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Life in the Empire

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My family just kinda chuckles when I'm putting away the dry beans I just got, and wondering if moms lost it. The hubby thinks I'm shining up my tin foil-er. I send him articles about whats going on, but he claims they're too long to bother reading. My oldest boy has been offered a good paying job in Montana, right on the Canadian boarder, if shit gets scary, we'll head that way with my other girls in tow. Hell, this place'll be under water soon anyway.
The following statement may give you an indication of the dark tides turning here, and barely addressed by common talk because of the great muffler of political correctness, plus masses of denial of course.

The Ramadhan Foundation is featured in a BBC Panorama programme on Thursday 27th March 2008 at 10.35pm on BBC one titled “Teenage Sex for Sale”.
Mohammed Shafiq, Director of the Ramadhan Foundation is featured speaking out against this evil practice, the Foundation is the only prominent organisation from the Ethnic minority community in the North West speaking and campaigning against this practice.
Mr. Mohammed Shafiq, Director of the Foundation comments:
“The Ramadhan Foundation believes that is practice of grooming white teenagers into prostitution is a problem that needs to be dealt with openly and without any fears. Having heard at first hand the effect this has on young girls and their families I am determined that we speak out and ensure that the communities recognise the problem and work to eradicate it.
Whilst there is no evidence that the Police or local authorities are deliberately not speaking out about this evil practice due to the fear of being labeled racist, their silence is contributing to a vacuum where only the BNP benefit.
I would urge the Police, local authorities, religious and community groups to be open about the practice and encourage all to work together to eradicate it, only working together can we defeat it and ensure that the BNP (British National Party) are not seeking political advantage.
I hope that our contribution will encourage others to speak.”

Just one of the horrible ways in which things are falling apart. And others don't seem to want to speak, or hear anyone who does. Is it apathy or terror?

The massive rise in prostitution here is not just due to people trafficking from Eastern Europe, but also a hideous new 'internal trafficking' (police description) of indigenous white girls groomed from the age of 12, and degraded into debauchery and despair by largely Asian gangs, who are turning one heck of a profit, it beats drug dealing. The girls never see any money of course, just the drugs and the 'men'.
The statement above from the Ramadhan Foundation should clear me of racism for remarking upon this.
Forget about "racism," forget about "political correctness," you are among friends here, EM... and this is why I spend so much time here (and on line): to most people-- including my immediate family--- the "reality" we talk about here is some kind of idealistic la-la land. To them... "reality" is paying the bills, cleaning the toilet, washing the dishes... and they're right... somewhat.

Doing the everyday tasks... chop wood-carry water- that's zen... is also how you keep warm, dry, hydrated, fed... and happy? Well, yes- if you isolate your brain completely from your part in the misery of others. This is why (not completely voluntarily, either) I became separated from the corporate world and got into academics (which is becoming more corporate by the minute)... to learn from History. How did the Holocaust happen? how did WWI, WWII, the US Civil war... the Great Depression... happen?

A terrible (not so) secret of the death camps... it was PRISONERS who did the heavy lifting... stuffed the gas chambers... burned the bodies. Why? "Survival." In a world where grubbling for "money" means "survival," naturally prostitution flourishes... along with dope and a lot of other destructive shit. Why? Well... would you rather spend a month cleaning toilets... or an hour photographing a 12-year-old white girl getting porked? ...and there is all kinds of bullshit rationalization for either side.

Forced to choose, I would do neither. I would rather take my chances grubbling for tubers and leaves outside than shoveling shit or inflicting misery. Easy to say. I have not yet been forced to choose... but will soon... as all of us will be. I believe that on our bountiful and cyclical Mother Planet "survival" is possible without experiencing extreme misery nor inflicting it. Maybe I'm wrong. But if I have no other choice, I hope to be able to fling myself onto the electric wire... or better yet... take down a Kapo before meeting eternity. "Reality" is very much a question of human dignity...

...and very much a question of "what is right."
Not even close to racist unless, of course, your proposal to solve this dilemma involved rounding up all Asians with no regard to their gang affiliation.

