Reality Based Community

Life in the Empire

The most basic of basics. 9/11 was an inside job. That's easy to say, difficult to explain. Some of us like to take it down to the very last detail. rightly so, considering that very minor details can make or break a theory. The Official Conspiracy Theory or OCT is fairly easy to take apart. No rocket science needed. Anyone with half a brain can see the OCT is wrong. Dead wrong. The assumption intelligence has anything to do with rationality when dealing with 9/11 CTs is also wrong. Dead wrong. Dave & I went to school together and I always thought Dave's the smartest guy I know. When I asked Dave what he thought about 9/11, he was slow in responding. He asked me what I thought about it. I said "Dave, it was an inside job!" Dave said "you're nuts, my friend! Everyone saw what happened. Are you out of your mind? We, you, me and the rest of the friggin world saw the planes on TV!"

"On TV"? So much for smarts.

Dave, let me make this easy on you and a few more very intelligent people I know. Pay very close attention now.

9/11 was an inside job.

Notice I didn't mention the planes. Once more now so it can sink in............

9/11 was an inside job.

Funny how so many of us immediately jump to conclusions in reaction to that one statement. Why do we overreact? I say it's fear. An earthshaking fear. Imagine it was indeed an inside job. Oops! There goes "security". Oops, there goes our "freedom". Oops, can't trust the Govt. anymore, can't trust the Military (and they have ALL the weapons). Oops! The USA aint so great after all. Double oops. Short circuit. Break it down and build it all up again, from scratch. Have we been lied to all along? What is true and what is not? A world turned inside out. Or as the lyrics from a Zappa song put it;

All your children are innocent victims of the lies you believe.

Inside Job

Prior to 9/11, the term "inside job" was applied to crime scenes where someone "from the inside" made it easy for the ones "on the outside" to break in and grab the loot. Think of it in terms of a Bank. The Bank Clerk leaves the back door open so his criminal cousin can (more easily) slip in and make off with the money. 9/11 was one such inside job. Who left the door open? We all know the door was left open. There's hardly any doubt about that. Do you agree ? If you do, then you too are of the opinion that.......

9/11 was an inside job.

Say it out loud. Tell your friends. Get used to it, but don't put up with it. Get the facts. Face the facts.

It was an inside job.

Views: 15

Comment by waldopaper on June 5, 2009 at 8:47pm
this strange email got caught in my spam filter... from unknown origin:

"Just received this. It is a documentary about the events in Minneapolis, St Paul
last year during the RNC.

It was done by some young people in Ohio. Dave Bicking, myself and others
got interviewed. It is 45 minutes long.

Watch, then please feel free to pass on to any interested individuals, groups,
list serves etc "

check it out... you decide.
An inside job.

That's the main meme. I'm blown away that a "coalition of the obvious" is so small and marginalized.

Imagine yourself in an evening conversation. You point to the East and say, "a brilliant yellow-orange light will come up over there. We call it "the Sun." It's a star. We live on a large ball of rock and dirt that circles that thing." Reaction:

You can't prove that. "Brilliant yellow-orange light?" better put down the crack pipe. That's crazy... look outside... do you see any "BYOL? Where does it come from? Lake Superior? Ha ha.

And so it goes. But what inside job shows is... "these people" are capable of anything. And who are "these people?" Well... it sure is fuck isn't "Al Quaeda" (if such a thing even exists... in the way we THINK it does) and a bunch of box-cutters. And suppose it were true... "we" are up against people armed with boxcutters who hijack airplanes. So we gotta build more zillion-dollar stealth bombers to... what?

Talk about fucking obvious. Like the sun coming up. But everybody seems to have forgotten yesterday morning... like they were just born after sundown... not even yesterday. These are people who need to spell out thier punctuation marks.

"Terrorists did it. Period."
Comment by curt on June 6, 2009 at 8:20am
Comment by waldopaper on June 6, 2009 at 11:47am
I'm afraid "911 Truth" is a dead issue. An "investigation?" By WHOM? There is no department, agency, entity or anything else in the US that is not suspect or possibly complicit. The only avenue left is the International Criminal Court under the auspices of the UN.

The odds of this happening are zero. It's time to move on... but to where? There is a civil war brewing in the US... not a "revolution," a civil war. It will probably be between all those who have been fucked by the "status quo" versus everybody who is still getting a paycheck from institutions they think represent the status quo.

To those whom inside job is not now OBVIOUS... abandon hope. There is nothing- nobody- to convince them otherwise... and suppose there were? Then what? There is NO TIME. 1/6 of the US is under or unemployed. The "privatization" pukes see this as time for the final effort to "privatize" everything... many of the same folk who saw the "collapse" of the USSR as time to make the final push toward world-wide US military domination. Military domination is failing now and privatization will fail for the same reason.

There simply aren't enough mercenaries to be everywhere all the time. They will start running around putting out fires... literally. What follows then? Deportation to FEMA camps? Again,,, even with phony paychecks... there won't be enough of them. When the Af-Pak front erupts... Iraq re-ignites... Europe and hundreds of places all over the world begin to pressure the US military presence... it's Stalingrad for our invincible Wehrmacht.

I think it would be wiser to anticipate the nature of the civil war and to use this picture to either avoid it or deal with it. It is clear that "capitalism" is not going to leave the stage politely like "communism" did in the USSR. The PTB have no intention of avoiding a civil war, and are in fact preparing for it.

NOW what?
Comment by BO on June 7, 2009 at 1:20am
"....1/6 of the US is under or unemployed." Actually, it's over 20% now according to Shadowstats. And...did you catch this bit o' info...the mainstream news is reporting that every family in the US now owes....are you ready?.....$669,621 per household due to government obligations ($546,668) and personal debt ($121,953). USA Today.

Yeeowza! We can't hold a civil. We can't afford the bullets. Seems to me that what we will experience first is government default on its obligations--like we're beginning to see in several states. Then, when the cable gets turned off in all that 'section 8' housing, den da shit be hitting da fan. Imagine all dose po' folkers with nuttin' betta ta do once the Snoop Doggy Dog show is cut off an they ain't got da cheese for drugs.

I imagine the destined USA collapse will look like the collapse of the Soviet Union on steroids. The Soviets probably remember some of their recent, tragic history and undoubtably wanted to avoid a encore. We Americanos live in a fantasy world. We loves our guns. We think guns make our dicks bigger. You can be a total dumbshit psycho, but if you've gotsa gun...then you be da man.

The next step is barbarism. Then feudalism.


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