garlic and nettle cheese. Fascinating textures, very nice.

Been looking after small friend with cold last few days, amazing spirit and energy. Today we made wands, taking breaks for dancing, eating, negotiating swamps etc. Somewhat knackered. Fell asleep. Tea, fruit loaf, cheese, smoke on the back step, inhaling the solstice scent.

But how did this day start, with what astounding delights, with what calls of trumpets and draughts caused by the settling down of angels to listen.

Oh children, children, it was a radio programmed about Kierkegaard.....

with ribbons on, from the BBC. (You can listen to it here) I recorded it while bribing four year old not to switch off my radio. Chocolate ice cream. It was an emergency.

Kierkegaard. I cannot claim to have read any of his books in any ordered sense, but I do have one, and now and then open its pages, ready for anything. It's called "Purity of Heart". The first time that I rustled through its pages had my feet singing in the air and my spirits so heightened and full of joy that hours later I was mistaken for a drug fiend by a priest in Westminster Cathedral.
I'm thinking that you're some sort of fairy, EM.

No other way to describe you.
There was an anti-war rally yesterday. I didn't go. I still get emails from moveon etc etc. I delete them without reading. They all say, "make your voice heard." By whom? Tell them what? Tell them I'm sick of this shit? Sick of the fucking war and the stupid-heads... sick of not being able to make a living... sick of getting my piss checked for dope... sick of collection robots dinging the answering machine 12 hours a day trying to get me to pay $2500 for a $500 bill. The "revolution" video made me think of the last time I was sick of it all... 1970... when I dropped out of school/ the anti war movement to go to fla and get stoned and play music.

The new left "leaders" wanted to polarize the "masses" to bring on the "revolution." I was one of the few who wanted to "send a message to Congress," which was this: "stop the fucking war or we'll fucking kill you." Yes- YOU Rep. xyz... YOU PERSONALLY. No need to get the "masses" involved. Of course, such activity was illegal back then (not just assassinations... threats of such)... now even talking about such activity is illegal- but hey- just reminiscing about the bad old days here. Certainly would never advocate such a thing now.

Stonefruit has some cool posts up.
beware the preachers
beware the knowers
beware those who are always reading books

I blather about "reality," which is closing in on me like a whirling turd tornado. It could even be a religion. But check the discussion... it's the usual twaddle. The bigger the group, the more Paulitos drift in and blame everything on "the government." I got snapped at yesterday for not joining the Obama-Hillary celebrity fun. Nobody is interested in neofeudalism.

Also disturbing... most of the Permatopia links are either stalled or gone. Like there's some kind of haggle over "intellectual property." OR- they all unplugged their computers and they're out there doing it.
Actually, NeoFeudalism defines our whole predicament nicely--it puts everything into context, politics, religion, social classes, etc.

Certainly a number of parallels happening now.

Maybe this will have to be a Monty Python weekend--being Easter and all. Feudalism and rabbits in one movie.

Run away!!!!!!! Run Away!!!!!!!
Don't call me 'Fluffy'.

......and big pointy teeth
Apparently treating the blind is fomenting revolution.

These elderly Peruvian visitors, stricken with cataracts, glaucoma and other ailments were about to have
their sight restored courtesy of a pioneering initiative to spread the benefits of Venezuela's oil wealth. Upon returning home they would sing Chávez's praises but seemed unlikely to foment rebellion.

Venezuela also denied another Peruvian allegation - that Venezuela's new embassy in La Paz, Bolivia, would stir indigenous unrest across the region. "It will be a simple building, bigger than the one we have at the moment as we need more space but the rumours about it being a place for training and propaganda are completely false," said Luis Oblitas, a diplomat.

There is no doubt Chávez is seeking to project his influence across South and central America and the Caribbean. He is estimated to have spent up to £18bn on foreign aid largely through subsidised oil and soft loans. He has also promoted trade deals to lure nations out of Washington's ambit.

The question is whether he is breaking laws and infringing sovereignty, something the US practised for decades by sponsoring rightwing coups and shoring up dictatorships.


Hawks in Washington want Venezuela added to the US list of state sponors of terrorism, bracketing it with Iran and North Korea. So far the Bush administration has demurred rather than risk disrupting Venezuela's oil flow.
I like Chavez, what he's doing for his people is a 180 from what ours is doing.


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