This, however, is racist. And demonstrates the need to find a scapegoat for the crash created for and by the corporate/government gangsters:
HOUSTON - Mayra Figueroa — a naturalized U.S. citizen, community organizer and licensed driver — had no reason to fear being arrested, no need to worry about deported.

Then she was pulled over by a Houston police officer, who told her he found it suspicious that a Latina was driving a late-model car. The first thing the officer requested? Figueroa's Social Security card, as proof of citizenship.

If she had not ignored the identity theft experts' advice about not carrying your social security card with your other identification she would have been hauled to jail for being latina while driving. (and, isn't the first thing that illegals do when they try to get jobs is get fake SS ID's?)

We always have to have a scapegoat to divert our attention from who really is causing the problems. In America, land of immigrants, immigrants are being blamed for the mess caused by the greedy, out of control money men at the top. Though there are legitimate concerns about illegal immigration the focus on them by Lou Dobbs and others is only a diversion from looking at the man behind the curtain.

Over the last few years, Lou Dobbs has transformed himself into arguably this country’s foremost populist. It’s an odd role, given that he spent the 1980s and ’90s buttering up chief executives on CNN, but he’s now playing it very successfully.


Mr. Dobbs argues that the middle class has many enemies: corporate lobbyists, greedy executives, wimpy journalists, corrupt politicians. But none play a bigger role than illegal immigrants. As he sees it, they are stealing our jobs, depressing our wages and even endangering our lives.
I heard this last night on my local news. I'm not sure what town they were talking about but the city council wants to pass an ordinance that the police can stop anyone, anytime to ask them to prove they are not illegals. From what I understand it's a small community, and the reason given was because they want to be able to control who comes into their town. Amerka.
God bless this mess. I just wasted most of this beautiful day digging around and checking out the "Gathering of Eagles." ... the confrontations in Pennsylvania. Especially West Chester. Back in the day, we had "hard hats," which is why I became so familiar with firearms...

...but that's another story.
Well, the BO family is in Newport, Oregon as we continue our search for a suitable place to move to in four or five years. Nice place. No fucking getto culture at all, extremely left-leaning and arty. Although all the ocean artists tend to be little old grandmas who don't know how to paint. Even saw a 'head shop' in the old bay front town.

Me thinks a dance studio would do well here.

I think we may have found the right place. As soon as all the californikators go bankrupt and have to sell their second homes, we're hoping to see some reasonable real estate prices again.
The building industry has already come to a screeching halt. Next up should be declining prices after the equity locusts have left.

I just want to sit on the dock of the bay and not bother anyone. Maybe sell some paintings to augment the pension. God it's refreshing not to see any of the gang banger shit that pervades the seattle area. You can have your racial diversity. I think this place has seen one murder in the last 10 years.

BTW, good for Crow to ditch that idiot husband of hers. What a mistake that was. Heard she was going to replace Christine Macvie in Fleetwood Mac.
The was an arts administrator job search in Newport about a year ago. Seriously considered applying but the salary was way too low. Didn't see that there would have been anything that would fit the wife's qualifications and, with the low salary, she would have had to work too.

Stopped there on vacation about 5 years ago - bought fresh fish off a fishing boat, stopped in the Rogue Brewpub - definitely one of the better brew temples on the west coast, they have many brews on tap that are not readily available anywhere else. Really nice town. We definitely considered locating the Studio there but decided that it wasn't populous enough to support what we do.
Newport looks really cool... just down the road from Seaside. Zeke and I explored that neighborhood with uncle Krag not too long ago.

Collapse: most of this weekend was spent having flashbacks and weeping. Seen this all before... encouraging... but in a way discouraging because we gotta do it all again. Now there has been a slapping incident in West Chester, PA... and the blathersphere is full of bullet-heads saying , "the gloves are off" with the "hippies." What the fucking fuck. There haven't been "hippies" since 1960 fucking 8... 40 years ago.

Shaddap Krag. I know I'm being self-indulgent. It seems to happen when one stops "doing" and starts "observing." Yeh yeh... i gotta "do" more... so gotta get the bicycle fixed and ride it. meantime... I gotta dig into Bullshit Mountain for the stoods. It's too much to ask them to mine Mt. Bullshit AND think about it. They're too busy doing "homework." So I burrow into Mt. Bullshit FOR them... my guess is- that's what a teacher is supposed to do... give them the links... and THEN ask them to think about it.

Anyway... this bullshit in West Chester PA is really disturbing... a sign that polarization is coming to a head. The peaceniks have been there every weekend for 5 years. The bullet-heads have been showing up for less than a year... goading... taunting... hoping to get some kind of reaction... and they finally got one. It reminds me of the days when the "hard hats" came out... it was open season on "hippies." I quit carrying a straight razor and started carrying a 9mm with the pure intention to shoot the next fucktard that decided to "kick my ass" because I had long hair.

After a few very close calls, I decided to cut my hair... go corporate... and fit in. THAT turned out to be a big mistake... because we're doing the same bullshit all over again. The promise of go-along-to-get-along turned out to be a fucking lie because once you're co-opted and cored-out, you're kicked to the curb just like any old whore. My Grandpa worked for GE for 50 years... "retired" for 5 years and died. My Dad got "social security" for almost a year before he died under an unfinished tire ad. Ad ME? I aint gonna get shit outta the 30 years I spent with my knees up.... because the "social contract" is GONE. All we got left is each other.

I'm not quite sure what that means.
I think it means that you suffer from the great paradox that many of us do. You really want to love your fellow man, but man--as a collective--is pretty unlovable.

What a change in vibe between being in a small left-leaning city the last few days, and re-entering sociopath central--which is anywhere within 50 miles of Seattle. The first shock is always traveling by Fort Lewis before Tacoma. The jar heads and their rice rockets make traveling that particular stretch no fun as they weave in and out of traffic and cut you off as they barrel down the freeway at twice the speed limit. I think the local cops ignore 'em because they're doing their duty in Iraq.

I'm sorry, but there is absolutely nothing honorable about serving in Iraq. If you're stupid enough to join up for a bogus, amoral war, you're not getting any sympathy from me when you come back fucked up. Better to wrap your car around a telephone pole.

All this false sentimentality about 'our troops' is driving me bonkers. Just got an email from a cousin promoting something called 'Blue Fridays.'

"Very soon, you will see a great many people wearing
blue every Friday. The reason? Americans who support
our troops used to be called the 'silent majority' We
are no longer silent, and are voicing our love for
God, country and home in record breaking numbers."

And this is from a guy who is against the Iraq war. What sense does it make to be against the war and FOR the troops. Fuck that shit. If you want peace, than you need to disgrace those who wage meaningless wars. The troops aren't innocent.

The real war is right here. Half of this country's citizens are your enemy. That's a fact, Jack.
I agree with you completely, Bo. Military fetishism in the US is still almost impenetrable. Now that it's a "volunteer army, " (not "citizen soldiers," which is militarily unwise... but that's another story)... it's just a fucking job like anything else. No sacred hero kiss-on-the-foot hero bullshit required. Do plumbers, bus drivers, waitresses, college teachers, press operators, etc. etc. etc. get a special hero kiss-on-the-foot?

Fuck no. You whore out and do your "job." You get paid. That's it. That's partially why the baby killer spitting-image myth from Vietnam got started. It was easy enough toward the end to avoid Vietnam if you wanted to.

So even if I feel personal disgust toward, say, a cop... or a CFO for Lockheed... hey- we all gotta put food on our family... we all whore out... and draw the line in different places... But holy-hero kiss-on-the-foot? Fuck that. Fuck that BIG TIME. NOBODY deserves "appreciation" any more. Thank you very much, Capitalism. And that's too bad. Because SOME of us do our "jobs" for something more than "money." But here in the US where market is God, "getting payed" is all you need... and all you deserve.

You're fucking lucky if you don't even get screwed out of "getting payed" because so many others are getting payed to screw you out of getting payed. Social Darwinism at its finest...

...just like Nazi Germany.
..just like Nazi Germany.

That is so funny Waldo that I can't stop laughing///...


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